General Index - National Roofing Contractors Association

General Index - National Roofing Contractors Association

General Index - National Roofing Contractors Association


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Roof Membrane Warranties (Built-Up, Modified Bitumen, and Single-Ply)1. Identity of issuing entity W.R. Grace & Co. - Conn. W.R. Grace & Co. - Conn. W.R. Grace & Co. - Conn.2. Title, original publication date, andidentifying symbol, if any"PRMA System Platinum 15 Year Material and LaborWarranty"; June 1997; PRMA-032 6/97"PRMA System 10 Year Material Warranty"; June 1997;PRMA-031 6/97"PRMA System Gold 10 Year Material and Labor Warranty";June 1997; PRMA-035 6/973. Product, specification, or systemcoveredPRMA membrane PRMA Membrane PRMA membrane4. Scope of coverage Material and workmanship; Grace agrees to make or cause tobe made, at Grace's expense, all repairs necessary to correctleaks to the Grace PRMA System, resulting from systemmembrane deterioration as a result of ordinary wear and tearand the effects thereof; improper workmanship by thecontractor in the installation of the System; splits in the PRMASystem membrane; temperature fluctuations or thermal shock;and System membrane slippage.Material only; Grace warrants that water will not leak directlythrough any individual sheet of PRMA membrane as a result ofdeterioration of the sheet caused by ordinary wear and tear andthe effects thereof and the PRMA membrane will bridgeruptures caused by cracking of the immediate substrate up to1.6 mm (0.0625 in.) in width.Material and workmanship; Grace agrees to make or cause tobe made, at Grace's expense, all repairs necessary to correctleaks to the Grace PRMA System resulting from systemmembrane deterioration as a result of ordinary wear and tearand the effects thereof; improper workmanship by thecontractor in the installation of the PRMA System; splits in theSystem membrane; temperature fluctuations or thermal shock;and System membrane slippage.5. Length of coverage 15 years 10 years 10 years6. Nature of remedy Grace agrees to make or cause to be made, at Grace'sexpense, all repairs necessary to correct leaks. Cost forremoving ballast or removable pavers is the responsibility ofGrace. Cost for removing solid or inter-locking pavers orotherwise exposing the PRMA System from structural or solidoverburden is the responsibility of owner.Grace will supply replacement PRMA membrane, andaccessory products deemed necessary and approved by Graceequal to the cost of materials paid to Grace for the originalinstallation. Warrants does not cover any costs or expensesassociated with labor costs for the removal of ballast or paversor otherwise exposing the PRMA membrane and installation ofreplacement membrane.Grace agrees to make or cause to be made, at Grace'sexpense, repairs necessary to correct leaks. Costs for remoingballast or removable pavers is the reponsibility of Grace. Costfor removing solid or interlocking pavers or otherwise exposingthe PRMA system is the responsibility of owner.7. Monetary limitations Grace's total liability shall not exceed the cost of materialsrequired and approved by Grace for repair plus labor costs forrepair activities also approved by Grace.8. Notification requirements Written notice within 30 days from the date of discovery of theneed for any repair or the date such need should reasonablyhave been discovered that may be a responsibility of Grace.9. Exclusive or additional remedy Owner waives any and all other claims, actions, and demandsrelating to the use of the PRMA System. Statements,obligations and representations contained in warranty andmade expressly in lieu of all other warranties; excludes UCCwarranties.Grace's liability to provide replacement material is limited to thecost of materials paid to Grace for the original installation.None stated.Owner waives any and all other claims, actions, and demandsrelating to the use of the PRMA System. Statements,obligations, and representations contained in the warranty andmade expressly in lieu of all other warranties; excludes UCCwarranties.Grace's total liability shall not exceed the cost of materialsrequired and approved by Grace for repair plus labor costs forrepair activities approved by Grace.Written notice within 30 days from the date of discovery of theneed for any repair or the date such need should reasonablyhave been discovered that may be a responsibility of Grace.Owner waives any and all other claims, actions, and demandsrelating to the use of the PRMA System. Statements,obligations, and representations contained in warranty aremade expressly in lieu of all other warranties; excludes UCCwarranties.10. Inclusion of consequentialdamages11. Determination of warrantyapplicability12. Specific exclusions from coverage(see item 12 in Introduction)No No NoNeutral Grace's determination Neutral1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 15 1, 3, 15, 17 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 1513. Wind coverage/exclusions Warranty excludes windstorms, hurricanes and tornadoes.Grace indicates there is no coverage for damage caused bywind.No coverage for damage caused by wind.Warranty excludes windstorms, hurricanes and tornadoes.Grace indicates there is no coverage for damage caused bywind.14. Specific conditions to makewarranty ineffective or null andvoid (see item 14 in Introduction)C, I R C, I15. Cost to obtain $4.50/square $1.50/square $2.50/square616

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