General Index - National Roofing Contractors Association

General Index - National Roofing Contractors Association

General Index - National Roofing Contractors Association


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14. Specific conditions to makewarranty ineffective or null andvoid (see item 14 in Introduction)B (including taking of test cuts), C, F (including periodiccleaning of drains and removal of harmful debris from roof),GB (including taking of test cuts), C, F (including periodiccleaning of drains and removal of harmful debris from roof),GB (including taking of test cuts), C, F (including periodic cleaningof drains and removal of harmful debris from roof), G15. Cost to obtain16. Minimum charge17. Ineligible structure or buildinguseManufacturer charges for this warranty; however, they refused to provide costs.Contact manufacturer directly for specific pricing information.Single-family residences Single-family residences Single-family residences18. Pre-construction notice andapproval requirementsThe contractor is required to submit job approval formsbefore project is authorized for warranty.The contractor is required to submit job approval formsbefore project is authorized for warranty.The contractor is required to submit job approval forms beforeproject is authorized for warranty.19. Approved, authorized, or licensedrequirementsYesYesYes20. Job inspection policyVersico inspector makes on-site inspection after completion,prior to issuance of warranty.Versico inspector makes on-site inspection after completion,prior to issuance of warranty.Versico inspector makes on-site inspection after completion,prior to issuance of warranty; $300 inspection charge.21. Contractor’s post-installationobligationThe contractor is obligated to make repairs to workmanshipdeficiencies for two (2) years.The contractor is obligated to make repairs to workmanshipdeficiencies for two (2) years.The contractor is obligated to make repairs to workmanshipdeficiencies for two (2) years.22. Backed by named insurance orsuretyNo; Versico indicates that it does not carry insurancecovering its warranty obligations.No; Versico indicates that it does not carry insurancecovering its warranty obligations.No; Versico indicates that it does not carry insurance covering itswarranty obligations.23. Issuing entity manufacturesand/or sells productsVersico manufactures and sells product.Versico manufactures and sells product.Versico manufactures and sells product.24. Conditions for renewal orextensionNo renewal provisionNo renewal provisionNo renewal provision25. AssignabilityWarranty states that it is not assignable by operation of lawor otherwise. Application may be made by a new buildingowner for reissuance of the warranty during the originalwarranty period. Certain procedures, including an inspectionof the roofing system by Versico representative, and fees willapply to any reissuance. Versico reserves the right, in itssole discretion, to refuse to reissue this warranty.Warranty states that it is not assignable by operation of lawor otherwise. Application may be made by a new buildingowner for reissuance of the warranty during the originalwarranty period. Certain procedures, including an inspectionof the roofing system by Versico representative, and fees willapply to any reissuance. Versico reserves the right, in itssole discretion, to refuse to reissue this warranty.Warranty states that it is not assignable by operation of law orotherwise. Application may be made by a new building owner forreissuance of the warranty during the original warranty period.Certain procedures, including an inspection of the roofing systemby Versico representative, and fees will apply to any reissuance.Versico reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to refuse toreissue this warranty.26. Special features/conditionsBy notifying Versico of a leak, the owner authorizes Versicoto investigate the cause of the leak. Should the investigationreveal the cause of the leak to be outside the scope of thewarranty, investigation and repair costs shall be paid byowner.By notifying Versico of a leak, the owner authorizes Versicoto investigate the cause of the leak. Should the investigationreveal the cause of the leak to be outside the scope of thewarranty, investigation and repair costs shall be paid byowner.By notifying Versico of leak, the owner authorizes Versico toinvestigate the cause of the leak. Should the investigation revealthe cause of the leak to be outside the scope of the warranty,investigation and repair costs shall be paid by owner.27. Executed by ownerNoNoNo665

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