General Index - National Roofing Contractors Association

General Index - National Roofing Contractors Association

General Index - National Roofing Contractors Association


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14. Specific conditions to makewarranty ineffective or null andvoid (see item 14 in Introduction)A, B, C, F, K, N C, G, K, R, (The warranty states that Tamko's obligations under the warrantyshall terminate if (1) Tamko is not reimbursed for all reasonable expenses,including, but not limited to, transportation, meals and lodging, associatedwith the inspection of a complaint, within 30 days of receipt of invoice fromTamko when Tamko has determined that the complaint is expressly excludedby the terms of the warranty; or (2) the owner fails to reimburse Tamko forany additional costs incurred by Tamko attributable to the lack of reasonableaccess to the roof within 30 days of receipt of invoice from Tamko.15. Cost to obtain 5 yrs: $4.00/sq; 10 yrs: $8.50/sq; 12 yrs: $9.00/sq;15 yrs: $12.50/sq; 20 yrs: $17.50/sq16. Minimum charge 5 yrs: $400; 10 yrs: $850; 12 yrs: $850;15 yrs: $1,000; 20 yrs: $1,20017. Ineligible structure or building use Individual residences, condominiums, cooperative apartments,heated tanks, storage silos, dry kilns, car wash buildings,swimming pools, and other structures with high-humidityconditions.18. Pre-construction notice andapproval requirements19. Approved, authorized, or licensedrequirementsThe contractor is required to submit a request for issuance ofguarantee describing the job at least two weeks prior to thecommencement of the job. Job specifications must be inaccordance with Tamko's published specifications andrecommendations unless changes are approved in writing byTamko's manager of technical services.A, B, C, F, K, NNone 5 yrs: $4.00/sq; 10 yrs: $8.50/sq;12 yrs: $9.00/sq; 15 yrs: $12.50/sqNone 5 yrs: $400; 10 yrs: $850; 12 yrs: $850; 15 yrs: $1,000Individual residences, condominiums, cooperative apartments,heated tanks, storage silos, dry kilns, car wash buildings, swimmingpools, and other structures with high-humidity conditionsNone required.Yes No Yes20. Job inspection policy Tamko representative makes inspection after completion, priorto issuing warranty and, two years after issuing warranty.Tamko representative makes on-site inspection duringapplication for specification 243 only; no charge.21. Contractor’s post-installationobligation22. Backed by named insurance orsurety23. Issuing entity manufactures and/orsells products24. Conditions for renewal orextensionThe contractor is obligated to make repairs to workmanshipdeficiencies for two years.No; Tamko indicates that it does not carry insurance tocover its warranty obligations.No on-site inspectionsNone; material-only warrantyNo; Tamko indicates that it does not carry insurancecovering its warranty obligations.Individual residences, condominiums, cooperative apartments,heated tanks, storage silos, dry kilns, car wash buildings, swimmingpools, and other structures with high-humidity conditionsThe contractor is required to submit a request for issuance ofguarantee describing the job at least two weeks prior to thecommencement of the job. Job specifications must be in accordancewith Tamko's published specifications and recommendations unlesschanges are approved in writing by Tamko's manager of technicalservices.Tamko representative makes inspection after completion, prior to issuingwarranty and two years after issuing warranty. Tamko representativemakes on-site inspection during application for specification 243 only; nocharge.The contractor is obligated to make repairs to workmanshipdeficiencies for two years.No; Tamko indicates that it does not carry insurance to cover itswarranty obligations.Tamko manufactures and sells the product. Tamko manufactures and sells the product. Tamko manufactures and sells the product.No renewal provision No renewal provision No renewal provision25. Assignability The guarantee shall accrue and inure only to the benefit ofthe first consumer purchaser or owner of the Tamko productand shall not be assigned, sold or transferred in any mannerwhatsoever.26. Special features/conditions No action for breach of this limited warranty may be broughtlater than one year after any cause of action has accrued.Nothing contained in the guarantee shall be construed tobe a waiver of Tamko's right for contribution or indemnity forany liability incurred as a result of this guarantee. Norepresentative, employee, agent of Tamko, or any otherperson has any authority to assume for Tamko anyadditional or other liability or responsibility. Tamko shall notbe responsible for or liable if there is any change oramendment to the Tamko built-up roof specification, unlesssuch change or amendment is approved in writing by Tamko.The warranty shall accrue and inure only to the benefit of the firstconsumer purchaser or owner of the Tamko product and shall not beassigned, sold, or transferred in any manner whatsoever. Anyassignment, sale or transfer of the warranty or of the building to whichthe product is applied shall void all warranties.Claims under warranty will require proof of purchase by firstconsumer purchaser or owner. Tamko shall not be responsible forany claims without such proof of purchase.The warranty states that owner acknowledges that it is theowner's sole responsibility to determine that the product has beeninstalled in compliance with (i) any contract specifications provided bythe owner to the contractor and (ii) the terms and conditions ofwarranty.The warranty may not be modified except in a writing signed byTamko's president. No representative, employee, agent of Tamko orany person, other than the president of Tamko, has any authority toassume for Tamko any additional or other liability or responsibility.Warranty is not valid in Hawaii, Alaska and California. Aseparate limited warranty is available for products used in California.Products are sold "as is" and "with all faults" when used outside of the48 contiguous United States.No action for breach of this limited warranty shall be brought laterthan one year after any cause of action has accrued.See item 14 above.27. Executed by owner No Yes; owner is to sign and retain warranty with thecontractor's receipt for future reference.The guarantee shall accrue and inure only to the benefit of thefirst consumer purchaser or owner of the Tamko product andshall not be assigned, sold or transferred in any mannerwhatsoever.No action for breach of this limited warranty may be brought laterthan one year after any cause of action has accrued.Nothing contained in the guarantee shall be construed to bea waiver of Tamko's right for contribution or indemnity for anyliability incurred as a result of this guarantee. Norepresentative, employee, agent of Tamko or any other personhas any authority to assume for Tamko any additional or otherliability or responsibility. Tamko shall not be responsible for orliable if there is any change or amendment to the Tamko built-uproof specification, unless such change or amendment is approvedin writing by Tamko.No659

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