2003-04 Student Handbook - Spelman College: Home

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As a general rule, only recognized student groups or organizations may useCollege facilities. To obtain official recognition, the Director of StudentActivities must approve the student organization. The Director of StudentActivities will evaluate requests for the use of College facilities by studentswho are not applying on behalf of a recognized student group on a case-bycasebasis. At campus approved events ,students may not serve food thatthey cooked or prepared themselves. Any food that is served must be purchasedfrom outside licensed vendors (e.g., Krispy Kreme, Papa John's Pizza)and must meet all state and federal health regulations.Use Of Facilities By Spelman OrganizationsThe use of Spelman facilities by any student organization is a privilege thatcarries with it certain responsibilities. Failure to fulfill these responsibilitiesmay disqualify the organization from future use of College facilities and mayexpose the organization to other sanctions.Responsibilities of Student Groups:• Must provide assurance that all College regulations and all local,state and federal laws will be followed.• Must have sufficient financial resources to meet to meet all financial all financialobligations, even if the event is a financial failure or if property isdamaged.• Must take necessary precautions to assure the physical safety andhealth of participants. Representatives of of the sponsoring organiza-organizationmay may be required be required to confer to confer with with the Department the Department of Public of Public Safetyin Safety advance in advance to develop to develop a plan a that plan minimizes that minimizes the risk the of risk incidents. incidents.• Must not engage in activities that are likely to be destructive to theCollege's facilities or disruptive of the College's programs.• Must leave facility in satisfactory condition, as determined by theCollege. Furniture may not be moved from the facility. The sponsoris is responsible for any damage to or theft from the facilityppppppp immediately before, during and after the event.• Must provide security at parties, dances, and other major socialevents. Security also is is required for for activities that that are open are open to non- tonon-Spelman individuals individuals and activities and activities that are that expected are expected to keep to males keepon males campus on campus after midnight. after midnight. One officer One officer is required is required for every for 100 everyguests. 100 guests. Security Security officers officers must be must present be present from the from beginning the beginning of theactivity of the activity until all until participants all participants have left have the premises left the premises at the end at of thethe end activity. of the activity. If the activity If the is activity one where is one males where will males be on will campus be onafter campus midnight after (e.g., midnight a dance (e.g., or party), a dance more than party), two more security than offic twoers security are required officers at the are event, required and at the the sponsoring event, and organization the sponsoring maybe organization required to may assume be required the additional to assume costs the involved. additional costs involved.• Must have students and visitors sit on seats provided and not ontables and tables railings. and railings.47• Must comply with all College policies, for example, the Drug andAlcohol Policy, the No-Smoking Policy, etc.• Must have the student organization's name on any advertisementfor all events. The campus advisor must be present at all sponsoredevents. Failure to do so may result in a cancellation of the event;(this does not include regularly scheduled meetings).The use of academic buildings is primarily for academic purposes.Classrooms in all academic buildings are scheduled by the Registrarfor lectures, seminars, films, organized meetings and group projects.Guidelines For Use Of Manley College CenterIn addition to the guidelines stated above, the following additionalguidelines apply to the use of conference rooms, corridors or otherfacilities in Manley College Center.1. Selling and soliciting are not allowed anywhere in the Center,except by full-time Spelman students who have obtained writtenpermission from the Vice President for Student Affairs / Dean ofStudents or designee, or unless co-sponsored by the SSGA andlocated in the lower concourse.2. Students and visitors should not place their feet on furniture.3. Pets are not allowed in the College Center.4. Male guests (except those on official College business) are notpermitted in the Manley Center during reading and examinationperiods.Use Of Grounds By Spelman OrganizationsSections of the campus grounds may be used for picnics and outdoor partieswith prior written approval and in accordance with the proceduresapplicable to facilities. All sunbathing and lounging should take place in therear of Read Hall. Chalk writing on sidewalks is only allowed in designatedareas. Chalkwriting on buildings is prohibited.Procedures For Scheduling Student Activities• Major activities (e.g., dances) should be scheduled well inadvance to assure the availability of facilities. (Allow at least five(5) business days for processing.)• The Director of Student Activities, or designee, will either approvethe event, request additional information, or disapprove the event.• The event may not conflict with events already scheduled andapproved for other organizations.• Any request received less than five working days prior to the eventwill not be processed. The authority for determining the availabilityof space rests with the Administrative Support Services.• Administrative Support Services will notify the sponsor(s) of thestatus of the request at least 48 hours prior to the activity.48

• If a dining area is to be used or if food is needed, the sponsor mustmake all necessary arrangements with the Manager of Food Services.• If an event has to be canceled, the sponsor must notify the Officeof Administrative Support Services at least two working days priorto the date of the event.Use Of Spelman Facilities By AUC Student OrganizationsAny AUC student organizations that wishs to hold an activity on the Spelmancampus must abide by the guidelines set by the SSGA, and follow Spelman'spolicies and procedures. Any sorority or fraternity function must be co-sponsoredby a Spelman sorority.Organizations that are not approved by Spelman or one of the other AUCinstitutions are considered "external organizations" and are governed bydifferent policies and procedures.Facility Reservation• Facility reservation requests are done on-line using Lotus Notes orthrough the Internet.• The Internet address is: http://prince.spelman.edu• Request must be entered at least five business days prior to theevent. This will ensure proper routing time for set ups and audiovisual equipment usage.• Student organizations must secure approval from both the advisorand the Director of Student Activities. Advisors and the Directorof Student Activities are to sign off on-line using Lotus Notes.• Final approving signature is done in Administrative Support Services.• Confirmations are e-mailed to the requester at least two businessdays prior to the event.• Students may use the computers in the labs located at ACC, Cosby,or any lab that has internet capability.• An activity may not be held on the Spelman campus if it is likelyto be destructive of the College's facilities or disruptive of theCollege's programs. If such destruction or disruption occurs, thesponsoring organization will be held responsible for costs incurredin repairing damages.SanctionsNon-Spelman student organizations that violate Spelman's policies orprocedures, or fail to comply with the terms and conditions under whichthey were allowed to use a Spelman facility face the following possibleconsequences:1. The Spelman College Department of Public Safety may requirethe violating student organization(s) to leave the campusimmediately. The organization's members will be consideredtrespassers if they fail to do so.2. The student organization(s) may be denied the use of Spelmanfacilities, and individual members of the student organization(s)may be banned from the Spelman campus, for a period to bedetermined by the Dean of Students.3. The members of the violating student organization(s) may bedisciplined on their respective campuses.4. The student organization(s) may be assessed fines for destroyingCollege property or for leaving College property in an uncleanor unsanitary condition.Posters And SignsPosters, flyers, pictures and lettering of any kind may be displayed only ondesignated bulletin boards. They may not be affixed to walls, windows, ordoors. Posting in non-designated areas will result in the removal anddisposal of the items without notice.All postings regarding student functions or programs must be approved bythe Office of Student Activities and stamped. The Institutional Review Boardin the Psychology Department must approve other postings regardingsurveys and inventory administrated by external organizations.Student organizations wishing to display flyers and posters in the ManleyCollege Center must receive approval by the Office of Student Activities.Off-campus organizations and vendors requesting to display posters andflyers on Spelman College property must be approved by the of Office ofStudent Activities or the department responsible for the bulletin board(s) in aparticular building.Posters and flyers must be neat, legible, and in good taste. The name of thesponsor(s) must appear on the poster or flyer. Posters or flyers that areconsidered inappropriate (i.e., alcohol and drug advertisements, obscene andlewd advertisements, as well as advertisements for functions, events anddisplays that are not consistent with the mission of the College) will not beapproved to be displayed on Spelman College property.Posters and flyers must be removed within 24 hours after the event.4950

• If a dining area is to be used or if food is needed, the sponsor mustmake all necessary arrangements with the Manager of Food Services.• If an event has to be canceled, the sponsor must notify the Officeof Administrative Support Services at least two working days priorto the date of the event.Use Of <strong>Spelman</strong> Facilities By AUC <strong>Student</strong> OrganizationsAny AUC student organizations that wishs to hold an activity on the <strong>Spelman</strong>campus must abide by the guidelines set by the SSGA, and follow <strong>Spelman</strong>'spolicies and procedures. Any sorority or fraternity function must be co-sponsoredby a <strong>Spelman</strong> sorority.Organizations that are not approved by <strong>Spelman</strong> or one of the other AUCinstitutions are considered "external organizations" and are governed bydifferent policies and procedures.Facility Reservation• Facility reservation requests are done on-line using Lotus Notes orthrough the Internet.• The Internet address is: http://prince.spelman.edu• Request must be entered at least five business days prior to theevent. This will ensure proper routing time for set ups and audiovisual equipment usage.• <strong>Student</strong> organizations must secure approval from both the advisorand the Director of <strong>Student</strong> Activities. Advisors and the Directorof <strong>Student</strong> Activities are to sign off on-line using Lotus Notes.• Final approving signature is done in Administrative Support Services.• Confirmations are e-mailed to the requester at least two businessdays prior to the event.• <strong>Student</strong>s may use the computers in the labs located at ACC, Cosby,or any lab that has internet capability.• An activity may not be held on the <strong>Spelman</strong> campus if it is likelyto be destructive of the <strong>College</strong>'s facilities or disruptive of the<strong>College</strong>'s programs. If such destruction or disruption occurs, thesponsoring organization will be held responsible for costs incurredin repairing damages.SanctionsNon-<strong>Spelman</strong> student organizations that violate <strong>Spelman</strong>'s policies orprocedures, or fail to comply with the terms and conditions under whichthey were allowed to use a <strong>Spelman</strong> facility face the following possibleconsequences:1. The <strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong> Department of Public Safety may requirethe violating student organization(s) to leave the campusimmediately. The organization's members will be consideredtrespassers if they fail to do so.2. The student organization(s) may be denied the use of <strong>Spelman</strong>facilities, and individual members of the student organization(s)may be banned from the <strong>Spelman</strong> campus, for a period to bedetermined by the Dean of <strong>Student</strong>s.3. The members of the violating student organization(s) may bedisciplined on their respective campuses.4. The student organization(s) may be assessed fines for destroying<strong>College</strong> property or for leaving <strong>College</strong> property in an uncleanor unsanitary condition.Posters And SignsPosters, flyers, pictures and lettering of any kind may be displayed only ondesignated bulletin boards. They may not be affixed to walls, windows, ordoors. Posting in non-designated areas will result in the removal anddisposal of the items without notice.All postings regarding student functions or programs must be approved bythe Office of <strong>Student</strong> Activities and stamped. The Institutional Review Boardin the Psychology Department must approve other postings regardingsurveys and inventory administrated by external organizations.<strong>Student</strong> organizations wishing to display flyers and posters in the Manley<strong>College</strong> Center must receive approval by the Office of <strong>Student</strong> Activities.Off-campus organizations and vendors requesting to display posters andflyers on <strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong> property must be approved by the of Office of<strong>Student</strong> Activities or the department responsible for the bulletin board(s) in aparticular building.Posters and flyers must be neat, legible, and in good taste. The name of thesponsor(s) must appear on the poster or flyer. Posters or flyers that areconsidered inappropriate (i.e., alcohol and drug advertisements, obscene andlewd advertisements, as well as advertisements for functions, events anddisplays that are not consistent with the mission of the <strong>College</strong>) will not beapproved to be displayed on <strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong> property.Posters and flyers must be removed within 24 hours after the event.4950

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