General Index - National Roofing Contractors Association

General Index - National Roofing Contractors Association

General Index - National Roofing Contractors Association


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Roof Membrane Warranties (Built-Up, Modified Bitumen, and Single-Ply1. Identity of issuing entityFirestone Building Products Company,division of Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc.Firestone Building Products Company,division of Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc.Firestone Building Products Company,division of Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc.2. Title, original publication date, andidentifying symbol, if any3. Product, specification, or systemcoveredΑFirestone 10-Year EPDM/Ultraply 78+ MembraneLimited Warranty≅; August 1994; 8/94ΧItem #916R-01Firestone Rubbergard EPDM, Firestone UltraPly4. Scope of coverage Material only; Firestone warrants that it will providereplacement membrane materials sufficient to replace anyarea of EPDM or UltraPly roofing membrane which leaksas a result of ordinary exposure to the elements ormanufacturing defect in the membrane. Warranty doesnot cover flashings, seams, adhesives, sealants, coatings,or workmanship.Red Shield "<strong>Roofing</strong> System Limited Warranty;" November 1997; 11/97 -Item #811-01Firestone RubberGard EPDM Systems, Firestone UltraPly 78+ Systems,Firestone APP Systems, Firestone SBS Systems, Firestone Built-upSystemsMaterial and workmanship; Firestone warrants to repair any leak in theFirestone roofing system. The Firestone roof system is limited toFirestone-brand membranes, Firestone- brand insulations, and otherFirestone-brand accessories when installed in accordance with Firestonetechnical specifications. Firestone indicates that roof coatings andsealants, specifically Firestone PC 100 AcryliTop Coating, AluminumRoof Coating, S-10 Pourable Sealer and <strong>General</strong> Purpose Sealant, arenot covered under this warrantyFirestone "Modified Bitumen Membrane LimitedWarranty;" November 1997; 11/97 Item # 595(R)MB(Replaces 7/94)-01Firestone APP, Firestone SBSMaterial only; Firestone warrants that it will repair anyleak caused by weathering of the Firestone modifiedbitumen roofing membrane as a result of ordinaryexposure to the elements or any manufacturing defect inthe membrane. Warranty does not cover flashings,seams, adhesives, sealant, coatings, or workmanship.5. Length of coverage 10 years 5, 10, 15, or 20 years: Firestone EPDM; 5, 10, or 15 years:UltraPly 78+; 5, 10, 12, 15, or 20 years: Firestone SBS; 5, 10, 12, 15, or 20 years: FirestoneAPP6. Nature of remedy The owner's sole and exclusive remedy and Firestone'sliability shall be limited to the repair of the leak.7. Monetary limitations Firestone's replacement obligations over the life of thewarranty are limited to the original cost of the membrane.8. Notification requirements Written notification within 30 days of any occurrence of aleak9. Exclusive or additional remedy Warranty is owner's sole and exclusive remedy againstFirestone; warranty supersedes and is in lieu of all otherwarranties or guarantees; excludes UCC warranties.10. Inclusion of consequentialdamages11. Determination of warrantyapplicability12. Specific exclusions from coverage(see item 12 in Introduction)The owner's sole and exclusive remedy and Firestone's liablity shall belimited to the repair of the leak.None stated.Written notification within 30 days of any occurrence of a leakWarranty is owner's sole and exclusive remedy against Firestone;warranty supersedes and is in lieu of all other warranties or guarantees;excludes UCC warranties.No No No5, 10, or 12 yearsFirestone's determination Firestone's determination Firestone's determination1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12 (see Special Features/Conditions), 13, 17, 18, 22. Warranty also specificallyexcludes damages caused by atomic radiation, insects, oranimals, and Specific Condition H.1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12 (see Special Features/Conditions), 13, 17, 18, 22.Warranty also specifically excludes damages caused by atomic radiation,insects, or animals and Specific Condition H.The owner's sole and exclusive remedy and Firestone'sliability shall be limited to the repair of the leak.Firestone's repair obligations over the life of the warrantyare limited to the original cost of the membraneinstallation.Written notification within 30 days of any occurrence of aleakWarranty is owner's sole and exclusive remedy againstFirestone; warranty supersedes and is in lieu of all otherwarranties or guarantees; excludes UCC warranties.1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12 (see SpecialFeatures/Conditions), 13, 17, 18, 22. Warranty alsospecifically excludes damages caused by atomicradiation, insects, or animals and Specific Condition H.13. Wind coverage/exclusions Warranty excludes winds, hurricanes, and tornadoes.Firestone indicates that there is no coverage for damagecaused by wind.Warranty excludes winds in excess of 55 mph, hurricanes, andtornadoes. Firestone indicates that warranty covers roof damageresulting from wind speeds up to 55 mph.Warranty excludes winds, hurricanes, and tornadoes.Firestone indicates that there is no coverage fordamaged caused by wind.14. Specific conditions to makewarranty ineffective or null andvoid (see item 14 in Introduction)M, S (See Special Features/Conditions.) C, M, S (See Special Features Conditions.) M, S (See Special Features/Conditions.)15. Cost to obtain $50 Firestone EPDM: 5 years: $3.00/square; 10 years: $5.00/square; 15 years: $8.00/ square; 20years: $10.00/square; (warranty price is reduced $1.00/square for using nonreinforcedmembrane with the exception of 20-year term.)UltraPly: 5 years: $3.00/square; 10 years: $5.00/square; 15 years: $8.00/square;Firestone APP (without roof monitoring): 5 years: $3.00/square; 10 years: $7.00/square; 12years: $9.00/square; 15 years: $12.00/square; 20 years: $17.00/square;Firestone SBS (without roof monitoring): 5 years: $3.00/square; 10 years: $7.00/square; 12years: $9.00/square; 15 years: $12.00/square; 20 years:$17.00/square;Firestone Built-up (without roof monitoring): 5 years: $3.00/square; 10 years: $7.00/square;12 years: $9.00/square; 15 years: $12.00/square; 20 years: $17.00/square; (warranty price forAPP, SBS, and built-up systems are reduced when roof monitoring is employed16. Minimum charge $50 Varies from $250 to $750 depending on length of coverage 300$50.00600

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