ALFI UCITS IV implementation project – KID Q&A Document

ALFI UCITS IV implementation project – KID Q&A Document

ALFI UCITS IV implementation project – KID Q&A Document


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Part 2CESR/10-673CESR's guidelines on the methodology for the calculation of the synthetic riskand reward indicator in the Key Investor Information <strong>Document</strong>Q. Who should conduct, monitor and approve the classification of a fund as market-, absolute return-, totalreturn fund under CESR's methodology?A. The investment company or management company should decide which of CESR's categories should be applied toits funds. Since CESR's definitions are high-level and leave space for interpretation, practitioners will need to use theirjudgement to decide which category is appropriate for a fund, and may need to consult relevant specialists such ascompliance and risk managers. Since the investment company's or the management company's "senior management"are responsible for the preparation of the <strong>KID</strong> it would be appropriate for them to review the classification decisionbefore the <strong>KID</strong> is published, and for the basis of the classification and their approval to be recorded in a formaldocument.Q. In the case of a <strong>UCITS</strong> which has insufficient performance history to calculate the SRRI under CESR/10-673, Box 4, Paragraph 2(a), and which must therefore identify a "representative portfolio model, target assetmix or benchmark" under Paragraph 2(b), would it be acceptable to use the performance history of anotherfund that employs the same investment strategy, even if that fund was domiciled outside the EU?A. Yes, we think so, provided that the practitioner can establish that the other fund's strategy is representative of the<strong>UCITS</strong>' strategy and that the SRRI produced in this manner is fair, clear and not misleading, despite the differencesbetween the two funds' regulatory limits on investment and borrowing powers.Q. What is an acceptable "representative portfolio model?"A. It is the portfolio model that the investment manager describes in the product planning and set-up process, which isused to establish the investment management strategy of the fund and its risk management plan. The level of detailmay be determined by the practitioner, but would normally include information such as the number of securities thatthe portfolio would typically contain, the types of security and the geographic and industry sectors from which they arechosen, the asset allocation and any benchmarks and related information. Practitioners may choose to define theirmodel portfolio through the enumeration of individual securities, particularly when the fund is approaching its launchdate.Q. If the SRRI sliding window test indicates that the published SRRI value should be changed, how quicklyshould the <strong>KID</strong> be updated and may that update be deferred for a short time to coincide with the annualupdate?A. The new <strong>KID</strong> should be published as soon as is reasonably practicable after the sliding window test indicates that achange is necessary. Publication should not be delayed simply because the annual update is due to happen soon.Q. If a <strong>UCITS</strong> issues daily NAVs, should every NAV be incorporated into the SRRI calculation, or only theweekly return? Similarly, if the <strong>UCITS</strong> issues bi-monthly NAVs, should every NAV be included in the SRRIcalculation, or only the monthly return?A. In respect of the first question, only weekly returns may be used. In respect of the second question, only monthlyreturns may be used. Daily or bi-monthly NAVs may not be used except to calculate those weekly or monthly returns.Q. What should principally decide the SRRI calculation methodology: the name of the fund or how itsinvestment strategy fits with CESR's description of the qualifying criteria for the SRRI computationmethodologies (e.g., market, absolute return, total return, etc.)?A. We think that the methodology is principally determined by the fit between the fund's investment strategy andCESR's description of the qualifying criteria for the SRRI computation methodology.Q. Do the methodological definitions in CESR's SRRI guidelines restrict what name may be applied to a fund?A. CESR/10-673 only provides guidelines on the methodology for the calculation of the SRRI. It is not a regulation onfund classification and naming, which is a complex subject. Practitioners who are looking for guidance on fundclassification and naming will find a very good reference in EFAMA's European Fund Classification system(www.efama.org).<strong>ALFI</strong> <strong>KID</strong> Q&A, Issue 1314, 11 April25 September 2012 Page 40

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