2003-04 Student Handbook - Spelman College: Home

2003-04 Student Handbook - Spelman College: Home

2003-04 Student Handbook - Spelman College: Home


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c. Unauthorized entry into, use or occupancy of <strong>College</strong>facilities.d. Unauthorized possession or use of any student ID, keyor master key to <strong>College</strong> offices or residential facilities.e. Fraud, including telephone fraud and the unauthorizeduse of checks, personal records information, creditcards, or calling card.f. Forgery, including falsifying academic or non-academicdocuments or financial instruments.g. Knowingly providing false information to the <strong>College</strong>,faculty and/or staff either verbally or written.6. Academic Dishonesty*Any form of academic dishonesty which may include, but is not limited to:a. Cheatingb. Plagiarismc. Bribing or attempting to bribe any other individual toalter a grade(s).d. Forging academic documentse. Unlawfully securing tests*Please refer to <strong>College</strong> Bulletin for details regarding procedures andpolicies for Academic Dishonesty.7. Failure to Complya. Failure to comply with rules and/or directions imposedby any <strong>College</strong> official in performance of his/her duties.b. Failure to comply with the sanction(s), condition(s)and/or restrictions imposed under the Code of CommunityStandards and Conduct.c. Failure to comply with reasonable instructions from a<strong>College</strong> official.d. Failure to respond to written and/or verbal communicationfrom a <strong>College</strong> official in performance of his/her duties.8. HazingHazing is defined as any activity that is intentional, unintentional due toreckless behavior, occurring on or off campus directed against a student thatendangers the student's mental or physical health or safety. This activity iscommonly associated with the student's membership, initiation, affiliation,pledging and/or association with an organization. This definition includes,but is not limited to:a. Physical brutality, whipping, beating, striking, branding,paddling, kicking, choking, scratching, and electronicshocking and placing harmful substance on or in thebody;b. Sleep deprivation, exposure to elements, confinementin a small space, aerobic exercising, duck walking andweight lifting.c. Any activity involving the excessive consumption offood or non appropriate foods and liquids, alcohol,liquor, drugs, (this includes ingesting foreign objects orsubstances).d. Any activity that intimidates, ostracizes, subjectsstudents to extreme mental stress, shame and/orhumiliation or anything that adversely affects thestudent mental health such as.• Screaming at an individual or group• Belittling or humiliating participants• Using derogatory, profane or obscene languagetoward participants• Requiring participants to engage in morallydegrading or humiliating games, (this includesthe perception of the participants)• Embarrassing activities• Reputation damaging• Disheveling hair, tearing clothes• Using participants' cars, money, or clothes orother personal items;f. Treasure hunts, scavenger hunts, road trips, or otheractivities that require participants to travel longdistances and find their way back from isolated areawith insufficient financial resources or that otherwiseendanger a participant are prohibited;g. Any activity in which hazing is either condoned orencouraged by members, officers, and/or alumni of theorganization is committing and/or assisting in hazing.h. Gifts of any form may not be given to any individual ororganization prior to the intake process or during themembership intake process, (exception - Initiation); and11 12

Note:g. Engaging in any activity that is prohibited by law or bythe policies of the <strong>College</strong>Georgia Hazing Law - (1) "Haze" means to subject a student to anactivity which endangers or is likely to endanger the physicalhealth of a student, regardless of a student's willingness to participatein such activity. (4b) It shall be unlawful for any person tohaze any student in connection with or as a condition or preconditionof gaining acceptance, membership, office or other status ina school organization.c. Disruption or interference with the orderly conduct of adisciplinary proceeding.d. Filing an allegation known to be without merit or cause.e. Discouraging or attempting to discourage an individual'sproper participation in, or use of, the discipline system.f. Influencing or attempting to influence a member of adisciplinary body prior to, and/or during the disciplinaryproceeding.g. Retaliation against any person or group who files grievancesor allegations in accordance with the <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong>.9. Abuse, Misuse or Theft of <strong>College</strong> Computer Data, Programs, Time,Computer and/ or Network Equipmenta. Unauthorized use of computing and/or networkingresources.b. Unauthorized accessing and/or copying of programs,records, or data belonging to the <strong>College</strong> and/or otheruser, or copyrighted software, without permission.c. Use of computing and/or networking resources for unauthorizedor nonacademic purposes.d. Attempted or actual breach of the security of anotheruser's account and/or computing system.e. Attempted or actual use of <strong>College</strong> computing and/ornetworking resources for personal or financial gain.f. Attempted or actual transport of copies of <strong>College</strong> programs,records, or data to another person or computerwithout written permission.g. Attempted or actual destruction or modification of programs,records, or data belonging to the <strong>College</strong> or another user or destruction of the integrity of computerbasedinformation.h. Attempted or actual use of the computing and/or networking systems; or through such actions, causing a wasteof such resources (people, capacity, computer).I. Allowing another person, either through one's personalcomputer account, or by other means, to accomplish anyviolation.j. "Spamming" is defined as the sending of unsolicitede-mails to parties with whom you have no existingbusiness, professional, or personal acquaintance.10. Abuse of the <strong>Student</strong> Judicial Systema. Failure to respond to a notification to appear before anofficial of the <strong>College</strong>.b. Falsification, distortion, or misrepresentation ofinformation in conduct in disciplinary proceedings.11. Housing and Residence LifeViolating any policy, procedure, notification, regulation or condition establishedwithin the residence halls, (this includes published and non- publishedmaterials) and/or any rules established by majority vote of the residents.C. Reciprocity With AUCAs a member of the Atlanta University Center, <strong>Spelman</strong> has a reciprocal agreementwith the other member institutions regarding student behavior and discipline.When a <strong>Spelman</strong> student is accused of misconduct on one of theother AUC campuses, <strong>Spelman</strong> has the right to handle the cases as though itoccurred at <strong>Spelman</strong>. Likewise, students from other AUC institutions whoengage in misconduct on the <strong>Spelman</strong> campus may be addressed by theirown institution.D. <strong>Student</strong> Protests<strong>Spelman</strong> and the other institutions of the Atlanta University Center are committedto providing an academic environment in which diverse political,religious, and social views can be expressed and debated in a responsiblemanner.The AUC institutions will not tolerate the use of physical force or obstructionin a manner that interferes with teaching or learning, impedes the movementof others throughout any AUC campus, or obstructs the programs or operationsof any AUC institution, including administrative functions.There is no place in the AUC institutions for the use of physical force to seizeand occupy school buildings, to injure persons, or to harm property. <strong>Student</strong>swho use physical force or obstruction as a means of forcing their will uponothers will be subject to prompt disciplinary action.13 14

E. General ProceduresWhen a report is received alleging that a student or student organization mayhave violated the Code of Community Standards and Conduct, the studentor student organization is notified that a meeting will take place with a<strong>College</strong> official. <strong>Spelman</strong> strives to ensure reasonable and fair proceedingsthat reflect the <strong>College</strong>s educational philosophy. The process is as follows:1) <strong>Student</strong> or student organization receives notification that theremay be a violation of the <strong>College</strong>'s policy, procedures and/orregulations.2) <strong>Student</strong> or student organization (representative) meets with theAssociate Dean of <strong>Student</strong>s for an administrative hearing or toprepare for a hearing with the Community Standards ReviewCommittee.3) The hearing or pre-hearing takes place.4) A decision is made either by the Associate Dean of <strong>Student</strong>s foran administrative hearing or by the Community StandardsReview Committee for a formal committee hearing. Decisionswill be based upon supportive documentation, student orstudent organization statements, and/or witnesses to thebehavior in question.5) If a student or student organization is found responsible for aviolation, there may be sanction(s), condition(s), and/or restriction(s)administered along with a deadline for completion, if applicable.6) The <strong>College</strong> reserves the right to investigate and sanctionconduct in a different manner should it deem such action appropriate.Note: The <strong>College</strong> may conduct a hearing without the student presentafter several attempts to contact the student to appear for ahearing.F. Sanctions, Conditions, And RestrictionsWhen a student or student organization has been found responsible for misconduct,sanction(s), condition(s), and/or restriction(s) may be assessed byeither the Associate Dean of <strong>Student</strong>s for an administrative hearing, or recommendedby the Community Standards Review Committee for a formal committeehearing. With any sanction, a condition and/or restriction may also beadministered. The range of sanctions are cited below:1) Formal Reprimand with or without conditions or restrictionsA formal reprimand is an official written notification that theaction in question was misconduct.2) Probation with or without conditions or restrictionsProbation is a designated period of time in which conduct willbe observed and reviewed. Any violations during this observationperiod may result in further disciplinary action.3) Deferred Suspension with or without conditions or restrictionsSuspension is deferred for a period of time of observation andreview. The student remains enrolled as a student and studentorganizations may remain active. Any violations during thisobservation period may result in immediate suspension.4) Suspension with or without conditions or restrictionsA period of time in which a student may not attend classes orparticipate in any <strong>College</strong> activities. <strong>Student</strong>s who are suspendedare not permitted to be on the <strong>College</strong> campus during the timeof suspension without prior permission from a designated<strong>College</strong> official. Suspended student organizations may not use<strong>College</strong> facilities and all privileges of a student organization aresuspended.5) ExpulsionThe student or student organization is permanently withdrawnand separated from the <strong>College</strong>. <strong>Student</strong>s who are expelled arenot permitted to be on the <strong>College</strong> campus without priorpermission from a designated <strong>College</strong> official. Readmission tothe <strong>College</strong> will not be considered.Note: The <strong>College</strong> reserves the right to institute additional oralternative sanctions, conditions, and/or restrictions as deemedappropriate.G. Appeal Procedures<strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong> will allow one (1) appeal for a sanction, condition and/orrestriction. Appeals must be written and submitted to the appropriate appealofficer or committee within five (5) business days from the issuance of thedecision letter. Appeals must be detailed and state the grounds for appeal inorder to be valid for review. Appeals are not intended to be a rehearing of thecase and serve as a review of the written evidence to determine the validityof the appeal. Appeals must be based on one or more of the following:1) Appropriateness of sanction(s), condition(s), and/or restriction(s)in light of the incident2) Procedural error3) Evidence of compelling additional information regarding the incidentNote: Appeals will be accepted from the student(s) involved in thecase. Appeals from any other body other than the student(s)involved in the case will not be considered.1516

H. CommitteesThere are three (3) committees that serve the Division of <strong>Student</strong> Affairs:1) Community Standards Review Committee2) Community Standards Appeals Committee3) Policy and Procedures CommitteeThe Community Standards Review Committee will conduct disciplinary hearingsin referred cases. The committee will be composed of members of the<strong>College</strong> community who serve as a pool of members from which to choosefor each hearing. There will be no more than five members for each actualhearing. A quorum for the committee is three (3) members with at least onemember from each category (faculty, staff and student) present.The Community Standards Appeals Committee will convene to review writtenappeals from Community Standards Review Committee recommendations/decisions.The committee will be composed of members of the <strong>College</strong>community who serve as a pool of members from which to choose for eachappeal. A quorum for the committee is three (3) members with at least onemember from each category (faculty, staff and student) present.A chair for both committees will be appointed by the Vice President for <strong>Student</strong>Affairs/Dean of <strong>Student</strong>s and will be a member of the faculty or staff. Inthe absence of a chair, the Associate Dean of <strong>Student</strong>s will name a chair fromthe previously selected committee members.The Policy and Procedures Committee has the charge of reviewing the <strong>Student</strong><strong>Handbook</strong> and the code of student conduct. The committee is selectedby the Associate Dean of <strong>Student</strong>s and is composed of members of the <strong>College</strong>community.I. Campus Resource and AdministrationThe Office of Vice President for <strong>Student</strong> Affairs serves as the primary sourceof information for the <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong>, the judicial committees, and theCode of Community Standards and Conduct. The Office of Vice President for<strong>Student</strong> Affairs also may provide alternative dispute resolution for students inorder to assist with conflicts within the <strong>College</strong> community as it relates topolicies and procedures.SPELMAN STUDENT GRIEVANCE PROCEDURENon-Academic IssuesEach student is encouraged to attempt to resolve a dispute through aresolution process or directly with the individual(s) involved. The Division of<strong>Student</strong> Affairs offers materials on dispute resolution and alternative methodsfor resolving issues, as well as communication techniques.<strong>Student</strong>s choosing to file a formal complaint regarding an individual, groupof individuals, or department should use the procedures listed below.<strong>Student</strong>s may obtain a <strong>Student</strong> Grievance Form from the <strong>Student</strong> AffairsOffice, 210 of Manley Center. Non-Academic Issues include, but are notlimited to:• <strong>Student</strong> Disputes• <strong>Student</strong> Services• Personal Records• Sexual Harassment• Discrimination• General GrievancesOnce the Office of the Vice President for <strong>Student</strong> Affairs receives thegrievance documentation, the Associate Dean of <strong>Student</strong>s will review theform. The Associate Dean of <strong>Student</strong>s will determine if additional informationis needed to pursue the grievance.The <strong>College</strong> takes seriously any allegations of sexual harassment. <strong>Student</strong>sare encouraged to report any conduct that is considered sexually harassingpromptly. Grievances related to student-to-student harassment should be referredto the Office of the Vice President for <strong>Student</strong> Affairs for review. Grievancesinvolving a faculty and/or staff member may be referred to the Officeof the Vice President for <strong>Student</strong> Affairs, but the office will then forward thesematters to the Office of Human Resources for review. Note: The Office of theVice President for <strong>Student</strong> Affairs will not review any matters on sexualharassment involving faculty and/or staff, but will refer to the Office ofHuman Resources. The Office of the Vice President for <strong>Student</strong> Affairs merelyacts as a referral to the Office of Human Resources.The general procedures set forth do not apply to applicants for employmentor for academic issues.1718

1.2.The <strong>Student</strong> Grievance Form for Non-Academic Issues form should stateand specify the following information:• The type of grievance• By whom and what reason the students seeks the grievance• Give a date or dates, names, addresses,(if applicable) and namesof any witnesses• What reasonable remedy and/or solution is being sought(consistent with college policy)The written grievance must be signed by the student and filed as close tothe incident as possible of the alleged incident and/or grievance. Determinationas to whether complaints filed after this deadline will be consideredon a case by case basis.3. The Office of the Vice President for <strong>Student</strong> Affairs will follow its conceptof "reasonable fairness" in seeking to resolve the matter. All partiesinvolved with the grievance will be notified of the complaint and/or grievance,may know the source of the complaint, and allowed an opportunityto provide pertinent information in an effort to address the grievance.Grievances Regarding <strong>Student</strong> Services, Non-AcademicDepartments and General GrievancesGrievances regarding student services, non-academic departments andgeneral grievances will be forwarded to the appropriate office for resolution.The Office of the Vice President for <strong>Student</strong> Affairs will forward the studentgrievance form and maintain copies of all pertinent files and records relatingto the grievance filed.All other grievances will be addressed on a case-by-case basis. If the grievancerelates to a department or concern not under the jurisdiction of the VicePresident for <strong>Student</strong> Affairs or Academic Dean, the appropriate <strong>College</strong>representative will be contacted as well the appropriate department head.4. In some instances, such as cases regarding disciplinary action, personalrecords, sexual harassment and discrimination, an investigation may beappropriate and conducted by the Office of the Vice President for <strong>Student</strong>Affairs. The investigation process generally is completed within thirty (30)<strong>College</strong> working days from when the written allegation is filed.5. A written determination as to the validity of the grievance and a descriptionof the resolution if any will be issued by the Associate Dean of <strong>Student</strong>sand a copy forwarded to the student with the complaint and/or grievance.6. To the extent possible within legal privacy considerations, the AssociateDean of <strong>Student</strong>s will review the grievance and notify the student with thecomplaint and/or grievance of the resulting determination in writing. Apossible solution for resolution may involve mediation.7. The right of a student to a prompt and equitable resolution of the complaintfiled will not be impaired by the student's pursuit of other remedies,such as filing of a complaint with the responsible federal department oragency. Once the resolution is finalized, the process is complete. Thereare no appeals to a final resolution.1920

SEXUAL HARASSMENT POLICYThe <strong>College</strong> believes that all of its students should be treated with respectand should be able to pursue their education in an environment free of unwelcomesexual conduct. Accordingly, it is the policy of the <strong>College</strong> to prohibitsexual harassment by any person and in any form. Sexual harassmentincludes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or otherverbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, when:• Submission to or rejection of such conduct is either explicitly orimplicitly a condition of getting a good grade, a good referenceor any other benefit, or avoiding an unfavorable consequence; or• A student's willingness or unwillingness to submit to suchconduct is used as the basis for an academic-related decisionaffecting the student; or• Such conduct creates an intimidating, hostile or offensiveeducational environment, or substantially interferes with thestudent's academic performance.This policy applies to conduct of a faculty member, administrator, or otheremployee toward a student as well as to conduct between students and actsof third parties, such as visitors, contractors, or the like.Examples of behavior prohibited by this policy include:• Making unwelcome comments of a sexual nature about aperson's clothing, body, or person.• Using obscene or sexually explicit language.• Using a term of endearment or nickname for another that has asexual meaning or sexual overtones.• Telling sexual jokes or making sexual innuendoes.• Touching, hugging, rubbing, patting, pinching, or kissinganother person in an overly familiar manner.• Leering at a person's body.• Displaying sexually explicit pictures or materials.• Pressuring a student for a date or sexual contact.• Making unwelcome sexual advances or propositions.Do not assume that behavior of the kind listed above will beacceptable to another person. Be aware of how people respond towhat you do and say. If an individual objects to your behavior towardhim or her, listen to and heed the objections.Reporting Sexual Harassment or Other Kinds of Discrimination.It is important that you report sexual harassment and other kinds of discriminationto the <strong>College</strong>. We cannot do anything to remedy the situation if wedo not know it exists. Any student who believes that she has been sexuallyharassed or subject to other discrimination should take the following actions:• Tell the offender firmly that you do not like his/her behavior.• Report the incident immediately to the Associate Dean of <strong>Student</strong>sand/or any <strong>College</strong> official• If you are harassed by a third party, who is neither a student nor anemployee of the <strong>College</strong>, notify the Associate Dean of <strong>Student</strong>sand/or any <strong>College</strong> official immediately. The <strong>College</strong> cannot controlthe offensive behavior of all third parties, but every effort will bemade to remedy the situation.Any faculty member, administrator, or staff member who observes sexualharassment of a student or receives a report of sexual harassment or otherdiscrimination from a student must report it to the Associate Dean of<strong>Student</strong>s, the Academic Dean or the Director of Human Resources, no matterhow insignificant the incident may seem. No student will be subjected toretaliation for complaining about sexual harassment or other discrimination.The <strong>College</strong> will investigate all reports of sexual harassment or otherdiscrimination. Confidentiality will be maintained during the investigation tothe extent possible without jeopardizing the thoroughness of the investigation.If it is determined that sexual harassment or other discrimination has occurred,the <strong>College</strong> will take immediate and appropriate corrective action toend the problem and prevent its recurrence. Employees or students who haveengaged in harassing or discriminatory conduct will be subject to appropriatedisciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment ordismissal from the <strong>College</strong>, as the case may be. The student making the complaintwill be advised of the results of the investigation.Right to File Complaint with Federal Agency. In addition to reportingsexual harassment or other discrimination, students also have the right tofile a charge of discrimination with the Equal Employment OpportunityCommission (EEOC) if the conduct is related to employment, or to the Officefor Civil Rights (OCR) of the U.S. Department of Education if the conduct isrelated to education. Both agencies have offices in Atlanta and may becontacted by phone or mail.They will investigate the complaint without charge to you. Retaliation againststudents for opposing sexual harassment or other discrimination, or for filinga complaint with the EEOC or OCR is unlawful and contrary to <strong>College</strong> policy.2122

ALCOHOL AND DRUG ABUSE PREVENTION POLICYThe <strong>College</strong> is committed to maintaining a drug-free environment and willnot tolerate the possession, manufacture, use or distribution of illegal drugsby its students, staff, faculty or administrators. The <strong>College</strong> provides counseling,referrals, educational programs and other assistance to students, facultyand staff who seek help with alcohol and other substance related problems.<strong>Student</strong>s who violate the alcohol and drug policy may be subject to any ofthe disciplinary measures outlined in the Code of Community Standards andConduct or what is commonly known as the student code of conduct whichmay result in the <strong>College</strong> administering various sanctions, conditions and/orrestrictions as deemed appropriate. <strong>Student</strong> organizations that violate thepolicy are subject to same procedures and any individual within the campuscommunity.Advisors and officers of all student organizations must be familiar with theAlcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Policy and the penalties for non-compliance.Violations should be reported to the Office of the Vice President for<strong>Student</strong> Affairs/Dean of <strong>Student</strong>s. Failure to report constitutes a violation ofthe Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Policy.<strong>Student</strong>s are expected to abide by the drug and alcohol policy both on andoff campus and at <strong>College</strong>-sponsored events as well as other times.As a condition of employment by <strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong>, all employees (includingstudent employees) must abide by the <strong>College</strong>'s policy. <strong>Student</strong>s workerswho violate the policy are subject to the code of conduct and possibletermination of employment.STUDENT AFFAIRSMission StatementThe Division of <strong>Student</strong> Affairs is committed to providing a safe and studentcenteredlearning environment for women. Through comprehensive programsand services, the Division fosters the holistic development of the student;promotes leadership, ethical development, professionalism, and academicexcellence, and encourages a commitment to both community and service.OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT FOR STUDENT AFFAIRS ANDDEAN OF STUDENTS210 Manley Center(4<strong>04</strong>) 681-3643 extension 5131/5133The Division of <strong>Student</strong> Affairs at <strong>Spelman</strong> is responsible for all aspects of thestudent's non-academic life. In keeping with the mission of the <strong>College</strong>,<strong>Student</strong> Affairs provides students with a supportive environment in whicheach student can achieve the full development of her intellectual, cultural,spiritual and leadership potential. The division maintains an open dialoguewith each <strong>Spelman</strong> student and through its various programs strives to complementand enhance the <strong>College</strong>'s academic offerings.The Vice President for <strong>Student</strong> Affairs/Dean of <strong>Student</strong>s is the senior administrativeofficer for the <strong>College</strong> responsible for the co-curricular experience.The Vice President/Dean is assisted by the Associate Dean of <strong>Student</strong>s. TheDivision of <strong>Student</strong> Affairs consists of the following departments and programs:The Bonner Scholars Program, Career Planning and Development,Community Services, Commuter <strong>Student</strong>s, Counseling Services, DiningServices (shared responsibility with Business and Financial Affairs), DisabilityServices, Health Services, Housing and Residence Life, International<strong>Student</strong> Programs, <strong>Student</strong> Judicial Affairs, Public Safety (shared responsibilitywith Business and Financial Affairs) and <strong>Student</strong> Activities.BONNER SCHOLARS PROGRAMUpton Hall(4<strong>04</strong>) 681-3643 extension 5306The Bonner Scholars Program offers financial support to students who demonstratea financial need and a desire to perform community service whileattending college. It is designed to:• identify qualified students who need financial support• provide students with an opportunity to use their abilities,talents, and leadership to serve others while in college• create a supportive community of students on campus whosecommon focus on community service gives them a sense ofpurpose and meaning2324

<strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong> is one of 25 colleges selected to host a Bonner ScholarsProgram. Each year 20 first year students are selected to participate in thefour-year scholarship program. Through the Bonner Scholars program, eachparticipating institution seeks to meet 100% of a student's documentedfinancial need (as determined by the Financial Aid Form).<strong>Student</strong>s on financial aid are often required to work during both the schoolyear and the summer. Most earnings must be used to pay for a student'seducation. In the Bonner Scholars program, Bonner Scholarship funds areused to minimize the school year and summer earnings required of students.Without other work obligations, students have time to get involved in communityservice activities.In addition, Bonner Scholars who remain in good standing with the programwill receive a $1,600 in loan reduction at graduation. Financial support fromthe Foundation is contingent upon a student fulfilling the basic requirementsof the Bonner Scholars program.Bonner Scholars are expected to:• maintain good academic standing• participate in educational and enrichment activities planned bythe director of the program• participate in ten hours of service per week during the school year• participate in community based programs during the summerFirst year Bonner Scholars are required to complete 280 hours of serviceduring the summer. The intent of the summer service component is toprovide students the opportunity to continue a broadened course of service.Summer service is intended to complement and enrich Bonner Scholarsschool-year service activities. The summer service commitment is an integralcomponent of the Bonner Scholars Program. Upon completion of the 280hours, the standard amount each student will receive is $1,500 per year.Bonner Scholars are placed in the community based on their interest.Agencies complete an agreement with students outlining responsibilities,expectations and training. Agencies are asked to account for student's hours,evaluate the student's performance, and provide supervision.CAREER PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENTMilligan Buildding(4<strong>04</strong>) 681-3643 extension 5273The <strong>College</strong> offers a comprehensive career planning and development programthat helps students make informed career decisions. The office of CareerPlanning and Development assists students in investigating career alternatives,which include graduate studies options, clarifying their goals,identigying their skills and interests, and planning and implementing stepsthat will enable them to achieve their career goals.25The services include career and graduate studies counseling, a career planningand graduate education resource library, job employment assistance,publication of Career Planning and Development handbook, computer workstations,test preparation materials, and various workshops, seminars, andfairs. In addition, the Summer OPPS (Other People Paying <strong>Student</strong>s) programhelp students obtain internships and summer research positions thatwill enhance their career objectives. The <strong>College</strong> encourages all students toparticipate in at least one career-related experience during their tenure at<strong>Spelman</strong>.The office of Career Planning and Development maintains and up-to-datelibrary of useful career information such as graduate and professional schooldirectories, fellowship and internships. The office also offers workshops onresume writing, interviewing skills, jog search strategies, and career explorationforums. In order to assist in graduate studies preparation, the Tap IntoYour Future Workshop series is offered via live presentation or compact disc.Graduate and professional school representatives visit the campus to provideinformation about their programs as well as surviving graduate school. Similarly,representatives from a variety of business, government, social service,educational, and non-profit organizations conduct information sessions andinterviews on campus, as well as at the Atlanta University Center CareerPlanning and Placement Service.<strong>Student</strong>s also are assisted in their search for off-campus, part-time, and summeremployment; research programs, internships and externships related totheir major areas of study or career goals; permanent jobs upon graduation,and appropriate graduate and professional school opportunities, Internationalstudents must meet with the Coordinator for International <strong>Student</strong>sprior to establishing any jobs, internships and/or extenrnships.COMMUNITY SERVICEUpton Hall(4<strong>04</strong>) 681-3643 extension 5316The Office of Community Service (OCS) serves as a campus-wide clearinghousefor service. The office handles student volunteer placement andprovides information on service opportunities throughout the year. Throughservice, <strong>Spelman</strong> students provide valuable and needed assistance thatbenefits others while bringing students, faculty, staff and alumnae togetherfor a common purpose.During their four years at <strong>Spelman</strong>, all students are encouraged to participatein at least one ongoing service project as part of the <strong>Spelman</strong> experience.Community Service GoalsOCS seeks to meet the following goals:• To provide students with service opportunities that will developand expand their civic consciousness and lead to the acceptanceof social responsibility.• To build leadership skills by creating opportunities to servecommunity-based organizations and agencies in our community.26

• To foster a sense of sisterhood and a spirit of sharing by encouraging<strong>Spelman</strong> women to work together on various short-termand long-term service projects in their residence halls, classrooms, clubs, organizations and in the surrounding community.The Office of Community Service offers the Community Service Van ShuttleService for all <strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong> students, faculty, and staff, who engage incommunity service related activities in the metropolitan Atlanta area. Thevan operates from Monday to Friday from7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and onSaturdays from 7:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.The van schedule is established at the beginning of the fall semester. <strong>Student</strong>srequiring van shuttle service must complete a Van Reservation Form seven toten working days prior to the expected departure. These forms can be completedby calling or visiting the Office of Community Service. You will becontacted on the status of your request within three (3) days of your planneddeparture date.WaiverMany <strong>Spelman</strong> women work with children and youth outside of the schoolor home environment. Therefore, a <strong>Spelman</strong> Waiver, signed by a parent orguardian, is required. The waiver form can be obtained from the Office ofCommunity Service.COMMUTER STUDENTS210 Manley Hall(4<strong>04</strong>) 681-3643 extension 5143The <strong>College</strong> recognizes that special efforts are sometimes needed to makecommuter students feel fully part of the <strong>Spelman</strong> community. Commuters areurged to participate in all of the activities and organizations at the <strong>College</strong>,even when extra effort is required. In addition, the Commuter <strong>Student</strong> Lounge,located on the lower level of the Manley Center, provides many of theconveniences of residing on campus, such as bathrooms, showers, andlockers. An adjoining lounge is furnished with tables, desks and chairs forthose who wish to study, eat, rest or socialize. Locker assignments are madein the Division of <strong>Student</strong> Affairs office located in 210 Manley <strong>College</strong> Center.COUNSELING SERVICESMacVicar Hall(4<strong>04</strong>) 681-3643 extension 5293The Department of Counseling Services offers psychotherapy and counselingon an individual and group basis, as well as topic-specific forums.<strong>Student</strong>s are seen by appointment, which may be scheduled during daytimeand some evening hours, Monday through Friday. In an emergency, noappointment is necessary. The staff provides emergency coverage on a24-hour basis. For any after-hour emergencies, students should contact theirResident Director or Public Safety at (4<strong>04</strong>) 270-5328. An on-call counselorwill be paged. <strong>Student</strong>s should receive a call back within 10 minutes of thepage.Counseling services are provided in a caring and supportive atmosphere.The staff consists of professionally trained and licensed clinicians. A consultingpsychiatrist is available on an as-needed basis. Emphasis is on focused,time-limited intervention and prevention. <strong>Student</strong>s are limited to 20 sessionsper academic year. <strong>Student</strong>s requiring or desiring long-term therapy are referredto outside clinicians.Information communicated by a student to a <strong>College</strong> psychotherapist or counselorwill be treated as confidential. Information will not be disclosed unlessnecessary to protect the health and safety of the student, her family, the <strong>College</strong>community, or the public.The counselor or therapist will inform the student before making such a disclosure,unless doing so would be harmful to the student or others. <strong>Spelman</strong>students who are facing emotional issues or personal concerns are encouragedto call Counseling Services at (4<strong>04</strong>) 270-5293 to schedule an appointment.The Department of Counseling Services adheres to all applicabel federaland state guidelines tha ensure a student’s rights to privacy abd concernsregarding compliance with HIPPA or other privacy issues may be addressedby the Director of Counseling Services.Medical Leaves And WithdrawalsMedical Leave of AbsenceA student in good standing whose medical, psychological, and/or health conditionis interfering with her academic progress may be granted a medicalleave of absence for a definite or indefinite period of time. Requests for amedical leave should be made to the Academic Dean. Before taking medicalleave, the student must resolve all academic issues to the satisfaction of theAcademic Dean. An exit interview with the Vice President for <strong>Student</strong> Affairs/Deanalso is required. For other types of leave of absence, please seethe <strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong> Bulletin.27 28

Administrative Medical WithdrawalThe <strong>College</strong> has the authority to administratively withdraw a student whosemedical, psychological and/or health condition is life threatening and posesa significant risk to the health or safety of others or significantly disrupts <strong>College</strong>programs or operations. The length of the leave will be based on availablemedical evidence. This would include, but is not limited to all medical andpsychiatric conditions including severe eating disorders and substancedependence. The student may be required to meet specific conditions beforerequesting reinstatement.Resuming Studies After a Medical Leave or WithdrawalA student may request reinstatement following an approved medical leave ofabsence or an administrative medical withdrawal, provided all deadlines orother conditions specified by the <strong>College</strong> have been satisfied. The request forreinstatement must be submitted in writing to the Vice President for <strong>Student</strong>Affairs/Dean and must be accompanied by documentation showing that thestudent's medical, psychological and/or health problems have been resolvedto the satisfaction of the <strong>College</strong>. Additional documentation and/or medicalexaminations may be required by the <strong>College</strong>. <strong>Spelman</strong>'s regular applicationdeadlines must be met. Reinstatement is not automatic and may be denied atthe discretion of the <strong>College</strong>, or made subject to fulfillment of conditionsspecified by the <strong>College</strong>.The <strong>College</strong> will make reasonable modifications to its policies, practices andprocedures and take other reasonable steps to accommodate students withdisabilities.DINING ON CAMPUSManley CenterThe main dining facilities on campus are the Alma Upshaw Dining Hall andthe Grill, which are located in the Manley <strong>College</strong> Center. <strong>Student</strong>s mustpresent a valid <strong>Spelman</strong> identification card to obtain meals or payment.The <strong>College</strong> contracts with an outside vendor to provide food services and tohandle all other aspects of the dining hail operation. The <strong>College</strong> FoodCommittee composed of students, faculty and staff, meets regularly withrepresentatives of the food services vendor to ensure "customer satisfaction."<strong>Student</strong>s with special dietary requirements or any other questions orconcerns should call the manager of food services at (4<strong>04</strong>) 581-0700. Thedining hail hours will be posted in Manley <strong>College</strong> Center for yourconvenience.DISABILITY SERVICESMacVicar Hall(4<strong>04</strong>) 681-3643 extension 5289TTY (4<strong>04</strong>) 270-5289The ODS Advisory Committee, composed of students, faculty and staff,assists with this effort.Counseling Services, through its Office of Disability Services (ODS),provides a variety of services tailored to meet the needs of students withdocumented disabilities. Services available to students include note takers,books on tape, assistive devices, specialized testing arrangements, andhousing assistance. <strong>Student</strong>s seeking accommodations must submitdocumentation of their disability to the Coordinator of Disability Services.All such information will be kept confidential and will not be disclosed withoutthe student's consent. In addition to individual student services, the ODSseeks to eliminate attitudinal barriers and increase sensitivity, througheducation and advocacy. The <strong>College</strong> is committed to affording students withdisabilities the full and equal enjoyment of the services, facilities, programsand activities offered at <strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong>. Appointments may be made bycalling the office during regular office hours. The ODS adheres to student’sright to privacy under all state and federal guidelines including HIPPA andFERPA.STUDENT HEALTH SERVICESMacVicar Hall(4<strong>04</strong>) 270-5249<strong>Spelman</strong> Clinic <strong>College</strong> Mon.& offers comprehensive Tues. Wednesday health care Thursday services for all Friday students.Sick CallMedicalAppointmentsWomen’s HealthAppointments9:00 am –11:30 am1:00 pm –4:30 pm9:00 am –4:00 pm9:00 am –11:30 am1:00 pm –4:30 pm9:00 am –4:00 pm9:00 am –11:30 am1:00 pm –4:30 pm9:00 am –4:00 pm9:00 am –11:30 am11:00 am –4:301:00 pm –4:00 pmThe department is available to handle on-campus emergencies during hoursof operation. For after-hours urgent medical problems, contact Public Safetyat (4<strong>04</strong>) 270-5328. If you have an emergency, please contact Public Safety at(4<strong>04</strong>) 525-6401.2930

The Department of <strong>Student</strong> Health Services maintains strict confidentiality ofstudent health records. Information will be disclosed only to the extent necessaryto protect the health and safety of the student, her family, the <strong>College</strong>Community, and/or the public. <strong>Student</strong>s are required to complete the <strong>Spelman</strong><strong>College</strong> Pre-Entrance Health Record, providing information about the student'smedical history, medical exam completed by a physician, and immunizationhistory. <strong>Student</strong>s should make copies of all medical information includingimmunization records. A copy charge of $5.00 will be assessed for eachimmunization record requested by current and/or former students. If copiesof the student's health records are needed after the student has graduated, acharge of $25.00 will be assessed.Services Offered<strong>Student</strong>s may obtain emergency and urgent care from the Department of<strong>Student</strong> Health Services without an appointment during the sick-call/walk-inhours (see times page 20). For more routine or less serious health problems,physical exams, gynecological exams, breast exams, pregnancy tests andcontraceptive refills, the student should schedule an appointment with theProvider. All services performed in the Department of <strong>Student</strong> Health Servicesare free of charge to the student with the exception of laboratory work,which will be billed to the <strong>Student</strong> Health Insurance Plan. Refer to thestudent insurance brochure or website www.studentinsurance.com for details.Insurance and Prescription CardsThe <strong>Student</strong> Health Insurance is provided by Pearce and Pearce Inc. andunderwritten by Guaranteed Trust and Life. <strong>Student</strong>s may view the policy inits entirety on-line by accessing the website at www.studentinsurance.com.<strong>Student</strong>s may also file claims electronically, as well as view their accountstatus with a PIN number (initially this will be the last four (4) digits of yoursocial security number, the system will prompt you to change your PIN shouldyou desire to do so). Coverage for each student will commence on August15th of the current year and terminate on August 15th of the following year(example date of effective coverage 8/15/<strong>04</strong>-8/15/05). The <strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong><strong>Student</strong> Health Insurance is secondary to primary insurance parents may havefor the student. This plan will pay the first $500.00 of all usual and customaryclaims. Please refer to the <strong>Student</strong> Health Insurance brochure or the websitefor details of the plan.In the event that the student has no primary insurance, this plan defaults asthe students primary insurance. <strong>Student</strong>s will incur a $75.00 deductible persickness or injury which will be reduced to $25.00 provided the studentsvisits the Department of <strong>Student</strong> Health Service first for treatment and evaluation.This requirement is waived if the following conditions apply:• you require treatment for a medical emergency.• SHS is closed.• care is required while more than 30 miles from campus.In addition, this plan will pay 90% of all charges when the student is seen byDepartment of <strong>Student</strong> Health Services and referred to physicians and facilitiesin the Beech Street Network. Should the student access medical careoutside of the network this plan will only pay 70% of usual and customarycharges. <strong>Student</strong>s will be required to pay a $15.00 co-pay for any and allgeneric prescriptions and $35.00 for brand name prescriptions at ExpressScripts participating pharmacies (a list of the participating pharmacies can beobtained from the Department of <strong>Student</strong> Health Services).31The Department of <strong>Student</strong> Health Services is available to handle emergenciesduring hours of operation. If the injured or ill person can come to <strong>Student</strong>Health Services, they should do so. If assistance s needed with transportationto the department, please contact Public Safety at (4<strong>04</strong>) 270-5328After-Hours Medical CareThe Department of <strong>Student</strong> Health Services does not provide after-hours care.For service injuries/illnesses the student should go directly to the emergencyroom of the Atlanta Medical Center, or, if you live off campus, to the nearestemergency facility. For less serious injuries, and illnesses, the student shouldnotify the RA, RA on call and contact Public Safety - the on call physicianwill be contacted to davise you of how to proceed.<strong>Student</strong>s With Serious Medical ConditionsAny student who is or becomes pregnant, or has a serious medical conditionthat requires the attention of a physician, should notify the Vice President of<strong>Student</strong> Affairs/Dean and Health Services. <strong>Student</strong>s that are pregnant and/orhave a serious medical conditions should provide a statement from her attendingphysician indicating the student's ability to participate in normalcollege activities and live in student housing. The student may continue toreside in student housing so long as she is physically and emotionally able todo so. Note: Under no circumstances will a student be permitted to residein a residence hall with her child. A student may, if medically necessary, takea leave of absence. A student requesting a leave of absence should provide tothe Vice President for <strong>Student</strong> Affairs a statement from her attendingphysician indicating that the student's health requires a leave of absence aswell as follow leave of absence procedures outlined in the <strong>College</strong> Bulletin.HOUSING AND RESIDENCE LIFELiving and Learning Center II(4<strong>04</strong>) 681-3643 extension 5344The Office of Housing and Residence Life provides an excellent opportunityfor <strong>Spelman</strong> women to build on their sisterhood, find study partners, andlearn about themselves. This development is learned through living in one ofthe 10 residence halls located on campus and in an apartment complex.First year students live in Abby Hall, Howard-Herrald, and Manley Hall, withsome first-year honor, and W.I.S.E. students living on the second floor ofStewart Living and Learning Center. Upper-class students live in Bessie StrongHall, Laura <strong>Spelman</strong> Hall, Living and Learning Center II, MacVicar Hall,McAlpin Hall, Morehouse-James Hall, and in the Stewart Living and LearningCenter.32

The residence halls are staffed with full-time professional Resident Directorsand full time upper class students who serve as Resident Assistants. It is thestaffs responsibility to assess and meet the needs of the residents in the buildingthrough daily interactions by planning and implementing programs andactivities, by being available and approachable, and by enforcing the <strong>Spelman</strong><strong>College</strong> student code of conduct and residence hall policies and procedures.Eligibility For Campus HousingAny <strong>Spelman</strong> student who is in good standing academically and is enrolledas a full time student may apply to live on campus. Campus housing isguaranteed for most first year students who meet deposit deadlines.A general deadline to keep in mind is March 31, the date when the studentaccount must be paid in full. <strong>Student</strong>s who turn in the housing applicationby the April 1 deadline and clear their student account balance by March 31deadline will be eligible to participate in the housing lottery.A student who has an outstanding account balance may turn in a housingapplication, and must notify the housing and residence life office when herbalance is cleared to be placed on the housing waiting list.All students are expected to move into their respective rooms no later thanthe first day of orientation for first-year students and the day before the firstday of classes for upper-class students. <strong>Student</strong>s not moving in by thosedeadlines must notify the Director of Housing and Residence Life to coordinatea move in date and time. Failure to notify the office of Housing andResidence Life of the change in move in date may result in termination of thehousing and residence life contract and a fee for failure to terminate thecontract.Moving InA student who has received a room assignment must take occupancy no laterthan the first day of new student orientation (or by the occupancy dateindicated on the room assignment card, whichever is later), unless she hasobtained permission from the Director of Housing and Residence Life to movein after that date.An upper-class student who has received a room assignment must takeoccupancy by the last day of regular class registration (or the occupancy dateindicated on the room assignment card, whichever is later), unless she hasobtained permission from the Office of Housing and Residence Life to movein after that date. Failure to comply with these requirements may result inhaving the room canceled.33Housing ContractsAll housing contracts are for the academic period. All students receivingroom assignments are required to sign a housing contract to confirm theirroom for the academic year. This contract along with the “Guide to CommunityLiving” specifies the regulations for living in the residence halls. <strong>Student</strong>sare advised to read the contract carefully before signing. Once theOffice of Housing and Residence Life receivers the housing contract, it isbinding for the stated contract period and the student, parents and/or legalguardian is responsible for paying the housing fee for the term of the contract.Waiting ListA student who turns in a housing application by April 1 deadlline and heraccount balance is not cleared and a student turning in the housing applicationafter April 1 deadline will be placed on the waiting list for one semester.Housing assignments will be given in priority based on the day that the housingapplication was received and the day that the account balance was cleared.<strong>Student</strong>s on the waiting list are encouraged to contact the office of Housingand Residence Life to find out their status and to turn in summer contactinformation.Once a room is assignment is made the student will have (10) business daysto return the housing contract and the $250.00 non-refundable confirmationfee. The confirmation fee should be submitted as a USPS money order of aFinancial Institution.Temporary Housing PolicyBased on past experience, the <strong>College</strong> can reasonably anticipate that therewill be a few residence hall vacancies at the beginning of each semester. Asa matter of convenience to students, the <strong>College</strong> permits a small number ofstudents on the waiting list to live temporarily in residence hall lounges andsimilar rooms until the end of regular class registration.Telephones<strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong> furnishes each room with a telephone connection. Thisconnection will allow students to call rooms on campus and <strong>College</strong> officesusing four(4) digit dialing and calling off campus by dialing 9 and the ten (10)digit number. <strong>Student</strong>s must bring their own telephone instrument.<strong>Student</strong>s making long distance calls must use a calling card or dial collect.Ethernet ConnectionAll student rooms are equipped with an Ethernet connection. <strong>Student</strong>s areencouraged to get Ethernet cards installed in their computers by a professionaland must provide their own category five cable to connect to the system.34

Removal From <strong>College</strong> HousingA student may be removed from <strong>College</strong> housing for misconduct asdetermined by the Director of Housing and Residence Life or the AssociateDean of <strong>Student</strong>s. The student will be given not more than 48-72 hours tovacate the residence hall, unless a special exception is made by the Directorof Housing and Residence Life. If the student has not vacated the premises bythe designated time, <strong>College</strong> designated personnel will remove the student'spersonal effects from her room. The <strong>College</strong> assumes no legal or financialliability for the safety or security of such effects.Protection Of Personal PropertyThe <strong>College</strong> will not be liable for the loss of money or other valuables ordamage to the property of any resident. <strong>Student</strong>s are advised to purchaseinsurance coverage for personal losses.Fire DrillsFire drills will be scheduled periodically in each residence hall. Firecaptains and lieutenants will assist Public Safety personnel. Please refer tothe section in this <strong>Handbook</strong> entitled "Fire Safety Plan." The fire doors arenot to be used except in the case of an emergency. ACTIVATING FIREALARMS OR USING FIRE EXTINGUISHERS WHEN THERE IS NO FIRE ISA SERIOUS OFFENSE AND OFFENDERS WILL BE PROSECUTEDTHROUGH THE STATE FIRE MARSHALL'S OFFICE.INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS PROGRAM210 Manley Center(4<strong>04</strong>) 681-3643 extension 5143<strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong> invites women from other countries to join the <strong>Spelman</strong>community as regular full-time students or as exchange students. Internationalstudents are eligible for all services available through the <strong>College</strong>.International students arrive on campus a few days early for a pre-orientationprogram designed to familiarize them with the city, the <strong>College</strong>, and highereducation from the American perspective.The International <strong>Student</strong> Advisor (ISA) is the <strong>College</strong>'s official representativein all contacts with the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (BCIS)and the U.S. State Department regarding international students in F-1 (nonimmigrantstudent) status. The advisor to international students is not an agentof anygovernment entity, but is a <strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong> employee whose job it is toanswer students' questions about visa status and direct students to officesand services on campus. A Designated School Officer (DSO) is authorized tosign documents for international students. There are five on <strong>Spelman</strong>'scampus. The international student advisor keeps students and DSO's informedof changes in INS regulations and offers periodic information sessions onmaintaining status and on exercising F-1 privileges.Several citywide activities bring international students in the Atlantametropolitan area together to explore the culture of their host city. Activitiesinclude links with U.S. host families, tours of the city, a welcome reception,and opportunities to serve as speakers to youth groups and activities forspouses.MANLEY STUDENT CENTERMany services for students are located in the Albert E. Manley <strong>Student</strong>Center. The Harriet Tubman Concourse on the lower level of the Center housescampus bulletin boards, a change machine, a copier machine, an automaticteller machine (ATM), two student meeting rooms, a TV/game room, and TheGrill. The <strong>Student</strong> Government Association, the Spotlight newspaper, andthe Reflections yearbook are also located on the lower level of the Center.The Sojourner Truth Concourse on the upper level of the Center houses theoffices of the Vice President for <strong>Student</strong> Affairs, the Associate Dean of<strong>Student</strong>s, <strong>Student</strong> Financial Services and <strong>Student</strong> Activities.PUBLIC SAFETYParking Structure - Lee Street Entrance(4<strong>04</strong>) 270-5328<strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong> strongly believes that maintaining a safe and securecommunity is essential to sustaining the quality of campus life that we havecome to enjoy. All members of the <strong>Spelman</strong> community are charged with theresponsibility of protecting themselves and protecting each other. TheDepartment of Public Safety is the core of our professional safety and securityteam and provides a comprehensive assortment of resource materials,educational programs, and special activities to keep the college communityabreast of issues related to crime prevention and safety awareness.3536

It is your responsibility to take an active role in campus safety and securityinitiatives.The Department of Public Safety oversees the safety of all persons and<strong>College</strong> property and enforces campus rules and regulations. Public Safety islocated in the West Parking Deck and is open 24 hours daily. Public Safetycan always be reached in an emergency by calling (4<strong>04</strong>) 270-5328.Public Safety maintains 24-hour mobile patrols of the campus and adjacentstreets. Foot patrols circulate throughout the residence halls and other campusbuildings at night. These measures can only be effective if each andevery member of the <strong>College</strong> community shares the responsibility for campussafety and does her part to safeguard herself and her property. If you seeany unusual individuals or activities at any time on or near campus, pleasecontact Public Safety.<strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong> will not tolerate instances of sexual assault or other sexualoffenses. <strong>Student</strong>s who experience a sexual assault, a rape, or any other sexualoffense, should bring the incident to the immediate attention of the <strong>College</strong>.The <strong>College</strong> will provide information on what procedure students shouldfollow in order to report sex offenses, what actions the <strong>College</strong> may takeunder the circumstances, and the availability of counseling programs bothon and off campus. The <strong>College</strong> will also, at the student's request, assist herin reporting the incident to local authorities.PROTECTING YOURSELFSome steps you can take to protect yourself and your property are:• Lock your room when sleeping and when you leave your room.• Residence halls are secured 24 hours. Never prop open any ofthe entrance or exit doors of a residence hall.• Travel in pairs or groups whenever possible.• If you are assaulted, yell "fire" and keep yelling. Attempt tobreak away from your assailant and run toward lights or people.• Make a list of serial numbers, brand names, models, anddescriptions of your valuable items.• Never leave your wallet, checkbook, or keys lying on top ofyour desk.• Keep valuables hidden.• Report lost room keys to your Resident Director.• Report any theft to the Department of Public Safety immediately.The Department of Public Safety works closely with the Atlanta PoliceDepartment and other local law enforcement agencies, and assists infollowing up on incidents that have been reported to these agencies. TheDepartment also conducts training in personal protection, fire safety, andother safety-related topics. For information regarding these programs, call orvisit the Department of Public Safety.Parking PoliciesAll students, faculty, staff and visitors are required to pay for parking on the<strong>Spelman</strong> campus. Parking fees and policies are published annually and areavailable in the Public Safety Office, and the Parking Management Officelocated in the parking deck.Parking regulations are strictly enforced and violators' vehicles are subject toimmediate removal from the campus at the owner's expense. Please obeycampus-parking rules at all times.Fire Safety PlanThe potential for fire is always present in an institutional environment. It isthe responsibility of all students, faculty, and staff to be aware of <strong>Spelman</strong>'sfire safety policies and procedures. Failure to comply with fire safetymeasures may endanger others. Disciplinary action will be taken by the<strong>College</strong> against those in violation of fire safety policies and procedures.Fire Alarms And Fire ExtinguishersA fire alarm is located on every floor of every building on campus. The firealarm may be activated manually by pulling an alarm switch. Learn thelocation of alarm switches in the facilities that you use. When activated, thealarm makes a loud sound (bell, horn, or siren). Whenever you hear theemergency alarm, assume there is a fire and exit the facility at once. Fireextinguishers are also located on each floor of all campus buildings. Pleasebecome familiar with the operation of the various types of fire extinguishersused at <strong>Spelman</strong>, especially those in your residence hall. Floor plans areposted on every floor of all facilities. Become familiar with several means ofexiting each of the campus facilities that you use.If you detect a fire in your vicinity, pull the nearest fire alarm and leave thebuilding. Once outside call the Department of Public Safety (4<strong>04</strong>/270-5328)and report the exact location of the emergency.The Department encourages student involvement through its volunteerstudent "Protecting Our <strong>Spelman</strong> Sisters Everyday "(P.O.S.S.E.). <strong>Student</strong>volunteers assist in all aspects of departmental operations under the supervisionof full-time staff.3738

Greek LifePolicies governing sororities and other organizations withselective memberships.Sororities and other organizations with competitive selection procedures andintake requirements for membership must comply with the following regulations:•Each organization must have an on-campus advisor and agraduate advisor. The on-campus advisor, who must be afull-time member of the <strong>Spelman</strong> faculty or administration, servesas the liaison between the organization and the <strong>College</strong>. Theon-campus advisor must approve all activities, programs, and• requirements for membership.Securing advisors is the sole responsibility of the organization. Ifthe organization cannot secure an on-campus or graduateadvisor or if the advisor resigns, the sorority's <strong>Spelman</strong> charterwill be suspended until a new on-campus or graduate advisorcan be secured by the chapter. The Director of <strong>Student</strong> Activitiesmust be notified immediately whenever an on-campus orgraduate advisor resigns.Membership in these organizations is through a competitive selection processthat includes a (1) GPA requirement, (2) a certain number of semesterhours, (3) participation in community service, (4) meeting all financial anddiscipinary obligations.<strong>Student</strong>s can not participate in intake activities unless they are in good academic,financial and disciplinary standing, have a 3.0 cumulative grade pointaverage (GPA), and are of sophomore status (30 hours) or beyond. Currentmembers must maintain a 2.8 GPA for each subsequent semester after theirintake.Transfer students may not seek membership in any sorority until they havecompleted at least 12 hours of college credit at <strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong> and haveattained sophomore status (30 hours).<strong>Student</strong>s desiring to participate in the membership intake process must sign aGreek interest card waiver form and submit it to the Office of <strong>Student</strong> Activities.The Office of <strong>Student</strong> Activities will verify financial, judicial, and academiceligibility. <strong>Student</strong>s under the age of 18 must have written permissionfrom their parents or guardian to participate in the membership intake process.A membership cap of 35 new members is allowed per sorority. Some flexibilityis allowed, but on a case-by-case basis with appropriate supporting documentsfrom the chapter advisor and with approval from the Associate Deanof <strong>Student</strong>s. Exchange or guest students who wish to participate in intakeactivities must receive written permission from the Dean of <strong>Student</strong>s of theirrespective institutions and must meet the requirements of <strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong>.<strong>Student</strong>s wishing to participate in the intake process must have all of thefollowing criteria:• Have completed 12 or more credit hours as a <strong>Spelman</strong> student• Have attended the Greek Forum within the same academic yearin which the student plans to participate in the intake process• Have completed all appropriate applications and processes inorder to be eligible• <strong>Spelman</strong> students who are currently on exchange at otherinstitutions must be able to participate in all intake activities inorder to be eligible.During the academic year, the Office of <strong>Student</strong> Activities will hold a forumat which the history of each sorority is discussed and policies pertaining tothe membership intake process are presented.Before conducting any intake activities, the sorority must disclose to theDirector of <strong>Student</strong> Activities the policies governing intake activities, the directand indirect costs of all required activities, and a copy of the Intake ActivitySchedule approved by the Regional Officer.A list of all members participating in each sorority's initiation must be givento the Director of <strong>Student</strong> Activities prior to notification of participants.Intake activities that take place during the Fall or Spring semester may notextend for more than three weeks. All "coming out" step shows must becompleted at least 14 days prior to the beginning of the reading period.4142

Intake activities may not interfere with the educational mission of <strong>Spelman</strong><strong>College</strong>. Participants are required to:• Attend classes regularly• Participate in class discussions and activities• Comply with all regulations governing each course• Fulfill all academic obligations within the deadlines specified bytheir instructors• Dress appropriately for all classes and class activities• Refrain from disrupting the educational process and learningenvironment in any wayExamples of conduct prohibited by this regulation would include having allintake members sit together in a designated location on campus, e.g., DiningHall, or having them refrain from participating in class discussions asactively or as enthusiastically as they did prior to the intake period.Each organization must allow intake participants at least 20 hours to studyeach week (defined as Sunday through Friday). The officers of each organizationmust submit a study schedule to their advisor and to the Director of<strong>Student</strong> Activities.Participants must be allowed "uninterrupted personal time" between 11:00p.m. and 8:00 am., Sunday through Saturday. No intake activities may beheld during these hours.<strong>Student</strong>s participating in intake activities must fulfill all of their work-study orother employment obligations. All intake activities must comply with TheCode of Community Standards and Conduct.No "get acquainted" or other pre-intake activities may be held prior to theofficial intake process. The sorority or its members, as well as interestedstudents who participate in any pre-intake activities, will be subject to disciplinaryactions, up to suspension/expulsion from the chapter and <strong>Spelman</strong><strong>College</strong>.Participants may not be required to engage in any activity that causes theparticipant to sleep in class, fail to attend class, fail to submit assignments, orfail to prepare for examinations, presentations, or any other course requirement.All intake activities are restricted to specified hours and to the followingspecified facilities: Manley <strong>Student</strong> Center, Fine Arts Amphitheater, Read Hall,Cosby Center and the patio area between Howard-Harreld Hall and ManleyHall. Intake activities are prohibited near Giles, Tapley, the Fine Arts Buildingand on any street outside the campus between 11:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.Monday through Friday, unless it is a formal event in which the room hasbeen properly requisitioned.43Tables in the Alma Upshaw Dining Room and the Atrium cannot be reservedto enable participants to sit together, unless it is a formal event in which theroom has been properly requisitioned. <strong>Student</strong>s may not hold or reserve placesin line for other students during any activity, including meals.Sanctions for Intake ViolationsIn addition to the various disciplinary measures that may be imposed onstudents and/or student organizations who violate <strong>College</strong> policies governingintake activities, the sorority's charter at <strong>Spelman</strong> could be suspendedfrom sorority activities at the <strong>College</strong> for a specified period of time.A chapter or organization that abuses intake participants or violates any ofthe other rules governing sororities and organizations with selective membershiprequirements may be suspended indefinitely pending the results ofan internal investigation. If charges of abuse or other violations are substantiated,the organization and/or its members may be banned at <strong>Spelman</strong>, andappropriate disciplinary actions will be taken against the individuals and/ororganization involved.It is the responsibility of each participant in the membership intake processto adhere to all of the rules and policies of national organizations, localchapters, and <strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong>.<strong>Student</strong> Government AssociationThe <strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>Student</strong> Government Association (SSGA) is an assembly ofstudent representatives who act as a liaison between the student body andthe <strong>Spelman</strong> administration and faculty. SSGA meets regularly to discussmatters of general concern to the <strong>College</strong> community and presents proposalsand provides input on the tenor of student opinion.The <strong>Student</strong> Activity Fee Allocation Committee (SAFAC) also determines theprocedures for distributing funds to student clubs and organizations. SSGAmembers serve on many <strong>College</strong> committees, giving input that affects thewelfare of students. A list of SSGA officers, class officers and a copy of theConstitution of the <strong>Student</strong> Government Association may be obtained fromthe SSGA Office or the Office of <strong>Student</strong> Activities.All <strong>Spelman</strong> student clubs/organizations must be officially registered in theOffice of <strong>Student</strong> Activities. Forms are available in Room 201 the ManleyCenter.44

Expectations for Leadership PositionsHolding an elected or appointed office, serving on a <strong>College</strong> committee orboard, or participating in a pageant at other institutions as a representative of<strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong> is an honor and privilege carrying with it specific responsibilities.<strong>Student</strong>s who are on academic or discipinary probation are notallowed to represent the <strong>College</strong>.To qualify for a leadership position, a student must meet certain standardsand maintain them throughout her term of office or service. Any student whofails to maintain the prescribed grade point average will be declaredineligible to continue serving in any of these capacities.GPA Requirements• 2.8 cumulative GPA to serve on <strong>College</strong> committees or boards.• 3.0 cumulative GPA to participate in pageants, such as Ms.<strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong> Pageant.• 3.0 cumulative GPA to be elected or appointed SSGA officer.• 3.0 cumulative GPA to serve as student trustee on <strong>Spelman</strong>'sBoard of Trustees.All eligibility, requirements must be met at the time of application. Extenuatingcircumstances will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.Activities suchas blood drives, bone marrow drives, cholesterol screening, etc. planned byany club or organization must be coordinated through the Health ServicesDepartment at least one week prior to the event. The Director of HealthServices must approve all such activities.<strong>Student</strong> TrusteeEvery three years, a second-semester freshwoman is elected by her peers andselected by the Board of Trustees Committee on Board Affairs to serve athree-year term on the Board of Trustees of <strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong>. The Board ofTrustees, a distinguished group from all over the country, provides directionof the administration of the <strong>College</strong>.Serving as a student trustee is an honor that carries with it all of the duties andresponsibilities of a <strong>College</strong> trustee, as well as the additional demand ofmaintaining the highest standards of conduct and scholarship expected of<strong>Spelman</strong> students.The student trustee position is not an SSGA office, and the student trusteedoes not represent the SSGA on the Board of Trustees. To avoid confusion ofroles and conflicts of interest, the student trustee is not permitted to hold anSSGA office during her term as a trustee. A student government officer is anelected representative of the student body and must act primarily with theinterests of her constituents in mind. On the other hand, a student trustee,like other trustees, must act primarily with the interests of the <strong>College</strong>, as aninstitution, in mind. mmmmm45These interests are ordinarily the same, but because they may occasionallydiffer, a student trustee may not serve in the dual capacity of <strong>Student</strong>Government representative and <strong>College</strong> representative. This includes all SSGAoffices, class offices, and any position filled by election at the time of theSSGA elections in the spring.The student trustee is expected to serve as a role model for other students.She must fully satisfy the Code of Community Standards and Conduct, maintainhigh academic achievement, and remain in good financial standing withthe <strong>College</strong>. She must remain enrolled as a student throughout her term ofoffice on the Board of Trustees. If she fails to do so, she will be disqualifiedand will be replaced.<strong>Student</strong> PublicationsCreative expression is strongly encouraged among <strong>Spelman</strong> students, and<strong>Spelman</strong>'s student publications are one outlet available to students. <strong>Student</strong>swith talents and interests in literary pursuits are encouraged to submitarticles to the campus publications and to volunteer to serve on the staff ofone of the student publications.The Spotlight, the student newspaper, and Reflections, the college yearbook,are free of arbitrary and capricious censorship and advance-copy approval.Both publications are financially supported by the <strong>College</strong> and do notoperate independently from the <strong>College</strong>. They are expected to be operatedand published within the standards of responsible journalism as establishedby the <strong>College</strong>.The Spotlight, <strong>Spelman</strong>'s student newspaper, is published bimonthly duringthe regular academic year. It reflects the creative expression and generalawareness of <strong>Spelman</strong> students. The staff consist of an editor-in-chief,business manager and student volunteers. All students are especially urgedto submit essays, poems, short stories, and articles. The deadline forsubmitting materials for each issue will be posted.Reflections, <strong>Spelman</strong>’s yearbook, is published annually by the student bodyand presents a pictorial and literary view of life at <strong>Spelman</strong>. The co-editorsselect members of the staff. Focus, <strong>Spelman</strong>’s magazine, is publishedannually, and features creative writing of <strong>Spelman</strong> students.FacilitiesAll student activities held on <strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong> property must adhere to<strong>College</strong> policies. For use of facilities by non-affiliated groups or individuals,please consult Administrative Support Services, Lower Level, Rockefeller Hall.46

As a general rule, only recognized student groups or organizations may use<strong>College</strong> facilities. To obtain official recognition, the Director of <strong>Student</strong>Activities must approve the student organization. The Director of <strong>Student</strong>Activities will evaluate requests for the use of <strong>College</strong> facilities by studentswho are not applying on behalf of a recognized student group on a case-bycasebasis. At campus approved events ,students may not serve food thatthey cooked or prepared themselves. Any food that is served must be purchasedfrom outside licensed vendors (e.g., Krispy Kreme, Papa John's Pizza)and must meet all state and federal health regulations.Use Of Facilities By <strong>Spelman</strong> OrganizationsThe use of <strong>Spelman</strong> facilities by any student organization is a privilege thatcarries with it certain responsibilities. Failure to fulfill these responsibilitiesmay disqualify the organization from future use of <strong>College</strong> facilities and mayexpose the organization to other sanctions.Responsibilities of <strong>Student</strong> Groups:• Must provide assurance that all <strong>College</strong> regulations and all local,state and federal laws will be followed.• Must have sufficient financial resources to meet to meet all financial all financialobligations, even if the event is a financial failure or if property isdamaged.• Must take necessary precautions to assure the physical safety andhealth of participants. Representatives of of the sponsoring organiza-organizationmay may be required be required to confer to confer with with the Department the Department of Public of Public Safetyin Safety advance in advance to develop to develop a plan a that plan minimizes that minimizes the risk the of risk incidents. incidents.• Must not engage in activities that are likely to be destructive to the<strong>College</strong>'s facilities or disruptive of the <strong>College</strong>'s programs.• Must leave facility in satisfactory condition, as determined by the<strong>College</strong>. Furniture may not be moved from the facility. The sponsoris is responsible for any damage to or theft from the facilityppppppp immediately before, during and after the event.• Must provide security at parties, dances, and other major socialevents. Security also is is required for for activities that that are open are open to non- tonon-<strong>Spelman</strong> individuals individuals and activities and activities that are that expected are expected to keep to males keepon males campus on campus after midnight. after midnight. One officer One officer is required is required for every for 100 everyguests. 100 guests. Security Security officers officers must be must present be present from the from beginning the beginning of theactivity of the activity until all until participants all participants have left have the premises left the premises at the end at of thethe end activity. of the activity. If the activity If the is activity one where is one males where will males be on will campus be onafter campus midnight after (e.g., midnight a dance (e.g., or party), a dance more than party), two more security than offic twoers security are required officers at the are event, required and at the the sponsoring event, and organization the sponsoring maybe organization required to may assume be required the additional to assume costs the involved. additional costs involved.• Must have students and visitors sit on seats provided and not ontables and tables railings. and railings.47• Must comply with all <strong>College</strong> policies, for example, the Drug andAlcohol Policy, the No-Smoking Policy, etc.• Must have the student organization's name on any advertisementfor all events. The campus advisor must be present at all sponsoredevents. Failure to do so may result in a cancellation of the event;(this does not include regularly scheduled meetings).The use of academic buildings is primarily for academic purposes.Classrooms in all academic buildings are scheduled by the Registrarfor lectures, seminars, films, organized meetings and group projects.Guidelines For Use Of Manley <strong>College</strong> CenterIn addition to the guidelines stated above, the following additionalguidelines apply to the use of conference rooms, corridors or otherfacilities in Manley <strong>College</strong> Center.1. Selling and soliciting are not allowed anywhere in the Center,except by full-time <strong>Spelman</strong> students who have obtained writtenpermission from the Vice President for <strong>Student</strong> Affairs / Dean of<strong>Student</strong>s or designee, or unless co-sponsored by the SSGA andlocated in the lower concourse.2. <strong>Student</strong>s and visitors should not place their feet on furniture.3. Pets are not allowed in the <strong>College</strong> Center.4. Male guests (except those on official <strong>College</strong> business) are notpermitted in the Manley Center during reading and examinationperiods.Use Of Grounds By <strong>Spelman</strong> OrganizationsSections of the campus grounds may be used for picnics and outdoor partieswith prior written approval and in accordance with the proceduresapplicable to facilities. All sunbathing and lounging should take place in therear of Read Hall. Chalk writing on sidewalks is only allowed in designatedareas. Chalkwriting on buildings is prohibited.Procedures For Scheduling <strong>Student</strong> Activities• Major activities (e.g., dances) should be scheduled well inadvance to assure the availability of facilities. (Allow at least five(5) business days for processing.)• The Director of <strong>Student</strong> Activities, or designee, will either approvethe event, request additional information, or disapprove the event.• The event may not conflict with events already scheduled andapproved for other organizations.• Any request received less than five working days prior to the eventwill not be processed. The authority for determining the availabilityof space rests with the Administrative Support Services.• Administrative Support Services will notify the sponsor(s) of thestatus of the request at least 48 hours prior to the activity.48

• If a dining area is to be used or if food is needed, the sponsor mustmake all necessary arrangements with the Manager of Food Services.• If an event has to be canceled, the sponsor must notify the Officeof Administrative Support Services at least two working days priorto the date of the event.Use Of <strong>Spelman</strong> Facilities By AUC <strong>Student</strong> OrganizationsAny AUC student organizations that wishs to hold an activity on the <strong>Spelman</strong>campus must abide by the guidelines set by the SSGA, and follow <strong>Spelman</strong>'spolicies and procedures. Any sorority or fraternity function must be co-sponsoredby a <strong>Spelman</strong> sorority.Organizations that are not approved by <strong>Spelman</strong> or one of the other AUCinstitutions are considered "external organizations" and are governed bydifferent policies and procedures.Facility Reservation• Facility reservation requests are done on-line using Lotus Notes orthrough the Internet.• The Internet address is: http://prince.spelman.edu• Request must be entered at least five business days prior to theevent. This will ensure proper routing time for set ups and audiovisual equipment usage.• <strong>Student</strong> organizations must secure approval from both the advisorand the Director of <strong>Student</strong> Activities. Advisors and the Directorof <strong>Student</strong> Activities are to sign off on-line using Lotus Notes.• Final approving signature is done in Administrative Support Services.• Confirmations are e-mailed to the requester at least two businessdays prior to the event.• <strong>Student</strong>s may use the computers in the labs located at ACC, Cosby,or any lab that has internet capability.• An activity may not be held on the <strong>Spelman</strong> campus if it is likelyto be destructive of the <strong>College</strong>'s facilities or disruptive of the<strong>College</strong>'s programs. If such destruction or disruption occurs, thesponsoring organization will be held responsible for costs incurredin repairing damages.SanctionsNon-<strong>Spelman</strong> student organizations that violate <strong>Spelman</strong>'s policies orprocedures, or fail to comply with the terms and conditions under whichthey were allowed to use a <strong>Spelman</strong> facility face the following possibleconsequences:1. The <strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong> Department of Public Safety may requirethe violating student organization(s) to leave the campusimmediately. The organization's members will be consideredtrespassers if they fail to do so.2. The student organization(s) may be denied the use of <strong>Spelman</strong>facilities, and individual members of the student organization(s)may be banned from the <strong>Spelman</strong> campus, for a period to bedetermined by the Dean of <strong>Student</strong>s.3. The members of the violating student organization(s) may bedisciplined on their respective campuses.4. The student organization(s) may be assessed fines for destroying<strong>College</strong> property or for leaving <strong>College</strong> property in an uncleanor unsanitary condition.Posters And SignsPosters, flyers, pictures and lettering of any kind may be displayed only ondesignated bulletin boards. They may not be affixed to walls, windows, ordoors. Posting in non-designated areas will result in the removal anddisposal of the items without notice.All postings regarding student functions or programs must be approved bythe Office of <strong>Student</strong> Activities and stamped. The Institutional Review Boardin the Psychology Department must approve other postings regardingsurveys and inventory administrated by external organizations.<strong>Student</strong> organizations wishing to display flyers and posters in the Manley<strong>College</strong> Center must receive approval by the Office of <strong>Student</strong> Activities.Off-campus organizations and vendors requesting to display posters andflyers on <strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong> property must be approved by the of Office of<strong>Student</strong> Activities or the department responsible for the bulletin board(s) in aparticular building.Posters and flyers must be neat, legible, and in good taste. The name of thesponsor(s) must appear on the poster or flyer. Posters or flyers that areconsidered inappropriate (i.e., alcohol and drug advertisements, obscene andlewd advertisements, as well as advertisements for functions, events anddisplays that are not consistent with the mission of the <strong>College</strong>) will not beapproved to be displayed on <strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong> property.Posters and flyers must be removed within 24 hours after the event.4950

Solicitations, Canvassing And SalesSolicitations, canvassing and sales are permitted on campus by full-time<strong>Spelman</strong> students with the permission of the Vice President for <strong>Student</strong>Affairs/Dean of <strong>Student</strong>s or designee. Requests by other groups and companiesmay be approved at the discretion of the Dean of <strong>Student</strong>s, but only ifthe activity provides student scholarships or otherwise benefits <strong>Spelman</strong>students or organizations. (Note: a separate policy governs solicitations,canvassing and sales by <strong>Spelman</strong> employees, and these may be obtainedthrough the Office of Human Resources.)AuctionsThough the <strong>College</strong> encourages student organizations to engage in fundraisingactivities, a degree of decorum must be used when conducting auctions.<strong>Spelman</strong> does not promote, nor will it tolerate the auctioning or the sale ofany human being, whether in jest or as an attempt to acquire funds. Thisincludes date auctions, servant auctions, slave-for-a-day auctions or any combinationthereof. If an auction is the fund-raiser of choice, only auction itemsor services that have been purchased or donated by commercial agencies orreputable vendors are permitted.A DECORUM GUIDE FOR SPELMAN WOMEN<strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong> is unlike any other institution in America. For more than acentury the name <strong>Spelman</strong> has exemplified excellence. <strong>Spelman</strong> studentsare selected from among the top students in the country, and the <strong>College</strong> hassought to prepare these exceptional women for academic achievement andleadership.There is a special history and incredible pride associated with the <strong>College</strong>.As part of that history, <strong>Spelman</strong> has a reputation for shaping leaders. Cultivatingexceptional achievers takes more than scholastic performance. It requiresa commitment to honesty, integrity, purpose, compassion, service, civility,and excellence.As a <strong>Spelman</strong> woman, you are preceded by countless women, both nationallyand internationally, that have achieved at the highest levels all over theworld. As a <strong>Spelman</strong> student and a <strong>Spelman</strong> woman, you no longer representjust yourself, but rather you represent <strong>Spelman</strong> alumnae and the <strong>College</strong>.Your life as a <strong>Spelman</strong> student will be marked in the beginning with a candlelightceremony, and at the end with a walk through the Alumnae Arch on theOval. Many experiences will take place between these two events. The DecorumGuide serves as a tool to guide you through the total <strong>Spelman</strong> experience.It speaks to the <strong>Spelman</strong> standard--a standard of excellence.At <strong>Spelman</strong>, it is important to remember that you are among the best andbrightest women undergraduates in the country. There is no place like<strong>Spelman</strong>, and no one like a <strong>Spelman</strong> woman.<strong>Spelman</strong> History And Traditions<strong>Spelman</strong>, one of the nation's most highly regarded colleges for women, wasfounded by Sophia B. Packard and Harriet Giles, two friends who were commissionedin 1879 by the Women's American Baptist <strong>Home</strong> Mission Societyof New England to study the living conditions "among the freedmen of theSouth." Appalled by the lack of educational opportunity for Black women,the missionaries returned to Boston determined to affect change. On April11, 1881, they opened a school in the basement of Atlanta's Friendship BaptistChurch with $100 provided by the congregation of the First BaptistChurch of Medford, Massachusetts. The first eleven pupils were primarilyformer slaves, determined to learn to read the Bible and write well enough tosend letters to their families in the North.5152

Totally dedicated, Misses Packard and Giles returned to the North in 1882 formore funds. At a church meeting in Cleveland, Ohio, they were introduced toMr. John D. Rockefeller, who emptied his wallet during the collection.The original name for <strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong> was Atlanta Baptist Female Seminary.In 1884, the institution became <strong>Spelman</strong> Seminary, named after LucyHarvey <strong>Spelman</strong>, mother-in-law of John D. Rockefeller.<strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong> PresidentsSophia B. Packard (1881-1891)Harriet E. Giles (1891 -1909)Lucy Upton(1909-1910) Acting PresidentLucy Tapley (1910-1927)Florence Read (1927-1953)Albert E. Manley (1953-1976) First AfricanAmerican PresidentDonald M. Stewart (1976-1987)Johnnetta B. Cole (1987-1997) First African AmericanWoman PresidentAudrey Forbes ManleyBeverly Daniel TatumHistorical HighlightsFounders Day is celebrated on April 11.(1997-2002) First Alumna President(present)The <strong>College</strong> Motto is "Our Whole School for Christ". Though <strong>Spelman</strong> wasfounded in a basement of a Baptist church, it has always been open to womenfrom all religious affiliations.Inside the original <strong>Spelman</strong> Seal is the Star of Service. The Star itself representssix departments: <strong>College</strong>, Teacher Training, Nurse Training, Music, Academyand High School. <strong>Home</strong> Economics were later added to the curriculum.The current seal only has five stars because the High School was discontinued.The oldest building on campus is Rockefeller Hall, completed in 1886. Thenext oldest building is Packard Hall, built in 1886.Sisters Chapel is named after John D. Rockefeller's mother and aunt.The Grover-Werden Memorial Fountain was dedicated on May 31, 1927and is located in the center of the campus oval. It was built to provide icecold water, since it was not available elsewhere on campus on hot summerdays. It now represents a fountain of knowledge and a fountain of Life Eternal.53Class Day is a tradition in which the senior class comes together to reflect ontheir years at <strong>Spelman</strong>. The Ivy Oration is delivered by the valedictorian. Atthe end of the exercises, she plants ivy beside one of the buildings to contributeto the beauty of our campus. Following Class Day, the senior class proceedsto march through the Alumnae Arch.CLASS OF 2005Color - GreenEmblem - The Lamp"The Lamp represents light and guidance. Just as the lamp dispels thedarkness, so the members of this class strive to send forth their light."CLASS OF 2006Color - RedEmblem - The Eagle"The Eagle inspires its followers to a superior wing-spread of knowledge."CLASS OF 2007Color - YellowEmblem - The Sphinx"The Sphinx points out a definite pattern to progress, obedience, honest andethical rule, manners, and unselfishness to its followers."CLASS OF 2008Color -BlueEmblem - The Owl"Through the eyes of the past, the owl gains wisdom."The Alumnae Arch is located within the campus oval, near the walkbetween Rockefeller and Reynolds Cottage. Seniors take part in a ceremonysymbolic of their leaving the <strong>College</strong> and going into greater service byfollowing alumnae through the Arch. Alumnae wear white dresses tocelebrate this occasion.The Bench Ceremony was initiated by the Class of 1941. This bench, only tobe used by seniors, was made from two beams from an old barn that wasused to house the Founders. This barn is important because it was the lastremaining building connected with the early days of <strong>Spelman</strong>. The currentbench, made from pews from Sisters Chapel, is placed near the AlumnaeArch each April and remains until after Commencement.The Class Tree was dedicated by the Class of 1888. It is the magnolia treelocated between Rockefeller and Packard Halls. The original tree was plantedby Sophia Packard.54

The <strong>College</strong> Class Tree was dedicated by the Class of 1901. It is the wateroak tree between Reynolds Cottage and Sisters Chapel.The <strong>Spelman</strong> Messenger, was established in 1885 to inform its supportersand the community of the progress of <strong>Spelman</strong>. In the late 1880's thepublication was typeset and printed by the students. Today, the publicationcovers national and African American women's issues. Inside <strong>Spelman</strong>covers alumnae news, campaign information and other related issues.RankingMoney Magazine ranked <strong>Spelman</strong> as the #1 women's college in the nationand #5 among all colleges and universities of the 100 best buys for 1998. In1999, Black Enterprise Magazine ranked <strong>Spelman</strong> #1 in the DayStar list ofthe top 50 colleges for African Americans. In <strong>2003</strong> <strong>Spelman</strong> ranked in thetop 100 on the U.S. News and World Report list. The college was the onlyHBCU ranked in the Top 100 Best Liberal Arts <strong>College</strong>s by the U.S. Newsand World Report.DECORUM ON CAMPUSAttireAt no time is it ever appropriate to wear hair rollers, pajamas, house shoes orslippers, or any other similar clothing to class, the dining hall and othersocial and business events.CivilityThe <strong>College</strong> is an academic community where women from all over theworld choose to study. Academic communities by their nature are places foran exchange of ideas and where one learns from the experiences of many.During her academic career, the <strong>Spelman</strong> woman will encounter differencein virtually every respect of the word. The college demands respect for othersand civility in your encounters both inside and outside the classroom.In general, the standard is to treat people, as you would like to be treatedwithrespect. That respect applies to students, faculty, administrators, diningstaff, public safety, physical plant, and every member of the college community.If you have special concerns or grievances, there is an appropriate procedurefor filing a grievance. The student grievance procedure is clearly outlinedin the <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong>.Note: Civility is not only an expectation, but rather is a requirement.Misconduct toward members of the <strong>College</strong> community isreferenced in the Code of Community Standards andConduct, outlined in the <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong>.55Campus OfficesAlthough the campus is small and has a very comfortable, homey feeling, itis important to remember that it is still an academic community wherebusiness is conducted. Therefore, some behaviors are less than acceptable.The following provides a short list of unacceptable public practices:• the use of profanity• combing hair and braiding hair in public places• wearing hair rollers to class and in administrative offices<strong>Student</strong>s working in campus offices are expected to conduct themselves in aprofessional manner. One never knows where contact on jobs may lead.Conduct in the ClassroomAt no time is it appropriate to use cell phones, pagers, 2-way pagers, or anysimilar devices in the classroom and/or during a class session. This includesconvocation or any academic meeting, session, or workshop. All devicesshould be turned off prior to class/meeting/session/workshop and convocationand only turned on after class. Failure to follow this policy is a violationof the Code of Community Standards and Conduct and students may besubject to disciplinary action.Class AttendanceSome of the most stimulating and enlightening discussions take place in a<strong>Spelman</strong> classroom. Consequently, <strong>Spelman</strong> women should be prompt orearly for class, having all pagers and cell phones turned OFF or silent. Allsupplies should be in hand, and the student should be prepared to benefitfrom every minute of class, without needing to borrow supplies or sharetexts. <strong>Student</strong>s with difficulties in seeing or hearing should sit in seats thatwill allow them the best possible vantage point. Further, students with specialneeds should inform the faculty member so that she/he can help thestudent benefit from class. NOTE: <strong>Student</strong>s with disabilities should contactthe Coorinator of Disability Services in the Counseling Department inMacVicar Hall.Instructors Offices and Office Hours<strong>Student</strong>s should learn the office hours of each professor. These office hoursare given to students in class, or may be posted on the office door and/orsyllabus. <strong>Student</strong>s who cannot meet with the professor during the designatedoffice hours should request a special appointment, either by leaving a note orby leaving a voice mail message. Most faculty members will accommodatestudents by providing extra appointments. The student should bring to theappointment any work to be discussed. Do not wait outside the facultymember's door hoping to "catch" him or her. The faculty member may not be56

on campus at that time of day, or she/he may have scheduled activities forthat time. Visits should be made only during scheduled office hours or duringa special appointment.Obtaining Office Supplies<strong>Student</strong>s should maintain their personal supplies (e.g. writing utensils, paper,staples, gem clips.) <strong>Student</strong>s should NOT drop in on staff or faculty membersrequesting office supplies.Attending Guest Lectures Special Events and Convocations<strong>Spelman</strong> students should arrive on time for special events. <strong>Student</strong>s shouldalso be prepared to remain for the entire duration of the event. Unavoidablelate arrivals should be discreet, quiet, and as unobtrusive as possible. Promptattendees should sit in the middle of rows, leaving end seats for later arrivals.In NO event should a person walk in front of the lectern. Use the outer aislesonly. In NO event should a student leave during a guest speakers lecture. Ifnecessary, a student should leave during the applause following the lecture ifshe cannot remain until the end of the event.Academic Regalia and DecorumEarning a degree from <strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong> is a noteworthy achievement. Withthe <strong>Spelman</strong> degree, one expects an adherence to commencement decorum.The baccalaureate and commencement ceremonies are times for dignity.Therefore, talking and laughing during the processional are unacceptable.Graduates are required to wear a white dress under the traditional undergraduaterobe. The hem of the dress must not be lower than the hem of therobe. Natural colored hose and black shoes (with a closed heel and toe) areworn with the robe. Pumpstyled shoes are a perfect selection.OFF CAMPUSAs students and visitors enter the campus, they are likely to notice a smallcommemorative sign which reads '<strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong>, Women who Serve."<strong>Spelman</strong>'s tradition of academic excellence is complemented by its dedicationto service. During the <strong>Spelman</strong> woman's academic career, she is likelyto represent the <strong>College</strong>, many times, through community service or otherforms of civic engagement. <strong>Spelman</strong> students represent the <strong>College</strong> at formaldinners, receptions, church services, and other occasions. Although you maybe selected as the individual to attend a particular event, remember that yourepresent the <strong>College</strong> at all times. Consequently, two things are especiallyimportant--how you look and what you say.Attire<strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong> students participate in community service through the BonnerScholars Program, the Office of Community Service, student organizations,local churches and agencies. It is vital to view yourself as a representative ofthe <strong>College</strong>. <strong>Student</strong>s at service sites should dress in appropriate casual clothingthat is not revealing. See through, clingy and/or provocative clothing is notacceptable for work at community service sites.Awards CeremoniesVarious awards programs and ceremonies will take place across the city. It isalways acceptable to ask your host what the appropriate attire is for the event.In general, formal dinners and awards ceremonies at local hotels call forafter-five or business attire. For after-five events, ask your host whether a longor short dress is most suitable.Church ServicesAlthough each faith community differs, a dress "near the knee" length is thesafest option that is least likely to offend most communities. In the event youare not familiar with a particular faith community, ask your host or call theplace of worship ahead of time for information. It is important that you donot offend worshippers with your attire.Public RelationsEqually important, there is always some level of interest in what a <strong>Spelman</strong>woman has to say and how she feels about a given issue or topic. Each ofthese opportunities may serve you well in the future as you network for jobsand new friends (They may also serve the college well in fundraising andnotoriety). Yet, as you meet, greet and share your opinion, know that profanity,slang and crude language are not acceptable at service sites, internships,and other public locations. This rule of thumb also applies to contact withthe media (i.e. live radio remotes, television and newspaper quotes). Again,you are an ambassador for the <strong>College</strong> and the contact that individuals orgroups have with you can easily shape their view of the entire institution.<strong>Spelman</strong> women who make inappropriate or offensive remarks in any publicvenue, then identify themselves as a <strong>Spelman</strong> student, do a disservice tothemselves and to the <strong>College</strong>.The President's <strong>Home</strong>Built in 1901, Reynolds Cottage is the official residence of the <strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong>President. During a student's academic career at <strong>Spelman</strong>, there will benumerous opportunities to attend teas, receptions, and dinners at the homeof the President. However, though the President's home is located on campus,it is inappropriate to visit Reynolds Cottage unannounced.5758

For on-campus emergencies, students should contact Public Safety(4<strong>04</strong>) 525-6401 or the Resident Director on call. To meet with the President,students should attend the President's office hours for students or schedulean appointment by calling (4<strong>04</strong>) 223-1400.Services and Special OccasionsAs <strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong> is very steeped in tradition, there are a number ofspecial occasions for which special attire is required. On campus, studentswill participate in various formal events, namely the induction ceremony forfirst year students, Founder's Day, Class Day, and convocation. Each <strong>Spelman</strong>woman should have a white dress/suit for formal and traditional occasions.When a white dress/skirt suit is required, the following guidelines should beused:• The dress/skirt suit must be white-not ivory, taupe, or eggshell.• The fabric of your dress/skirt suit MUST be an appropriate weightand material. Fabrics with spandex, lycra, sequins, beads orappliqués are not suitable.• The length of your dress/skirt suit can range from ankle or calflength to two inches above the knee. THIGH length dresses/suitsare not acceptable.• Evening wear, see-through materials or clingy knits are notacceptable.Remember to keep in mind that you represent <strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong> and her richhistory, and your attire must be suitable for the occasion.<strong>Spelman</strong> HymnThe <strong>Spelman</strong> Hymn is sung at all ceremonial events on campus, as well asduring the convocations and chapel exercises. It is also sung at the end of otherspecial campus events and celebrations, and ends all alumnae events and chaptermeetings. It was written by Eddye Mae Money Shivery, Class of 1934. Duringthe singing of the hymn, participants join hands without swaying.Smoking<strong>Spelman</strong>'s role is to educate women for healthy and rewarding lives. Thoughmost <strong>Spelman</strong> students are legally old enough to smoke, the <strong>College</strong> doesnot encourage the practice, as the health risks associated with smoking runcounter to the <strong>College</strong>'s ultimate goal. Please note that all residence hallsand buildings are smoke-free. Public smoking is strongly discouraged.<strong>Student</strong> ActivitiesEvery <strong>Spelman</strong> student is encouraged to become involved in studentactivities. Be creative and innovative in your program development;however, be aware that campus activities such as Date Auctions, SlumberParties and Pajama Jams, cast an unfavorable light on the women that planthose events and also on <strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong>. Activities that students plan shouldbe in good taste and be beneficial for the <strong>Spelman</strong> community. Please besure to secure approval for all activities from the organization's advisorbefore proceeding with your planning.BUSINESS AND SOCIAL CONTACTSInvitations Replies and Thank You NotesThere are a number of practices that you can follow that will distinguish yourpersonal excellence. To make the best impression, it is suggested that youpurchase business cards and stationery. Business cards with your name, emailaddress, major and organizations will make a statement to prospectiveemployers and professors. You may offer your card and keep a file of theones that you collect. Write on the back of collected cards where you metthe person, the date and other information that you discussed.After a meeting, reception or event, send the person a handwritten noteindicating that you enjoyed meeting them and that you look forward totalking again in the future. The same kind of thank you note should be sentfollowing an internship or job interview. Keeping this kind of communicationopen can be invaluable in your future success.During your college career, you will receive countless invitations to eventson and off-campus. Where indicated on an invitation, one must always RSVP(French for respondez-vous s'iI vous plait). Always call your host before thedeadline to state whether you will be attending the event. Food and accommodationscan be costly and the RSVP is the most appropriate and courteousresponse.Answering MachinesUse a basic professional message on your residence hall or home answeringmachine/voicemail. Avoiding background music is the safest. If music is used,be very selective, opting for jazz or soft music. Prospective employers andothers may not share your taste in music.Web sitesIt is expected that <strong>Spelman</strong> women will have tasteful web sites. Suggestive orprovocative material is not acceptable.5960

<strong>Spelman</strong> will not permit the release of educational records or other informationabout a student, other than directory information, without the student'swritten consent, except as follows:1. To members of the faculty and administration of the <strong>College</strong>who have a legitimate interest in the material2. To officials of other schools in which the student wishes to enroll3. In connection with a student's application for or receipt offinancial aid4. To state and local officials if required by law adopted beforeNovember 17, 19745. To organizations conducting studies for or on behalf of educationalagencies, provided such studies will not permit identificationof students and their parents6. To accrediting agencies to carry out their accrediting functions.7. To parents of dependent students8. In compliance with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena,provided the student is notified before compliance with theorder or subpoenaWhen consent is required, it must be in writing, signed and dated by theperson giving consent, and shall include:1. Specification of the record to be released2. Reason for the release3. Names of parties to whom the record is to be releasedA record will be kept of the parties who have received access to a student'srecord, except for the exceptions noted above. The student may have accessto this record.Directory information of the kind listed below will be furnished to thoserequesting such information unless the student notifies the <strong>College</strong> annuallynot to release this information. Disclosures of information beyond those itemslisted below require the student's signed consent, a subpoena, or other courtorder. Directory information consists of:1. Whether or not student is enrolled2. Dates of enrollment3. Classification4. Degree earned (if any) and dates5. Major6. Honors received7. Local and home addresses and telephone numbersWORDS OF WISDOMIf you have a dispute with an office or with a procedure, contact the responsibleoffice.It is not appropriate to call the President's Office for situations regardinghousing, grades, the dining hall, or scholarships. Please refer to your studenthandbook regarding the appropriate office.If you have a dispute with another student, try to first resolve it in cooperationwith her. If a personal approach is not feasible, contact your RA, RD, orthe staff in the Dean of <strong>Student</strong>s Office to assist you. The Dean of <strong>Student</strong>sOffice also offers mediation and conflict resolution.Take advantage of the services available to you through the <strong>College</strong> such asHealth Services, Academic Advisement, Counseling Services, and CareerPlanning and Development. There are many more services available to youas a student at <strong>Spelman</strong>. Enrich your college experience by participating inall positive aspects of the campus community.If a student does not wish to have any of the above information released, sheshould notify the Registrar's Office.6162

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT:Division of <strong>Student</strong> Affairs<strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong>350 <strong>Spelman</strong> Lane, S.W., Box 1577Atlanta, Georgia 30314-4399(4<strong>04</strong>) 681-3643 extension 5131 or 5133http://www.spelman.edu/studentlifeThe statements in this <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong> are for informational purposes onlyand do not create a contract between <strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong> and any student.<strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong> reserves the right to change, add to, or discontinue anyprovision in this <strong>Handbook</strong> at any time without prior notice to students.<strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong> admits female students without regard to race, color, religion,national origin, age, or disability. <strong>Spelman</strong> does not discriminate on thebasis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, or any otherprohibited factor in any of its educational or employment policies, programs,or practices.350 <strong>Spelman</strong> Lane, S.W.Atlanta, Georgia 30314-4399(4<strong>04</strong>) 681-3643http://www.spelman.eduFurther information about <strong>Spelman</strong>'s academic programs and the cost oftuition, room, board and other fees can be found in the SPELMAN COLLEGEBULLETIN.

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