2003-04 Student Handbook - Spelman College: Home

2003-04 Student Handbook - Spelman College: Home

2003-04 Student Handbook - Spelman College: Home


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Note:g. Engaging in any activity that is prohibited by law or bythe policies of the <strong>College</strong>Georgia Hazing Law - (1) "Haze" means to subject a student to anactivity which endangers or is likely to endanger the physicalhealth of a student, regardless of a student's willingness to participatein such activity. (4b) It shall be unlawful for any person tohaze any student in connection with or as a condition or preconditionof gaining acceptance, membership, office or other status ina school organization.c. Disruption or interference with the orderly conduct of adisciplinary proceeding.d. Filing an allegation known to be without merit or cause.e. Discouraging or attempting to discourage an individual'sproper participation in, or use of, the discipline system.f. Influencing or attempting to influence a member of adisciplinary body prior to, and/or during the disciplinaryproceeding.g. Retaliation against any person or group who files grievancesor allegations in accordance with the <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong>.9. Abuse, Misuse or Theft of <strong>College</strong> Computer Data, Programs, Time,Computer and/ or Network Equipmenta. Unauthorized use of computing and/or networkingresources.b. Unauthorized accessing and/or copying of programs,records, or data belonging to the <strong>College</strong> and/or otheruser, or copyrighted software, without permission.c. Use of computing and/or networking resources for unauthorizedor nonacademic purposes.d. Attempted or actual breach of the security of anotheruser's account and/or computing system.e. Attempted or actual use of <strong>College</strong> computing and/ornetworking resources for personal or financial gain.f. Attempted or actual transport of copies of <strong>College</strong> programs,records, or data to another person or computerwithout written permission.g. Attempted or actual destruction or modification of programs,records, or data belonging to the <strong>College</strong> or another user or destruction of the integrity of computerbasedinformation.h. Attempted or actual use of the computing and/or networking systems; or through such actions, causing a wasteof such resources (people, capacity, computer).I. Allowing another person, either through one's personalcomputer account, or by other means, to accomplish anyviolation.j. "Spamming" is defined as the sending of unsolicitede-mails to parties with whom you have no existingbusiness, professional, or personal acquaintance.10. Abuse of the <strong>Student</strong> Judicial Systema. Failure to respond to a notification to appear before anofficial of the <strong>College</strong>.b. Falsification, distortion, or misrepresentation ofinformation in conduct in disciplinary proceedings.11. Housing and Residence LifeViolating any policy, procedure, notification, regulation or condition establishedwithin the residence halls, (this includes published and non- publishedmaterials) and/or any rules established by majority vote of the residents.C. Reciprocity With AUCAs a member of the Atlanta University Center, <strong>Spelman</strong> has a reciprocal agreementwith the other member institutions regarding student behavior and discipline.When a <strong>Spelman</strong> student is accused of misconduct on one of theother AUC campuses, <strong>Spelman</strong> has the right to handle the cases as though itoccurred at <strong>Spelman</strong>. Likewise, students from other AUC institutions whoengage in misconduct on the <strong>Spelman</strong> campus may be addressed by theirown institution.D. <strong>Student</strong> Protests<strong>Spelman</strong> and the other institutions of the Atlanta University Center are committedto providing an academic environment in which diverse political,religious, and social views can be expressed and debated in a responsiblemanner.The AUC institutions will not tolerate the use of physical force or obstructionin a manner that interferes with teaching or learning, impedes the movementof others throughout any AUC campus, or obstructs the programs or operationsof any AUC institution, including administrative functions.There is no place in the AUC institutions for the use of physical force to seizeand occupy school buildings, to injure persons, or to harm property. <strong>Student</strong>swho use physical force or obstruction as a means of forcing their will uponothers will be subject to prompt disciplinary action.13 14

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