VTAC Guide 2013

VTAC Guide 2013 VTAC Guide 2013


VTAC will also accept copies certified by an authorisedofficer at:• VTAC or any other Australian tertiary admissions centre• the admissions office or student services office at anytertiary institution• the official records department of the institution thatoriginally issued the documents• any Australian consulate.What happens to my documents?VTAC will forward required documents to institutions onyour behalf. If the documents you supply to VTAC aredeemed inappropriate (e.g. secondary course outlines,assignments), they may not be provided to institutions.VTAC cannot return any documents to you. All documentswill be destroyed after all offers have been made.Results printed from the webResults printed from the web are not official transcripts.If you supply these, VTAC will be forward them on toselection officers, however they may not be considered assufficient evidence.What if my documents are late?If your documents reach VTAC after the closing date, they willbe provided to institutions, but there is no guarantee thatlate documents will be considered by selection authorities.For closing dates, see Dates and fees (page 1).VTAC Personal History onlineSee a demonstrationYou can view a demonstration before you start your real‘VTAC Personal History online’. The ‘demo’ works just likethe real thing, but you won’t be able to save or submitanything you type into the demo. See VTAC Personal Historydemo on the VTAC website (www.vtac.edu.au/account).What is the ‘VTAC Personal Historyonline’?The ‘VTAC Personal History online’ is available forapplicants to provide to selection officers relevantinformation that is not collected as part of the VTAC courseapplication. It allows you to provide information about your:• Motivation for study• Work experience• Community experience• Academic performance• Languages other than English• Other relevant informationYou may use ‘VTAC Personal History online’ to outlineany circumstances that have affected your academicperformance; however, if you have experienced anycircumstances of disadvantage you should also considersubmitting the Special Entry Access Schemes (SEAS)application. See Special consideration (page 29).Who should complete the ‘VTACPersonal History online’?In most cases you must complete and submit a ‘VTACPersonal History online’ only if it is listed under Extrarequirements in the course information (in CourseSearchon the VTAC website) for any of the preferences on yourVTAC course application.You may also choose to complete and submit a ‘VTACPersonal History online’ (even if it is not an Extrarequirement for any of your preferences) if you wish toprovide details to support your application such as workexperience or your reasons for applying. However, if the‘VTAC Personal History online’ is not listed as an Extrarequirement for a course, the selection authorities may notconsider the information you supply.Where is the‘VTAC Personal History online’?You can access the ‘VTAC Personal History online’ in yourVTAC user account after you have submitted your VTACcourse application.Tips for completing the‘VTAC Personal History online’Check the datesIf you are required, or if you choose to submit a ‘VTACPersonal History online’, you must submit it on time. SeeDates and fees (page 1).You can only submit one ‘VTAC PersonalHistory online’You should address all your course preferences includingany that you are thinking about and may add later. You canalso check if the institutions have any specific requirementsregarding what to include. See individual institution pagesin this guide.Making changesAfter you submit the ‘VTAC Personal History online’, you canview and edit your information until the closing date. SeeDates and fees (page 1).Making changesChange of nameCorrectionsIf your name is spelt incorrectly on your application, you cannotify VTAC of your correct name by sending a certified copyof photo identification such as a passport or drivers licence.See How to supply your documents (page 25).New namesIf you have changed your name since registering or applyingfor courses, you can notify VTAC of your change of nameby sending a certified copy of your marriage certificateor change of name certificate. See How to supply yourdocuments (page 25).26 | VTAC Guide 2013

Previous namesIf you studied using another name, but forgot to includethe name or entered the details incorrectly when you werecompleting your course application, you can add or changethe details in your VTAC user account by selecting the‘Previous names’ link.You will also need to provide evidence of any previousnames. See Documents required (page 24).Correct your date of birthIf you are registered as a current Year 12 student and yourdate of birth has been recorded incorrectly, you can updateyour details in your VTAC user account.If you are registered as a non-Year 12 applicant and yourdate of birth has been recorded incorrectly, you must writeto VTAC as soon as possible including a certified copy ofyour photo identification and a certified copy of your birthcertificate, passport or drivers licence showing the correctdate of birth. See How to supply your documents (page 25).Update your citizenship/residency statusIf your citizenship/residency status has changed sinceyou registered or applied, you must contact your Year 12Coordinator and write to VTAC as soon as possible (up to 24December 2012) and provide evidence of your citizenship/residency. See Documents required (page 24).After 24 December 2012 residency changes cannot beamended by VTAC; you must contact the institution directly.Change of addressIf you have moved since registering your address, youshould update your address as soon as possible bylogging into your VTAC user account and selecting ‘Changeaddress/contact details’.VTAC recommends using an Australian address if possibleto ensure you receive correspondence and are able torespond in time.Change of phone numberIf you have changed your phone number, you shouldupdate it as soon as possible by logging into your VTAC useraccount and selecting ‘Change address/contact details’.Change of email addressIf you have changed your email address, you should updateit as soon as possible by logging into your VTAC useraccount and selecting ‘Change address/contact details’.Change your PINIf you want to change the PIN for your VTAC user account,you can log in and select 'Change PIN'.Change your course preferencesYou can add, remove or re-order your course preferences,by logging into your VTAC user account and selecting‘Current course preferences’ in the course applicationsection until the closing date. See Dates and fees (page 1).If you are applying for graduate-entry teaching courses,you can also change the specialist teaching areas onyour application.Update your educational historyIf you left out any secondary or tertiary studies or enteredthe details incorrectly when you were completing your courseapplication, you can add or change the details in your VTACuser account by selecting ‘Educational study claims’ in thecourse application section until the closing date.Assign a proxyIf you would like someone to be able to contact VTAC onyour behalf regarding your course application, you can addthem as a 'proxy' in your VTAC user account by selecting‘Course proxy details’. You will be asked to provide theirdetails such as name, contact information, relationship anddate of birth.Change your permission to publish offersIf you want to change whether or not your Round 1 offer ispublished in newspapers (print and online), you can changethis in your VTAC user account until 10 January 2013 byselecting ‘View/change offer publication status’.Change your permission to receivesupplementary offersIf you want to change whether or not you receivesupplementary offers, you can change this in yourVTAC user account until by selecting ‘View/changesupplementary offers status’.If you want to be considered for graduate-entry teachingsupplementary offers, you must select ‘Yes’ before 9amFriday 25 January 2013.To be considered for all other supplementary offers youmust select ‘Yes’ before 9am Monday 11 February 2013.You can select ‘No’ to stop receiving supplementary offersat any time.Withdrawing your course applicationIf you have paid your course application processing fee, andyou don’t want to proceed with your application, you cantelephone or write to VTAC for consideration of your request.You remain liable for the course application processingfee—even if you withdraw your course application—becauseall applications are processed immediately.If you have not paid the course application processing fee,your course application will not be forwarded to institutions.Other changesFor changes to admissions test bookings see Admissionstests (page 55).For any other changes , check your VTAC user account orcontact VTAC for instructions.Applying for courses |27

<strong>VTAC</strong> will also accept copies certified by an authorisedofficer at:• <strong>VTAC</strong> or any other Australian tertiary admissions centre• the admissions office or student services office at anytertiary institution• the official records department of the institution thatoriginally issued the documents• any Australian consulate.What happens to my documents?<strong>VTAC</strong> will forward required documents to institutions onyour behalf. If the documents you supply to <strong>VTAC</strong> aredeemed inappropriate (e.g. secondary course outlines,assignments), they may not be provided to institutions.<strong>VTAC</strong> cannot return any documents to you. All documentswill be destroyed after all offers have been made.Results printed from the webResults printed from the web are not official transcripts.If you supply these, <strong>VTAC</strong> will be forward them on toselection officers, however they may not be considered assufficient evidence.What if my documents are late?If your documents reach <strong>VTAC</strong> after the closing date, they willbe provided to institutions, but there is no guarantee thatlate documents will be considered by selection authorities.For closing dates, see Dates and fees (page 1).<strong>VTAC</strong> Personal History onlineSee a demonstrationYou can view a demonstration before you start your real‘<strong>VTAC</strong> Personal History online’. The ‘demo’ works just likethe real thing, but you won’t be able to save or submitanything you type into the demo. See <strong>VTAC</strong> Personal Historydemo on the <strong>VTAC</strong> website (www.vtac.edu.au/account).What is the ‘<strong>VTAC</strong> Personal Historyonline’?The ‘<strong>VTAC</strong> Personal History online’ is available forapplicants to provide to selection officers relevantinformation that is not collected as part of the <strong>VTAC</strong> courseapplication. It allows you to provide information about your:• Motivation for study• Work experience• Community experience• Academic performance• Languages other than English• Other relevant informationYou may use ‘<strong>VTAC</strong> Personal History online’ to outlineany circumstances that have affected your academicperformance; however, if you have experienced anycircumstances of disadvantage you should also considersubmitting the Special Entry Access Schemes (SEAS)application. See Special consideration (page 29).Who should complete the ‘<strong>VTAC</strong>Personal History online’?In most cases you must complete and submit a ‘<strong>VTAC</strong>Personal History online’ only if it is listed under Extrarequirements in the course information (in CourseSearchon the <strong>VTAC</strong> website) for any of the preferences on your<strong>VTAC</strong> course application.You may also choose to complete and submit a ‘<strong>VTAC</strong>Personal History online’ (even if it is not an Extrarequirement for any of your preferences) if you wish toprovide details to support your application such as workexperience or your reasons for applying. However, if the‘<strong>VTAC</strong> Personal History online’ is not listed as an Extrarequirement for a course, the selection authorities may notconsider the information you supply.Where is the‘<strong>VTAC</strong> Personal History online’?You can access the ‘<strong>VTAC</strong> Personal History online’ in your<strong>VTAC</strong> user account after you have submitted your <strong>VTAC</strong>course application.Tips for completing the‘<strong>VTAC</strong> Personal History online’Check the datesIf you are required, or if you choose to submit a ‘<strong>VTAC</strong>Personal History online’, you must submit it on time. SeeDates and fees (page 1).You can only submit one ‘<strong>VTAC</strong> PersonalHistory online’You should address all your course preferences includingany that you are thinking about and may add later. You canalso check if the institutions have any specific requirementsregarding what to include. See individual institution pagesin this guide.Making changesAfter you submit the ‘<strong>VTAC</strong> Personal History online’, you canview and edit your information until the closing date. SeeDates and fees (page 1).Making changesChange of nameCorrectionsIf your name is spelt incorrectly on your application, you cannotify <strong>VTAC</strong> of your correct name by sending a certified copyof photo identification such as a passport or drivers licence.See How to supply your documents (page 25).New namesIf you have changed your name since registering or applyingfor courses, you can notify <strong>VTAC</strong> of your change of nameby sending a certified copy of your marriage certificateor change of name certificate. See How to supply yourdocuments (page 25).26 | <strong>VTAC</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

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