ALFI UCITS IV implementation project – KID Q&A Document

ALFI UCITS IV implementation project – KID Q&A Document

ALFI UCITS IV implementation project – KID Q&A Document


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Art 24Q. How material must be a change to the ongoing charges to cause an update of the <strong>KID</strong>?A. The EU Regulation 583/2010 does not prescribe a materiality threshold but CESR/09-949 at Box 7, Para 2(b) sets athreshold of 5% of the published ongoing charges figure. Practitioners should note that CESR/09-949 was technicaladvice to the European Commission and, not being cited in EU Regulation 583/2010, is not binding but may be takenas a guide.The <strong>KID</strong> must also be updated if the management fee is changed (Art 23(2) or if the maximum rate of any one-offcharge is changed (Art 24(1)).Q. The EC Regulation contains no mention that the <strong>KID</strong> must be updated if the actual ongoing charges differby 5% or more from those disclosed in the <strong>KID</strong>. How are participants to know when they are obliged to updatetheir <strong>KID</strong>?A. Participants must revise their <strong>KID</strong> if any of the conditions at CESR/09-949, Boxes 7 and 8 are met.Q. The rules concerning updates of a <strong>KID</strong> in the case of material changes to charges (EU Regulation 583/2010,Art 24 and the guidelines at CESR/09-949, Box 7) refer to changes in the charging "structure". What is meantby this: changes to the composition of the charges or changes in the value of the charges, even as thecomposition remains constant?A. There are circumstances in which a change may be considered to be "structural" in the sense that it abolishes acharge or introduces an entirely new charge. These are the circumstances described in paragraphs 2(a), (b) and (c) ofBox 7 of CESR/09/949. However, we think that the principle described in paragraph 1 of Box 7 is also important: "themanagement company shall establish procedures to ensure that the charges figures disclosed in the <strong>KID</strong> are keptunder regular review, so that they remain fair, clear and not misleading at all times." The frequency at which thecharges are reviewed is for the management company to decide.Chapter 4, Particular <strong>UCITS</strong> StructuresSection 1, Investment CompartmentsArt 25Q. Is a <strong>KID</strong> required for a compartment that exists in the full prospectus but which has not yet been launched?A. Yes. Irrespective of the date of its actual launch, a <strong>KID</strong> must be produced for each compartment for which thepromoter seeks the regulator's approval. It also forms part of the notification package that has to be submitted to thehome regulator regarding the cross-border distribution of funds and compartments respectively.Q. For an umbrella <strong>UCITS</strong> with only one active compartment but whose prospectus describes othercompartments that have not yet been launched, what information should be disclosed in the practicalinformation section?A. Regardless of whether the other compartments have been launched, if they are described in the prospectus each<strong>KID</strong> should say:That the <strong>KID</strong> describes a compartment of a <strong>UCITS</strong> and that the prospectus and reports are prepared in respectof the entire <strong>UCITS</strong> – Art 25(2)(a).Whether the compartment is a protected cell – Art 25(2)(b) – and if not how it is potentially affected by the othercompartments.Whether the investor has any rights to switch between compartments and if so where to find information aboutthe charges for doing so – Art 25(2)(c).<strong>ALFI</strong> <strong>KID</strong> Q&A, Issue 1314, 11 April25 September 2012 Page 30

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