ALFI UCITS IV implementation project – KID Q&A Document

ALFI UCITS IV implementation project – KID Q&A Document

ALFI UCITS IV implementation project – KID Q&A Document


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Q. Art 80 of the <strong>UCITS</strong> <strong>IV</strong> Directive says that practitioners must provide the <strong>KID</strong> to "investors in good timebefore their proposed subscription of units in such <strong>UCITS</strong>". Does that mean each and every subscription oronly the initial subscription?A. ESMA/2012/592 (Q&A on the KIID) says, "Existing investors should be provided with a KIID in the case ofadditional investments, on the basis that the KIID is a pre-contractual document and each additional subscription is anew con-tract. However, where unit holders in a <strong>UCITS</strong> invest through a regular savings plan, a KIID is not required inrelation to the periodic subscriptions, unless a change is made to the subscription arrangements, for example,increases or decreases in the subscription amount, which would require a new subscription form."ESMA's guidance has replaced <strong>ALFI</strong>'s initial answer to this question, which has been retained below in struck-throughtext.A. We think that it normally means that the <strong>KID</strong> must be provided in respect of the initial subscription, and thatsubsequent subscriptions may be processed free from the obligation to provide the <strong>KID</strong> again, even if it has beenupdated. For example, it would be impractical to provide the <strong>KID</strong> to investors in regular savings plans prior to eachsubsequent subscription. When Art 79 of the <strong>UCITS</strong> Directive says that the <strong>KID</strong> "shall constitute pre-contractualinformation" and when Art 80(1) says that it should be provided "in good time before [the] proposed subscription," weconsider that it means the initial subscription into the <strong>UCITS</strong> that the <strong>KID</strong> describes. In reaching this opinion, we havetaken account of the Distance Marketing Directive (although it may not be directly applicable), and consider theobligation to provide a <strong>KID</strong>, "to apply to the first of a series of successive operations or separate operations of thesame nature performed over time which may be considered as forming a whole, irrespective of whether that operationor series of operations is the subject of a single contract or several successive contracts. […] The subscription to newunits of the same collective investment fund is considered to be one of 'successive operations of the same nature'"(Recitals 16 and 17 of the Distance Marketing Directive). However, practitioners may wish to consider whether theremay be circumstances in which a <strong>KID</strong> that was provided in respect of an initial investment may no longer be reliable,and another provision may be necessary before further investments may be made. Consider the following diagram:It shows the general rule that the first subscription to a <strong>UCITS</strong>, which may be an ordinary subscription or a switch in,should be preceded by the provision of a <strong>KID</strong>. Thereafter practitioners may wish to consider the following cases:(1) The investor's holding of a <strong>UCITS</strong> is reduced to zero units, during which time a notifiable event (being anevent of which a regulator would require prior written notice to be given to investors) happens on the <strong>UCITS</strong>. Inthat case the investor would not receive written notices of important changes to the <strong>UCITS</strong> and we think that thepractitioner should treat the next subscription as an initial subscription, and to provide the <strong>KID</strong> as if it had notpreviously been provided to that investor.(2) The investor requested a <strong>KID</strong>, which the management company provided. The investor subscribed after adelay. In that case we think that there is no need to provide the <strong>KID</strong> to the investor again unless during the delaya notifiable event (being an event of which a regulator would require prior written notice to be given to investors)happens on the <strong>UCITS</strong>. In that case the investor would not receive written notices of important changes to the<strong>ALFI</strong> <strong>KID</strong> Q&A, Issue 1314, 11 April25 September 2012 Page 57

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