MEMBRANES MEMB1 Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells have ...

MEMBRANES MEMB1 Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells have ... MEMBRANES MEMB1 Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells have ...
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<strong>MEMBRANES</strong>Proteins are scattered within <strong>and</strong> without the bi-layer of phospholipids. Some proteinsactually pass completely through the membrane <strong>and</strong> form channels from the outside ofthe cell to the inside of the cell (or organelle). In addition, there are often chains ofsugars attached to the surface.The one best word to describe a cell membrane is dynamic. It is constantly changing.We can radioactively tag a phosphate group <strong>and</strong> we know the phospholipids are capableof migrating within the membrane. So are the proteins.GlycocalyxA very important part of the membrane is the chains of sugars attached to the surface.These are collectively called the glycocalyx. It serves as the cell recognition factor. Itsays this is me <strong>and</strong> not you.Transport Across MembranesSo far, we <strong>have</strong> looked at what determines permeability of membranes, the structure ofmembranes, <strong>and</strong> the specifics of the glycocalyx, but we <strong>have</strong>n’t yet discussed themethods of passing materials through membranes. This process is called membranetransport.The are two ways materials are passed through the membrane: passive transport <strong>and</strong>active transport.Passive TransportPassive transport occurs without the expenditure of energy in the form of ATP. Giventhe correct physical parameters, passive transport always occurs. There are threemethods of passive transport: (1) diffusion, (2) osmosis, <strong>and</strong> (3) facilitated diffusion.MEMB4

<strong>MEMBRANES</strong>DiffusionDiffusion is defined as the passage of particles from a region of higher concentration to aregion of lower concentration. Unless physically blocked, diffusion always occurs. Theimportant question is how many particles will move from one location to another. Theanswer is until there is no longer a difference in concentrations – in other words, untilequilibrium is reached.OsmosisOsmosis is often defined as the diffusion of water through a membrane. In this course,you will extend that definition to include any material that passes through a membrane.Selectively permeablemembraneMEMB5

<strong>MEMBRANES</strong>EndocytosisEndocytosis is simply a means of bringing material into the cell other than by activetransport. Endocytosis also requires the expenditure of energy <strong>and</strong> can work against aconcentration gradient. There are two types of endocytosis: (1) phagocytosis <strong>and</strong> (2)pinocytosis.PhagocytosisPhagocytosis occurs when the cell “engulfs” food or materials. Phagocytosis takesadvantage of the cell’s internal composition. Remember, most of the cell is verycolloidal in nature. This particular colloid is reversible. It can go from gel to sol, back togel. The gel part of the protoplasm is called ectoplasm while the sol phase of the colloidis called endoplasm. Think of how you perhaps spilled milk at the dining room table <strong>and</strong>the milk flowed around any object on the table. When the cell comes in contact with anobject, the ectoplasm (gel) converts to endoplasm (sol) <strong>and</strong> the cell’s protoplasm flowsaround the object. Once engulfed, the endoplasm coverts to ectoplasm <strong>and</strong> a foodvacuole is formed.Endoplasm (sol)ectoplasm (gel)nucleuspseudopodfood vacuolefood particleMEMB7

<strong>MEMBRANES</strong>Three Types of Cell EnvironmentsRemember, inside <strong>cells</strong> are solutions, suspensions, <strong>and</strong> colloids <strong>and</strong> outside the <strong>cells</strong> aresolutions, suspensions, <strong>and</strong> colloids. Each cell may therefore be exposed to three types ofenvironments based on the concentrations of materials inside <strong>and</strong> outside the <strong>cells</strong>.IsotonicAn isotonic environment is one where the concentration of materials inside the cell is thesame as outside. There is no concentration gradient, <strong>and</strong> therefore no diffusion orosmosis takes place. Cells prefer isotonic environments since they don’t <strong>have</strong> to work tocounteract the effects of diffusion <strong>and</strong> osmosis. You provide cut flowers an isotonicenvironment when you add the packet of chemicals to the water in the vase to increasethe life of the cut flowers.90% H 2 O10% dissolvedmaterials90% H 2 O10% dissolvedmaterialsHypertonicCells are mostly water by weight – approximately 90%. There are two ways to definehypertonicity. You may define it based on the movement of water, or you may base it onthe movement of dissolved materials. In this course, the definition of hypertonicenvironments is based on the movement of water. Place a cell in an environment that is50% water <strong>and</strong> 50% dissolved materials. That means the concentration of water insidethe cell (90%) is greater than outside. Water will diffuse through the membrane <strong>and</strong> thecell will shrink in size. (You could also say the concentration of dissolved materialsoutside is greater than inside <strong>and</strong> the dissolved materials move into the cell.)90% H 2 O10% dissolvedmaterials50% H 2 O50% dissolvedmaterialsMEMB9

<strong>MEMBRANES</strong>As the cell shrinks, the membrane collapses around the internal skeleton of the <strong>cells</strong> – themicrotubules. If this occurs in red blood <strong>cells</strong> or erythrocytes, the result is a crinklingeffect of the <strong>cells</strong>. This is called crenolysis in red blood <strong>cells</strong>.Plants, of course don’t undergo crenolysis. They <strong>have</strong> a rigid cell wall that will notcollapse. However, the cell membrane can collapse away from the wall <strong>and</strong> as a result,the plant cell’s contents form a tight ball of protoplasm in the center. This condition inplants is called plasmolysis. <strong>Both</strong> crenolysis in red blood <strong>cells</strong> <strong>and</strong> plasmolysis in plant<strong>cells</strong> is due to a hypertonic environment.HypotonicA hypotonic environment is where the concentration of water outside the cell is greaterthan inside. Place a cell in distilled water (100%) <strong>and</strong> you <strong>have</strong> a concentration gradient(the cell has 90% water by weight). Water diffuses into the cell. In red blood <strong>cells</strong>, thisoften results in the rupture of a cell (think of overfilling a balloon with water). Whatmakes a red blood cell red is the pigment called hemoglobin. When the red blood cellruptures, the hemoglobin leaks out <strong>and</strong> this results in empty cell casings called “ghosts”.This process of rupture in red blood <strong>cells</strong> due to a hypotonic environment is calledhemolysis.<strong>MEMB1</strong>0

<strong>MEMBRANES</strong>Again, in plant <strong>cells</strong>, you are not going to rupture the cell. The reason, again, is the cellwall. However, pressure pushes the cell membrane tightly up against the cell wall whenwater rushes in. As a consequence, prolonged pressure can destroy the cell. Thiscondition is called turgor in plant <strong>cells</strong>.<strong>MEMB1</strong>1

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