Spring 2013 - D'Youville College

Spring 2013 - D'Youville College

Spring 2013 - D'Youville College


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STAYING INFORMED - the collegeSister Denise A. Roche poses with Cheryl Klass, Kaleida Health’s event sponsor representative,and a D’Youville <strong>College</strong> trustee.SISTER DENISE RECEIVES WOMAN OFINFLUENCE LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENTAWARDSister Denise A. Roche, GNSH, PH.D.,president of D’Youville <strong>College</strong>, was the2012 recipient of the Lifetime AchievementAward by Business First, and was honoredalong with 25 other women at the annual September at Salvatore’s Italian Gardens.Business First, Lake Shore Savings Bankand Kaleida Health sponsor the awards.“The awards recognize the businessacumen and community spirit of thesewomen,” Business First publisher JackConnors said.Sister Denise was cited for her longleadership of D’Youville and the progressmade during the more than three decadesof her presidency.“D’Youville has nearly tripled its budgetto $73 million and grown the studentpopulation to nearly 3,200. Those numbersare even more impressive consideringwhere the college was in 1979 when Rochewas named president: a budget of $5.4million and 1,500 students,” the citationread.In accepting the award, Sister Deniseremarked that she looks at each day as asomething or try something new. “I lovewhat the students bring to the college.They have such great ideas and see thingsdifferently and ask wonderful questions.”Sister told the audience of more than500 attendees that the college wasnamed for Marguerite d’Youville, an18th century woman who took careof the poor and founded the GreyNuns, Sisters of Charity in Canada.St. Marguerite always said, “The poor mustknow that we never refuse to serve.”D’Youville <strong>College</strong> was founded by theWestern New York.INNOVATIVEEDUCATION PROGRAMAT D’YOUVILLE TOPREPARES TEACHERSFOR NEW CURRICULUMD’Youville <strong>College</strong> has developed anew academic program that will betterprepare students for a career in teachingand enhance their opportunities foradvancement.A new liberal studies for education majorwas designed to immerse the student inelementary teacher education right fromthe beginning of their college career whilealso requiring courses in everything frommath and science to literature and history.“By including courses in teaching earlyon in this new curriculum, the student or not,” says Dr. Hilary Lochte, chair ofthe education department at D’Youville,who helped create the new program.Preparation of the new curriculum wasa cooperative effort involving variousacademic departments including liberal drawing on the other departments for theirinput,” notes Dr. Lochte.in education, and a course in historicalfoundations of education in the U.S.course. Later, students will take coursesin classroom management and studentmotivation, technology in education,education assessment and evaluation and avariety of other courses.“We are ahead of the movement toward theCommon Core State Standards (CCSS) inteacher education that is now formulatedand will be voluntarily implementednationally,” according to Dr. Lochte.Three years ago, the National GovernorsAssociation and the Council of Chief State state-led, voluntary effort to develop coreacademic standards in English languagearts and mathematics. After muchcollaboration from teachers, administratorsState Standards were released in 2012.Today, 45 states have formally adoptedthese voluntary standards, referred to asthe “common core.”8

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