General Index - National Roofing Contractors Association

General Index - National Roofing Contractors Association

General Index - National Roofing Contractors Association


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13. Wind coverage/exclusions Warranty excludes wind damage, hurricanes, and tornadoes.Koppers indicates that there is no coverage for damagecaused by wind.14. Specific conditions to makewarranty ineffective or null andvoid (see item 14 in Introduction)15. Cost to obtainThe warranty excludes wind damage, hurricanes andtornadoes. Koppers indicates that there is no coverage fordamage caused by wind.H, M H, M H, M5 yrs: $ 8.00/sq; 10 yrs: $10.00/sq;15 yrs: $12.00/sq; 20 yrs: $15.00/sq5 yrs: $4.00/sq; 10 yrs: $6.00/sq;15 yrs: $7.00/sq; 20 yrs: $8.00/sqThe warranty excludes wind damage, hurricanes, andtornadoes. Koppers indicates that there is no coverage fordamage caused by wind.5 yrs: $4.00/sq; 10 yrs: $5.00/sq; 12 yrs: $6.00/sq16. Minimum charge 5 yrs: $700; 10 yrs: $800; 15 yrs: $900; 20 yrs: $1,000 5 yrs: $350; 10 yrs: $550; 15 yrs: $600; 20 yrs: $650 5 yrs: $350; 10 yrs: $550; 12 yrs: $60017. Ineligible structure or buildinguse18. Pre-construction notice andapproval requirements19. Approved, authorized, or licensedrequirementsCooler/freezer buildings, private residences Cooler/freezer buildings, private residences Cold-storage or freezer/cooler unitsContractor telephones application to Koppers 14 days prior tojob start. If project is approved, contractor is sent applicationfor warranty.The contractor telephones application to Koppers 14 daysprior to job start. If project is approved, contractor is sentapplication for warranty.Yes Yes Yes20. Job inspection policy Koppers technical service personnel or designatedrepresentative will make on-site inspections prior to and duringapplication periodically or as requested. Koppers makesinspection after completion prior to issuance of warranty, aswell as two years after issuance of warranty; no charge.21. Contractor’s post-installationobligation22. Backed by named insurance orsurety23. Issuing entity manufacturesand/or sells productsContractor obligated to make repairs to workmanshipdeficiencies for two years.Koppers technical service personnel or designatedrepresentative will make on-site inspections prior to and duringapplication periodically or as requested. Koppers makesinspection after completion prior to issuance of warranty, aswell as two years after issuance of warranty; no charge.Contractor obligated to make repairs to workmanshipdeficiencies for two years.The contractor telephones application to Koppers 14 daysprior to job start. If project is approved, contractor is sentapplication for warranty.Koppers technical service personnel or designatedrepresentative makes inspections prior to, and duringapplication. A final inspection, prior to warranty issuance, isrequired. A two-year inspection is required. No charge forinspections.Contractor obligated to make repairs to workmanshipdeficiencies for two years.No; Koppers indicates that it is self-insured. No; Koppers indicates that it is self-insured. No; Koppers indicates that it is self-insured.Koppers manufactures and sells product. Koppers manufactures and sells product. Koppers sells product only.24. Conditions for renewal orextensionNo renewal provision No renewal provision No renewal provision25. Assignability Warranty states that original named owner is covered and notany tenant, purchaser, or successor without prior written noticeto and approval from Koppers.Warranty states that original named owner is covered and notany tenant, purchaser, or successor without prior written noticeto and approval from Koppers.Warranty states that original named owner is covered and notany tenant, purchaser, or successor without prior written noticeto and approval from Koppers.26. Special features/conditionsWorkmanship coverage is contingent upon contractor'sagreement to install Koppers' products in accordance withapplicable specifications and details. Koppers does not certifythat the work is actually free from defect. A roof sketch mustbe supplied to Koppers identifying the exact location of alladditions, alterations, or repairs.Workmanship coverage is contingent upon contractor'sagreement to install Koppers' products in accordance withapplicable specifications and details. Koppers does not certifythat the work is actually free from defect. A roof sketch mustbe supplied to Koppers identifying exact location of alladditions, alterations, or repairs.Workmanship coverage is contingent upon contractor'sagreement to install Koppers' modified bitumen products inaccordance with applicable specifications and details.Koppers does not certify that the work is actually free fromdefect. A roof sketch must be supplied to Koppers identifyingexact location of all additions, alterations, or repairs.This warranty will be governed by the laws of thecommonwealth of Pennsylvania. Any action for breach ofwarranty must be commenced within one year after suchbreach occurs or is discovered.This warranty will be governed by the laws of thecommonwealth of Pennsylvania. Any action for breach ofwarranty must be commenced within one year after suchbreach occurs or is discovered.This warranty will be governed by the laws of thecommonwealth of Pennsylvania. Any action or breach of thisagreement must be commenced within one year after suchbreach occurs or is discovered.If Koppers' investigation of a reported problem reveals theproblem to be outside the scope of warranty, investigation andrepair costs shall be paid by owner. Annual roof inspectionsare the responsibility of the building owner. When necessary,roof maintenance must be performed. A complete recoating ofthe flashing systems, using a Koppers aluminum roof coating,is required every five years on flashing specifications 168, 172,and 180, and as needed on 174 and 182.If Koppers' investigation of a reported problem reveals theproblem to be outside the scope of warranty, investigation andrepair costs shall be paid by owner. Annual roof inspectionsare the responsibility of the building owner. When necessary,roof maintenance must be performed. A complete recoating ofthe flashing system, using a Koppers aluminum roof coating, isrequired every five years on flashing specifications 168, 172,and 180, and as needed on 174 and 182.If Koppers' investigation of a reported problem reveals theproblem to be outside the scope of warranty, investigation andrepair costs shall be paid by owner. Annual roof inspectionsare the responsibility of the building owner. When necessary,roof maintenance must be performed. A complete recoating ofthe flashing system, using a Koppers aluminum roof coating, isrequired every five years on flashing specifications 168, 172,and 180, and as needed on 174 and 182.27. Executed by owner No No No632

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