Smart Grid Solutions Guide - Maxim

Smart Grid Solutions Guide - Maxim

Smart Grid Solutions Guide - Maxim


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<strong>Smart</strong> <strong>Grid</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>IntroductionMeeting future energy challenges todayThe smart grid represents a newvision for how we can harnesstechnology to renew energyinfrastructure, redefine our responsibilitiesas energy users, and,ultimately, conserve vital energyresources.<strong>Smart</strong> grid architects face manychallenges in realizing this vision, notleast of which is choosing solutionsthat offer a cost-effective upgradepath. The sheer scale of this infrastructuralchallenge necessitates awell-defined strategic roadmap. Toavoid stranding assets, the selectedsolution must be both compatiblewith the existing infrastructure andscalable to meet future needs.System designers must keep up witha constantly changing regulatorylandscape. This task can be greatlyeased by choosing a solutionspartner who understands therequirements of different countries,and works closely with industryconsortia to develop standards.<strong>Maxim</strong> is a proven leader insmart energy<strong>Maxim</strong> has long been regarded as aleader in power-saving technology.Over the years, we have pioneerednew techniques for battery management,high-efficiency powerconversion, and low-power design.Today we are applying our expertiseto smart energy applications,including energy metering andmeasurement, power-distributionautomation, smart grid communications,hybrid automobiles, and LEDlighting.In 2010, we expanded our smartgrid offering through the acquisitionof Teridian Semiconductor.This acquisition firmly positions<strong>Maxim</strong> as the technology leader forenergy metering and measurement.With more than two decades ofexpertise and 50 million ICs shipped,Teridian has defined the leadingedge of the system-on-chip (SoC)energy-measurement market. Systemdesigners worldwide use these SoCsto accelerate system developmentand reduce engineering costs fornew energy-metering and measurementapplications.<strong>Maxim</strong>’s powerline communicationstechnology (G3-PLC) is enablingnew smart grid applications aroundthe world. G3-PLC is currently beingdeployed in France to implement anadvanced metering infrastructure forover 35 million customers. It alsoserves as a base technology for internationalstandards development effortssuch as ITU G.hnem/G.9955 andIEEE® P1901.2.<strong>Maxim</strong>’s PLC and SoC solutions arecomplemented by a broad portfolioof analog and mixed-signal solutions,including power-management ICs,real-time clocks, RF communications,and interface products. All of whichmakes <strong>Maxim</strong> a true end-to-endsolutions provider for metering andother smart grid applications.A committed innovationpartner<strong>Maxim</strong>’s application experts workclosely with system designers todevelop technology platforms thatmeet implementation requirementsfor backwards compatibility, scalability,and compliance with internationalstandards.This solutions guide addresses keychallenges facing smart grid architectsand designers. It details how<strong>Maxim</strong>’s solutions are enablingcustomer innovations in communications,distribution automation, andenergy measurement and metering.Design with <strong>Maxim</strong>Develop smarter, more-precisesystems• Proprietary process technologiesyield the tightest tolerances,lowest noise, highest voltage/current capabilities, and greatestintegration• <strong>Maxim</strong>’s broad product portfolioenables end-to-end solutionsoptimized for performance-drivenapplications• State-of-the-art communicationstechnologies build intelligenceinto grid infrastructure, from thesubstation to the customerpremiseAccelerate your time to market• Benefit from the implementationexpertise that <strong>Maxim</strong> has gainedwhile working with industryconsortia, utilities, and equipmentmanufacturers• A comprehensive library of applicationnotes, reference designs,and software tools speeds yourdesign projects• Flexible solutions are easily adaptedto meet different internationalstandardsReduce equipment/infrastructurecosts• Advanced integration minimizesyour bill of materials and infrastructurecosts• Application expertise helps youmake the right systemperformance-cost trade-offs• Integrated protections andindustrial-grade temperatureranges ensure that your designsurvives real-world conditionswww.maxim-ic.com/smartgrid 1

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