March 7 - 11, 2011 • Nashville, TN, USA - Society for Information ...

March 7 - 11, 2011 • Nashville, TN, USA - Society for Information ...

March 7 - 11, 2011 • Nashville, TN, USA - Society for Information ...


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New <strong>for</strong> 20<strong>11</strong>Teaching with Technology: A Forum<strong>for</strong> Teachers & School LeadersTeachers and School Leaders are invited to participate in sessions on practical,effective ways to teach with technology in today’s schools.Who Should Attend the Teaching with Technology Forum: K-12 Teachers, SchoolAdministrators, School Technology Coordinators.Overview<strong>•</strong> Classroom-related, practical sessions will be offered from most SITE Conferencetopics.<strong>•</strong> Linking in-school learning with social media can make education more relevant,meaningful, and connected.<strong>•</strong> Educational leaders will share practical ways to bridge conventional school practicewith in<strong>for</strong>mal learning.<strong>•</strong> Web 2.0 technologies and sites are becoming an integral part of youth culture.<strong>•</strong> In an era of globalization and a world that is increasingly flat, effective use ofsocial media is rapidly becoming a vital 21st Century skill.<strong>•</strong> Educators can tap studentsí enthusiasm and creativity to shape and carry outtheir education agenda while preparing students <strong>for</strong> the work<strong>for</strong>ce of the future.Many practical, classroom sessions will be offeredincluding but not restricted to:- Mathematics, Science, English, and Social Studies Teaching- Games & Simulations, Assessment, E-folios, Distance learning, and more- Digital Video in Mathematics, Science, Language Arts, and Social Studies Classroomsand After-school Programs.- Web 2.0 Sessions (blogging, podcasting, etc.)Registration: The Teaching with Technology Forum will span two days within thelarger SITE conference. A separate program will be provided <strong>for</strong> local teachers andtechnology coordinators who register <strong>for</strong> it. A discounted K-12 teacher registrationrate offered <strong>for</strong> teachers includes the Forum and entire SITE conference.Continuing Education Credits: SITE will provide upon request a Certificate ofParticipation to document your participation in the Teaching with TechnologyForum and SITE Conference.Visit the SITE Blog, Your centralsource <strong>for</strong> announcements, resources,and ideas from SITE and your colleaguesin teacher education and technology.http://siteblog.aace.org/SITE Electronic Journalhttp://www.citejournal.orgContemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education (CITE) is an electronicpublication of the <strong>Society</strong> <strong>for</strong> In<strong>for</strong>mation Technology and TeacherEducation (SITE), established as a multimedia, interactive electronic counterpartof the Journal of Technology and Teacher Education. Funded by a U.S.Department of Education Preparing Tomorrow’s Teachers to Use Technology(PT3) catalyst grant, CITE makes possible the inclusion of sound, animatedimages, and simulation, as well as allowing <strong>for</strong> ongoing, immediate dialogabout theoretical issues.Subscriptions are at no cost due to a PT3 grant fromthe U.S. Dept. of EducationEach professional society has sole responsibility <strong>for</strong> editorial review of articlesin its discipline. This is the only joint venture of this kind in the field of teachereducation.The CITE Journal includes three major categories of articles.1. Current Issues include theoretical discussions of technology and teacherpreparation. Articles address technology and teacher education, assessment,attitudes, beliefs, curriculum, equity, research, translating researchinto practice, learning theory, alternative concepts, sociocultural issues,special populations, and integration of subjects.2. Current Practice offers brief, up-to-the-minute snapshots of technology inpractice.3. Seminal Articles republish classic works that are landmarks in technologyand teacher education.Current Issues ArticlesThe respective professional societies <strong>for</strong> each of the following disciplines havesole responsibility <strong>for</strong> editorial review of Current Issues articles in their discipline:<strong>•</strong> Science Education: Association <strong>for</strong> the Education of Teachers in Science (AETS)<strong>•</strong> Mathematics Education: Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE)<strong>•</strong> English Education: Conference on English Education (CEE)<strong>•</strong> Social Studies Education: National Council of Social Studies College andUniversity Faculty Assembly (CUFA)<strong>•</strong> General Technology: <strong>Society</strong> <strong>for</strong> In<strong>for</strong>mation Technology and TeacherEducation (SITE)Complimentary subscriptions - Article submissions invited!Author Guidelines: www.citejournal.orgSearch CITE Back Issues: www.citejournal/searchSubscribe to Receive CITE via Email: www.citejournal/subscribeJournal of Technology and Teacher Educationhttp://site.aace.org/pubs/This official journal of SITE serves as a <strong>for</strong>um <strong>for</strong> theexchange of knowledge about the use of in<strong>for</strong>mation technologyin teacher education.Journal content covers:<strong>•</strong> preservice and inservice teacher education,<strong>•</strong> graduate programs in areas such as curriculum andinstruction,<strong>•</strong> educational administration,<strong>•</strong> instructional technology, and<strong>•</strong> educational computing.Content categories include:<strong>•</strong> Research Papers,<strong>•</strong> Evaluations,<strong>•</strong> Experimental Studies,<strong>•</strong> Tutorials,<strong>•</strong> Case Studies,<strong>•</strong> Courseware Experiences,<strong>•</strong> Opinions, and<strong>•</strong> Qualitative Studies.A quarterly subscription to JTATE is included withSITE membership.

SUBMISSION INFORMATIONFULL PAPERSPresentation time: 25 minutesSubmission proposal length: 4-8 pages (2500-4950 words); an abstract isnot sufficient to be evaluated as a Full Paper.Proceedings length: 8 pages maximumAV equipment provided: PC, Projector, InternetPapers present reports of significant work or integrative reviews in research,development, applications, and societal issues related to all aspects of theconference topics.FULL PAPERS (EditEd Book CAndidAtES)(submit final completed version <strong>for</strong> review)Presentation time: 25 minutesSubmission proposal length: 7-8 pages (4950 words); the final versionmust be submitted initially.Proceedings length: 8 pages maximumAV equipment provided: PC, Projector, Internet"Full Papers (Edited Book Candidates)" are Full Paper submissions initiallysubmitted in their final <strong>for</strong>m and reviewed <strong>for</strong> publication in a book of selectedpapers. This book, Research Highlights in Teacher Education 2008, will beincluded with the conference proceedings. If not accepted <strong>for</strong> the book, thesubmission still will be considered <strong>for</strong> proceedings publication and presentationas a Full Paper.Full Papers (EBC) present reports of significant work or integrative reviews inresearch, development, applications, and societal issues related to all aspectsof the conference topics..BRiEF PAPERSPresentation time: 15 minutesSubmission proposal length: 1-3 pages, (625-1,875 words)Proceedings length: 6 pages maximumAV equipment provided: PC, Projector, InternetThese papers are brief, more condensed presentations or work-in-progress projects.The submission should clearly indicate:<strong>•</strong> What is going to be shown or demonstrated or offered;<strong>•</strong> The major aspects;<strong>•</strong> The context or motivation; and<strong>•</strong> Relevant URLs or literature references.“The opportunity to interact with colleagues fromaround the world who are activelyinvolved in research that is closely alignedwith your own areas of interest is invaluable.Building communities of focused research andinterest ensures a strong foundation that willsupport future growth and exploration.”PAnELSPresentation time: 1 hourSubmission proposal length: 1-3 pages, (625-1,875 words)Proceedings length: 6 pages maximum <strong>for</strong> each paperAV equipment provided: PC, Projector, InternetA Panel, consisting of 3-5 people (including the chair), present their views on acommon theme, issue, or question, and then to discusses them with the audience.The Panel must present an opportunity <strong>for</strong> the audience to hear well reasonedarguments and discussions about pertinent topics as seen from a variety ofviewpoints. For example, 'on-line testing' could be a Panel discussion withpanelists presenting arguments in support of, and in opposition to, testing.Panels must include the audience. Thus, the panelists should take no morethan 30, of the total 60 minutes, to make their case and then guide the audiencethrough a discussion and series of questions and answers. In an ef<strong>for</strong>tto present differing viewpoints, it is a requirement that panelists can NOT allrepresent the same institution, research project, or association.Panel selection will be based on the importance, originality, focus and timelinessof the topic; expertise of proposed panelists; as well as the potential <strong>for</strong>in<strong>for</strong>mative AND controversial discussion.Panels must allot at least 50% of the time <strong>for</strong> interaction and discussionwith the audience.The Panel leader should provide an abstract describing the panel and asubmission file with the following sections that describe the panel:1) introduction that links the theme to the literature and its significance <strong>for</strong>the field of in<strong>for</strong>mation technology and teacher education, around 150word abstracts of each panelists' perspective,2) list of panelists' perspective titles and authors, with their organizations,and countries in the order they will be presented, and3) outline of how the panel will be organized. After acceptance, the Panelcoordinator will be given the option to invite Panel authors to submit theirpapers to a specific website. Until then, authors should NOT submit theirindividual papers <strong>for</strong> the Panel. Contributing authors may choose to publishtheir papers in the Proceedings as a Full or Brief Paper. The Panelabstract will only appear in the conference Abstract book.RoUndtABLESPresentation time: 1 hourSubmission proposal length: 1-3 pages, (625-1,875 words)Proceedings length: 6 pages maximumAV equipment provided: Internet if wireless card & PC brought, electricityThese sessions allow maximum interaction in in<strong>for</strong>mal, small-group discussionson a single topic. The <strong>for</strong>mat is appropriate <strong>for</strong> papers, projects, or workin-progressthat encourage discussion. Roundtables share a room with 2-3other concurrently held Roundtables.If you wish to bring a PC, you could demonstrate a new piece of software,illustrate the process of using it, show participants some of the complexitiesand tricks about it, and give them an opportunity to try it themselves. Internet(via your wireless card) and electricity will be provided. A screen and projectorwill not be provided as this is an in<strong>for</strong>mal small group discussion environmentnot conducive <strong>for</strong> projecting images from a distance. These sessions arealso appropriate <strong>for</strong> discussion of instructional strategies, procedures, and evaluationprocedures. The idea is not to give a definitive workshop on the topic butto provide participants with enough in<strong>for</strong>mation to help them decide whether theirneeds can be met with the program or procedure. If software is to be discussed,include a description of the software and the objectives of the session.– Jana Willis, University of Houston - Clear Lake, <strong>USA</strong>

SUBMISSION INFORMATIONtUtoRiALS / WoRkSHoPSPresentation time: 3.5 hoursSubmission proposal length: 1-3 pages (625-1875 words)Proceedings length: no pagesAV equipment provided: Instructor PC, Projector, InternetTutorials and Workshops are intended to enhance the skills and broaden theperspective of their attendees. They should be designed to introduce a rigorousframework <strong>for</strong> learning a new area or to provide advanced technical trainingin an area. Submissions will be selected on the basis of the instructors'qualifications <strong>for</strong> teaching the proposed Tutorial or Workshop and their contributionto the overall conference program. Workshops differ from Tutorials byinvolving hands-on experience with hardware/software provided.Note: Due to the extra expense required to provide Workshop (hands-on) equipment,only Workshops <strong>for</strong> which instructors provide their own participant equipmentwill be accepted. Please state in your proposal what equipment you will bring.Tutorial/Workshop proposals must include:<strong>•</strong> Clear description of the objectives;<strong>•</strong> Intended audience (experience level and prerequisites);<strong>•</strong> Proposed length (3.5 hours);<strong>•</strong> 200-word abstract;<strong>•</strong> 1-page topical outline of the content; and<strong>•</strong> Summary of the instructor's qualifications.PoStER / dEmonStRAtionSPresentation time: 2 hoursSubmission proposal length: 1-3 pages, (625-1,875 words)Proceedings length: 6 pages maximumAV equipment provided: 4'x8' poster board, 6' table, 1-2 chairs, electricity,Internet if wireless card & PC broughtPoster/Demonstration sessions enable researchers and non-commercial developersto demonstrate and discuss their latest results and developments inprogress in order to gain feedback and to establish contact with similar projects.Poster/Demonstration proposals must include:<strong>•</strong> Description of the planned Poster/Demonstration; should emphasize theproblem, what was done, and why the work is important.Poster/Demonstration presenters will be required to arrange <strong>for</strong> their own systemssoftware and hardware.CoRPoRAtE dEmonStRAtionS/LitERAtUREPresentation time: 2 hoursSubmission proposal length: 1-2 paragraphsProceedings length: 150 words (to be published only in Abstracts Book)AV equipment provided: 4'x8' poster board, 6' table, 2 chairs, electricity,Internet if wireless card & PC broughtDemonstrate and discuss your company's products, services, developments,applications and research, in<strong>for</strong>m the audience of your future directions, gainfeedback, and establish contacts.Scheduled with Poster/Demonstrations grouped together in open exhibitionstyle,usually all in one hall. This is an in<strong>for</strong>mal event with a circulating conference-wideaudience. Sales are permitted. You may stock and sell yourproduct at your table.CoRPoRAtE SHoWCASESPresentation time: 30 minutesSubmission proposal length: 1-2 paragraphsProceedings length: 150 words (to be published only in Abstracts Book)AV equipment provided: PC, Projector, InternetDemonstrate and discuss your company's products, services, developments,applications and research, in<strong>for</strong>m the audience of your future directions, gainfeedback, and establish contacts.Scheduled concurrently only with other Showcases. Presentation rooms generallyaccommodate 50-150 people, theatre-style. This is more of a <strong>for</strong>malpresentation than the Corporate Demonstration.SymPoSiAPresentation time: 2 hoursSubmission proposal length: 1-3 pages (625-1,875 words)Proceedings length: 6 pages maximum <strong>for</strong> each paperAV equipment provided: PC, Projector, InternetA Symposium is a collection of Full and/or Brief Papers on a theme that has beencoordinated and led by the symposium’s leader(s). Each Symposium that isaccepted will be allocated two adjacent hour-long slots in the conference program.The Symposium leader should provide an abstract briefly describing the symposiumand a submission file with the following sections:1) introduction that links the theme to the literature and its significance <strong>for</strong>the field of in<strong>for</strong>mation technology and teacher education, around 150word abstracts of each paper,2) list of paper titles and authors, with their organizations, and countries inthe order they will be presented and indicating which will be presentedthe first and second hours, and3) outline of how the symposium will be organized.After acceptance, the Symposium coordinator will be asked to invite Symposiumauthors to submit their papers to a specific website. Until then, authors shouldNOT submit their individual papers <strong>for</strong> the Symposium.Contributing authors may choose to publish their papers in the Proceedingsas a Full or Brief Paper. The Symposium abstract will only appear in the conferenceAbstracts book.SUBmiSSion REqUiREmEntSSubmit all proposals by completingthe Web <strong>for</strong>m at:http://site.aace.org/conf/submitguide.htmAll proposals must be submitted by uploadingWord or RTF file using the Web <strong>for</strong>m.No hard copy paper, faxed, or e-mail submissions will beaccepted. Please submit your proposal only ONE time.Questions? Contact SITE at:Phone: 757-623-7588Fax: 703-997-8760E-mail: conf@aace.org

The Best Place to Find thePerfect Job...Is Just a Click Away!Journal Articles <strong>•</strong> Conference PapersSpecial Topic Books <strong>•</strong> Conference Invited Speaker TalksVideos <strong>•</strong> Conference Presentation SlidesEdITLib is your source <strong>for</strong> 15+ years (with your subscription)of peer-reviewed, published articles (20,000+) and papers onthe latest research, developments, and applications related toall aspects of Educational Technology and E-Learning.Ten (10) Academic Journals including:<strong>•</strong> Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia<strong>•</strong> International Journal on E-Learning(Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education)<strong>•</strong> Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching<strong>•</strong> Journal of Interactive Learning Research<strong>•</strong> Journal of Technology and Teacher Education<strong>•</strong> AACE Journal(electronic)<strong>•</strong> Contemporary Issues in Technology & Teacher Education(electronic)Seven (7) Conferences including:<strong>•</strong> ED-MEDIA – World Conference on Educational Multimedia,Hypermedia & Telecommunications<strong>•</strong> E-Learn – World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate,Healthcare, Government, and Higher Education<strong>•</strong> SITE – <strong>Society</strong> <strong>for</strong> In<strong>for</strong>mation Technology and TeacherEducation International Conference<strong>•</strong> Global Learn Asia Pacific – Global Conference on Learningand Technology<strong>•</strong> Global TIME – Global Conference on Technology, Innovation,Media & Education (Online)<strong>•</strong> Key West Learning & Technology SummitFree access to abstracts so you cantry the Digital Library at no cost!<strong>•</strong> Conduct research<strong>•</strong> Keep current on the latest research and publications in your field<strong>•</strong> Access and fully search publications<strong>•</strong> Create and store personal collections of articles by topic<strong>•</strong> Receive table of contents alerts prior to journal publication<strong>•</strong> Share article abstracts and search results with colleagues viaemail and include your comments<strong>•</strong> Export citations to BibTex, EndNote, and RefWorksDoes Your Library Subscribe?Individual subscriptions $19/monthEdITLib.orgAACE: Email: info@aace.org <strong>•</strong> Phone: 757-366-5606 <strong>•</strong> Fax: 703-997-8760jobs.aace.orgNo need to get lost on commercial Job boards.The AACE Career Center is tailored specifically <strong>for</strong> you.Job Seekers<strong>•</strong> Manage your job search<strong>•</strong> Access job postings specific to IT inEducation & E-Learning<strong>•</strong> Post an anonymous resume<strong>•</strong> Advanced Job Alert systemEmployers/Recruiters<strong>•</strong> Quickly post job openings<strong>•</strong> Manage your online recruiting ef<strong>for</strong>ts<strong>•</strong> Advanced resume searching capabilities<strong>•</strong> Reach targeted & qualified candidatesStart Your Job Search Today!jobs.aace.orgNever let a job opportunitypass you by!Connecting IT in Education/E-Learning Professionals & Employers

SITE Membership ApplicationJoin today and keep up-to-date on the latest research and applications!Name:Address:City: State: Code: Country:E-mail: ❑ New Member ❑ Renewal SITE Membership ID #Professional Membership $<strong>11</strong>5Includes a subscription to the JTATE print Journal, full online access to all back issuesof the Journal, online subscription to the CITE Journal (Contemporary Issues inTechnology & Teacher Education), discount on SITE/AACE conference registrations andproceedings, discount subscriptions to additional AACE journals, full access to theCareer Center and Job Board, and all the benefits of SITE/AACE Membership. Pleaseindicate below the Journal package you wish to receive.JTATE jrl. $<strong>11</strong>5JTATE jrl. & 1 add’l jrl. $150JTATE jrl. & 2 add’l jrls.$205JTATE jrl. & 3 add’l jrls. $260JTATE jrl. & 4 add’l jrls. $315Additional shipping charge of $15 per journal per year <strong>for</strong> non-U.S. addressesTOTAL $Subscribe to or renew additionalAACE Journals at a discountCheck the journal(s) you wish to receiveStudent Membership $35Includes a subscription to the JTATE print Journal, full online access to all back issuesof the Journal, online subscription to the CITE Journal (Contemporary Issues inTechnology & Teacher Education), discount on SITE/AACE conference registrations andproceedings, discount subscriptions to additional AACE journals, full access to theCareer Center and Job Board, and all the benefits of SITE/AACE Membership. Pleaseindicate below the Journal package you wish to receive.JTATE jrl. $35JTATE jrl. & 1 add’l jrl. $60JTATE jrl. & 2 add’l jrls. $85New Reduced Rates!JTATE jrl. & 3 add’l jrls. $<strong>11</strong>0JTATE jrl. & 4 add’l jrls. $135Additional shipping charge of $15 per journal per year <strong>for</strong> non-U.S. addressesTOTAL $❑ International Journal on E-Learning (IJEL)❑ Jrl. of Computers in Math and Science Teaching (JCMST)❑ Jrl. of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia (JEMH)❑ Jrl. of Interactive Learning Research (JILR)Professional Membership Best ValuePLUS the EdITLib – Education& Info. Tech. Library (electronic) $175Includes all the benefits mentioned above (except print journal) PLUS unlimited accessto fully searchable EdITLib – Education & Info. Tech. Library (electronic). The EdITLib –Education & Info. Tech. Library (electronic) includes thousands of EducationalTechnology/E-Learning peer-reviewed journal articles, conference papers, and more.TOTAL $Library/Institutional Subscriptions❑ Int‘l Jrl. on E-Learning (IJEL) $195❑ Jrl. of Computers in Math and Science Teaching (JCMST) $195❑ Jrl. of Technology and Teacher Education (JTATE) $195Student Membership Best ValuePLUS the EdITLib – Education& Info. Tech. Library (electronic) $35Includes all the benefits mentioned above (except print journal) PLUS unlimited accessto fully searchable EdITLib – Education & Info. Tech. Library (electronic). The EdITLib –Education & Info. Tech. Library (electronic) includes thousands of EducationalTechnology/E-Learning peer-reviewed journal articles, conference papers, and more.TOTAL $*If you selected a Student Membership rate above, you must be registered full-time inan accredited educational institution and you must provide the following in<strong>for</strong>mation:Expected graduation date: ______________Educational Institution: ________________________________________❑ Jrl. of Interactive Learning Research (JILR) $195❑ Jrl. of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia (JEMH) $195❑ EdITLib – Education & Info. Tech. Library (electronic) $1595Additional shipping charge of $15 per journal per year <strong>for</strong> non-U.S. addressesTOTAL $Method of Payment (US Dollars)Membership extends <strong>for</strong> 1 year from the approximate date of application. Please allow 6-8 weeks <strong>for</strong> delivery.Enclosed: ❏ Check (U.S. funds & bank, payable to SITE/AACE) ❏ Purchase Order (PO must be included)Credit Card: ❏ MasterCard ❏ VISA ❏ AMEX ❏ Discover Total: $l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l lCard # Card Exp. Date / Signature:Return to: SITE/AACE, P.O. Box 1545, Chesapeake, VA 23327-1545 <strong>USA</strong> <strong>•</strong> 757-366-5606 <strong>•</strong> Fax: 703-997-8760 <strong>•</strong> E-mail: info@aace.org <strong>•</strong> www.aace.org

Music City<strong>Nashville</strong> TeNNessee<strong>Nashville</strong> is a place where the past and the future peacefully coexist and build,one on the other, to create a destination that appeals to the interests of every visitor.Many movies have been made about <strong>Nashville</strong>. Enough books about Music Cityhave been written to fill a bookcase. And, of course, scores of songs are dedicated to the city ofmusic. But, while music is the lifeblood of <strong>Nashville</strong>, visitors will also find here a city of culture andhistory, of haute cuisine, of pro sports, outstanding academics, natural beauty and pure Southerncharm. This city is alive. You can feel its pulse when you walk down its sidewalks. And, <strong>for</strong>tunately,you can also hear it almost anywhere you go.The Grand Ole Opry, the world’s longest consecutively running radio program, was launched in1925 and made <strong>Nashville</strong> a household name. The 1950s launched <strong>Nashville</strong> as a serious contender<strong>for</strong> recording studios and record labels. Music Mile, a symbolic stretch of roadway connectingthe $120 million Symphony Center with the music district of Music Row, the vibrant newentertainment venues on Demonbruen Street, the Frist Center <strong>for</strong> the Visual Arts, the CountryMusic Hall of Fame, the Music City Walk of Fame and Museum and the <strong>Nashville</strong> Arena.<strong>Nashville</strong> also has a vast array of attractions unique to the city. Discover the Parthenon, the world’sonly full-scale replica of the ancient Greek temple. Inside the temple see the42-foot-tall gilded Athena. The venerable Ryman Auditorium has been atreasured landmark <strong>for</strong> over 100 years. Comedians, musicians and actorshave all per<strong>for</strong>med upon the famous stage.<strong>Nashville</strong>'s diverse shopping scene is the perfect fit <strong>for</strong> any style or price range.It's easy to while away an afternoon (or two or three) indulging in a Music Cityshopping spree. From Southern fare to haute cuisine with quite literally everythingin between, <strong>Nashville</strong>'s menu of dining options will suit any taste.Whether it's a family-friendly meal, dinner and a show or a romantic repast,the city's restaurants serve every dish with a side of Southern hospitality.Spring is a delightful time in Middle Tennessee as the rolling hills are a lush,vibrant green. Days are warm while evenings can be chilly. <strong>Nashville</strong> is a truefamily destination any time of the year. The <strong>Nashville</strong> Zoo at Grassmere continuesto add new animal habitats and expand its property. The AdventureScience Center is a museum geared toward educating toddlers to pre-teens.Connected to the Center is the Sudekum Planetarium. At the Frist Center <strong>for</strong> the Visual Arts, a specialinteractive gallery called ArtQuest allows guests to create art after they experience it in the galleries.Also known as the “Athens of the South” <strong>for</strong> its dedication to higher learning and education. Inthe mid 1800s, many colleges were founded here including Fisk University, one of the nation’s firstcolleges <strong>for</strong> freed African Americans. Vanderbilt University, affectionately nicknamed the “Harvardof the South,” was founded after the Civil War with the financial backing of Commodore CorneliusVanderbilt. Today, more than 17 colleges and universities call Middle Tennessee home.Bring the family and extend your stay <strong>for</strong> a great vacation. Consider just a few reasons why MusicCity is a wonderful destination <strong>for</strong> SITE 20<strong>11</strong>!© <strong>Nashville</strong> Convention & Visitors Bureau, adapted <strong>for</strong> use in this Call.Photos Page 6: Country Music Hall of Fame, ©<strong>Nashville</strong> CVB/Barry M. Winiker; Grand Ole Opry Stage, ©<strong>Nashville</strong> CVB/Randy Piland; TheParthenon & Gilded Athena ©<strong>Nashville</strong> CVB/Gary Laydar; Belle Meade Plantation ©<strong>Nashville</strong> CVB/Barry M. WinikerPhoto Cover, <strong>Nashville</strong> Skyline, ©<strong>Nashville</strong> CVBFor further <strong>Nashville</strong>, Tennessee in<strong>for</strong>mation see: www.visitmusiccity.com

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