General Index - National Roofing Contractors Association

General Index - National Roofing Contractors Association

General Index - National Roofing Contractors Association


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Roof Membrane Warranties (Built-Up, Modified Bitumen, and Single-Ply)1. Identity of issuing entity Danosa Caribbean, Inc. Dermabit Dermabit2. Title, original publication date, andidentifying symbol, if anyDanosa <strong>Roofing</strong> Membrane System Limited Warranty≅; 1979Α Dermabit Waterproofing Industries ΑGuarantee Material andLabor≅; April 1988Dermabit Waterproofing Industries ΑMaterial Guarantee≅; April19883. Product, specification, or systemcoveredEsterdan RM; Glasdan AL-80, Glasdan R-36; Esterdan R-36 Dermabit APP 4170, 4170S; Elasphalt SBS 4170, 4170S Dermabit APP 4170; Elasphalt 4170, 4170S, SBS4. Scope of coverage Material and workmanship; Danosa will pay all authorizedcosts of repair to <strong>Roofing</strong> Membrane System necessary tostop leaks resulting from deterioration of Danosa roofing membraneor flashing membrane system resulting from ordinarywear and tear by elements, improper workmanship inapplication, blisters, buckles, ridges, wrinkles attributed toroofing membrane and its workmanship, and splits or cracksnot caused by structural failure or slippage.Material only; Dermabit guarantees that the membrane/flashing will not lose its waterproof quality due to naturaldeterioration of the membrane, bare spots, ridges, or splits notcaused by structural failure or movement of or cracks in substrate,roof base, or insulationMaterial only; Dermabit guarantees that Dermabit membranewill not lose its waterproof quality due to natural deterioration ofthe membrane, bare spots, ridges, or splits not caused bystructural failure or movement of or cracks in substrate or roofbase or insulation.5. Length of coverage 5, 10, 15 years 10 years: Dermabit 4170 APP, 4170 SBS (must be coated); 12years: Dermabit 4170, 4170S APP, SBS 4170, 4170S (allsmooth surfaced specifications must be coated); 20 years;Dermabit 4170, 4170S APP, SBS 4170, 4170S (must be twolayers and coated)10 years6. Nature of remedyDanosa will pay all authorized costs of repair necessary tostop leaks.7. Monetary limitations Danosa's total cumulative liability not to exceed a per-squarelimitation established by Danosa at time of completion ofwarranty formDermabit shall replace and/or repair any part of the Dermabitmembrane/flashing as shall be necessary solely in order tostop water leaks.. Dermabit's obligation over the life of guarantee is the aggregateamount equal to the amount that was paid by owner forsupply and installation of the Dermabit membrane/flashingcovered by the guarantee.Dermabit, in its sole discretion, will either refund to owner aprorated portion of the original purchase price of the defectiveDermabit membrane or provide, at no cost to owner, a portionof the Dermabit membrane required to replace defective membrane.Original purchase price reduced in accordance with a proratedschedule ranging from 100 percent of original purchase priceduring the first two years of roof service to 10 percent in year10.8. Notification requirementsWritten notice within 30 days of discovery of leakWritten notification by certified mail to D.W.I., Incorporated,P.O. Box 1154, McLean, VA 22101, within 10 days afterdiscovery of any leakWritten notification by certified mail to D.W.I., Incorporated,P.O. Box 1154, McLean, VA 22101, within 10 days afterdiscovery of any leak.9. Exclusive or additional remedy Excludes other guarantees and warranties; excludes UCCwarranties.10. Inclusion of consequentialdamages11. Determination of warrantyapplicability12. Specific exclusions from coverage(see item 12 in Introduction)Excludes UCC warranties and any other obligations or liabilityon the part of DermabitNo No NoNeutral (no provision) Neutral (no provision) Neutral (no provision)1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 17, 22. [Danosa indicates that11, 15, 16, 18, 19, 23, 24, and 25 are also applicable.]1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18 (includingexposure to any chemical or solution, radiation, orcontamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel waste), 22,23Dermabit's obligation to refund a portion of owner's originalpurchase price or to provide a portion of new membrane shallbe the owner's sole and exclusive remedy; excludes UCCwarranties and any other obligations or liability on the part ofDermabit.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18 (includingexposure to any chemical or solution, radiation, orcontamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or waste),22, 23. (Also excludes failure of underlying materials orstructures to conform to manufacturer's specifications as toroof slopes or other requirements.)13. Wind coverage/exclusions Warranty excludes hurricanes. [Danosa indicates that there isno coverage for damage caused by wind.]Warranty excludes windstorms, hurricanes, and tornadoes.Warranty excludes windstorms, hurricanes, andtornadoes.590

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