General Index - National Roofing Contractors Association

General Index - National Roofing Contractors Association

General Index - National Roofing Contractors Association


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16. Minimum charge None Minimum roof size of 50 squares None17. Ineligible structure or building use Coolers, cold-storage, or freezer buildings None None18. Pre-construction notice andapproval requirementsNone required. None None19. Approved, authorized, or licensedrequirements No No No20. Job inspection policy No on-site inspections No on-site inspections No on-site inspections21. Contractor’s post-installationobligationNone; material-only warranty None; material-only warranty None; material-only warranty22. Backed by named insurance orsuretyNo; MBT indicates that it carries $100 million general liabilityinsurance covering its warranty obligations.No; Monsey Bakor indicates that it carries umbrella liabilityinsurance covering its warranty obligations in the amount of$10 million.No; Monsey Bakor indicates that it carries umbrella liabilityinsurance covering its warranty obligations in the amount of$10 million.23. Issuing entity manufactures and/orsells products24. Conditions for renewal orextensionMBT manufactures and sells product. Monsey Bakor manufacturers and sells the product. Monsey Bakor manufacturers and sells the product.No renewal provision No renewal provision No renewal provision25. Assignability Not assignable; warranty accrues to original owner named inwarranty and shall not accrue to the benefit of or be assignableto any tenant, successor, purchaser, or assignee of originalowner.The warranty is not assignable without Monsey Bakor's priorwritten consent.The warranty is not assignable without Monsey Bakor's priorwritten consent.26. Special features/conditions <strong>Roofing</strong> contractor must complete warranty registration andmail promptly along with proof of purchase to MBT offices tovalidate warranty.27. Executed by owner NoPursuant to the warranty, the owner authorizes Monsey Bakorto investigate or cause to be investigated the alleged materialdefect of the Monsey Bakor products on the owner's behalf.Should the alleged material defect or the remedy sought by theowner lie outside the scope of the warranty, the owner agreesto promptly reimburse Monsey Bakor for the cost of any suchinvestigation, including repair costs.The owner shall bear any expense of removing and replacingtraffic walkways or other structures to allow repairs to be madewhen necessary.Yes; the warranty does not come into force until receipt of asigned copy by Monsey Bakor and owner.Pursuant to the warranty, the owner authorizes Monsey Bakorto investigate or cause to be investigated the alleged materialdefect of the Monsey Bakor products on the owner's behalf.Should the alleged material defect or the remedy sought by theowner lie outside the scope of the warranty, the owner agreesto promptly reimburse Monsey Bakor for the cost of any suchinvestigation, including repair costs.Monsey Bakor does not authorize any person, including itsrepresentatives, to make any representation or to offer anywarranty, condition or guarantee in respect to the product otherthan this warranty.Yes; the warranty does not come into force until receipt of asigned copy by Monsey Bakor and owner.635

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