General Index - National Roofing Contractors Association

General Index - National Roofing Contractors Association

General Index - National Roofing Contractors Association


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13. Wind coverage/exclusions Warranty covers roof damage resulting from wind speeds up to46 miles per hour.14. Specific conditions to makewarranty ineffective or null andvoid (see item 14 in Introduction)Warranty covers roof damage resulting from wind speeds up to46 miles per hour.B, D, F, H B, H, S C15. Cost to obtain $10.00/square $10.00/squareWarranty excludes windstorms, hurricanes, and tornadoes.Malarkey indicates that there is no coverage for damagecaused by wind.10 years (with $35/square monetary limitation):$4.00/square; 10 years (with $50/square monetary limitation):$4.50/square; 10 years (without monetary limitation):$6.00/square; 12 years: $8.00/square 15 years: $10.00/square;20 years: $15.00/square16. Minimum charge $1,000 $1,000 10 yrs (with $35/sq monetary limitation): $400; 10 yrs (with$50/sq monetary limitation): $450; 10 yrs (without monetarylimitation): $600; 12 yrs: $800; 15 yrs: $1,000; 20 yrs: $1,50017. Ineligible structure or building use Cold-storage facilities and most apartment buildings andcondominiums. All structures and locations subject to approvalby Henry Company.18. Pre-construction notice andapproval requirements19. Approved, authorized, or licensedrequirementsPrior approval issued by execution of warranty application formand preconstruction notice 72 hours in advance.Cold-storage and most apartment buildings and condominiums;all structures and locations subject to approval by HenryCompany.Prior approval issued by execution of warranty application formand preconstruction notice 72 hours in advance.Yes Yes Yes20. Job inspection policy Henry inspector makes on-site inspections prior to, during (dailyto periodical), and after application, as well as two years afterissuance of warranty; $1.00/square charge.21. Contractor’s post-installationobligation22. Backed by named insurance orsurety23. Issuing entity manufactures and/orsells products24. Conditions for renewal orextensionContractor obligated to make repairs to workmanshipdeficiencies for two years.No; Henry Company indicates that it does not carry insurancecovering its warranty obligations.Henry inspector makes on-site inspections prior to and duringapplication (daily to periodical) and after application, as well astwo years after issuance of warranty; $1.00/square charge.Contractor obligated to make repairs to workmanshipdeficiencies for two years.No; Henry Company indicates that it does not carry insurancecovering its warranty obligations.Cold storage, single familyWarranty application must be filed with and approved byMalarkey prior to job start.Malarkey representative makes inspections prior, during, andafter application depending upon size; no charge.Contractor is obligated to make repairs to all leaks and anydefects for two years.No; Malarkey indicates that it does not carry insurance coveringits warranty obligations.Henry Company manufactures and sells product. Henry Company manufactures and sells the product. Malarkey manufactures and sells productAfter 10 years, warranty can be extended for additional 10years. During tenth year following installation, a Henryrepresentative will inspect the roof and report any routinemaintenance determined by Henry Company to be necessaryto maintain integrity of the roof membrane and flashing for theremaining 10-year period of the warranty term. The cost of suchrepair and coating will be the responsibility of the buildingowner; no additional warranty fee.25. Assignability Warranty may be transferred to a new building owner with priorwritten consent of Henry Company, which consent shall not beunreasonably withheld; consent shall not be determined to beunreasonably withheld if the use of the building by any owner ismaterially different from the use of the prior building owner.26. Special features/conditions In the event an emergency condition exists requiring immediaterepair to avoid significant damage to the building, the buildingowner may make such temporary repairs as may be necessary torepair such leaks and such action shall not void warranty. In theevent the building owner fails to proceed with maintenancerecommended by Henry Company after 10 years, Henry Companyshall be discharged from all further obligation under warranty at theend of the 10th year of warranty.No renewal provisionTransferable to new building owner, provided theuse to which the new owner puts the building is approved byHenry Company. Building owner shall notify Henry Companyprior to making any transfer of ownership.In the event an emergency condition exists requiring immediaterepair to avoid significant damage to owner, the owner maymake temporary repairs as maybe essential and such action shall not void warranty.27. Executed by owner No No NoThe owner has option to renew for ___ years by requestinginspection by Malarkey. Malarkey inspects and advises ownerof necessary maintenance work to be performed by approvedcontractor at owner's expense. If work performed within 90days of expiration and Malarkey, then accepts the roof, uponpayment of charge not to exceed the current initialcharge, the warranty will be renewed.The warranty is transferable provided that Malarkey is notifiedby the original owner at least seven days prior to transfer.Malarkey schedules a roof inspection. Any repairs coveredunder the warranty will be paid for by Malarkey; the owner paysfor maintenance items and/or incidental repairs found to berequired. Once maintenance and/or repairs have beencompleted by a Malarkey approved roofing contractor, warrantytransfer will be completed after payment of a $500 transfer fee.Warranty is only valid when Malarkey pre-approved asphalt,base flashing system, and roof insulation when the roof isinsulated are used.619

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