General Index - National Roofing Contractors Association

General Index - National Roofing Contractors Association

General Index - National Roofing Contractors Association


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from the information contained under the categoryScope of Coverage.<strong>Index</strong> of Specifically Enumerated Exclusion fromCoverage1. Natural disasters and acts of God (lightning,tornadoes, earthquakes)2. Hail3. Acts of negligence, abuse or misuse, accidents,vandalism, civil disobedience, war4. Damage by structural failure, settlement,movement, distortion, warpage, displacement ofstructure5. Failure of the material and/or metal work notsupplied by the manufacturer issuing thewarranty; movement of metal work6. Repairs or alterations of roof or installation ofstructures, fixtures, or utilities on or through roofwithout prior approval of manufacturer7. Defects in, failure or improper application of, roofinsulation, roof deck, or any other underlyingsurface or material used as a base over whichthe roof is applied8. Change in usage of building without prior writtenapproval of manufacturer9. Traffic or storage of materials on roof10. Moisture entering roof system through walls,copings, or any part of the building structure,including adjacent building11. Damage resulting from lack of positive, proper, oradequate drainage; ponding on the roof12. Negligence or failure of owner to use reasonablecare in maintenance of roof or failure to followmanufacturer’s maintenance specifications13. Environmental fallout, chemical attack or usewithin building of commercial or industrialsolvents, acids, caustic fluids, oils, waxes,greases, absorbent clays, or plasticizers14. Discoloration or change in usual appearance dueto acceleration or streaking of dirt or otherairborne material.15. Repairs performed or materials furnished byothers in correcting leaks unless specificallyauthorized and approved by manufacturer;unauthorized repairs; roof maintenance forcorrections other than leaks16. Fire17. Faulty construction or design of building,including parapet walls, copings, chimneys,skylights, vents, or roof deck18. Contaminants that may have not been approvedfirst or accepted by manufacturer; exposure to orcontact with damaging substances ordeteriorating substances or agents19. Defects or failure caused by misapplication ofmaterials or by application not in strict adherencewith roofing specification, application instructions,and approved practices20. Installation of roofing membrane21. Abnormal climatic conditions22. Infiltration or condensation of moisture in or throughunderlying area; vapor condensation beneath the roof23. Damages caused by falling objects24. Acts of parties other than manufacturer orunauthorized roofing contractor25. Penetration of the roof membrane by vegetation13. Wind coverage/exclusion: The purpose of thiscategory is to convey the manufacturer’s policy in regardto whether damage to the roof caused by wind is coveredunder the warranty. The information presented is basedupon an examination of the warranty document todetermine if it addresses the issue of leaks, damages, orconditions resulting from wind and the manufacturer’sresponse to questions concerning this issue.Many manufacturers’ warranties list either gales, stronggales, wind storm, and/or hurricanes and tornadoes asexamples of natural disaster or acts of God that arespecifically excluded from warranty coverage. In order toprovide more specific, affirmative information regardingthe manufacturer’s policy concerning wind coverage,NRCA asks manufacturers to identify the wind speed thatis covered by each of their warranties or to state that thewarranty does not cover damage to the roof caused bywind regardless of speed – meaning that any damageresulting from wind, even at extremely low speeds, isexcluded from the warranty coverage.The second sentence under Wind Coverage exclusioncategory, based on NRCA’s questions indicates whatspeeds, if any, the manufacturer covers. If NRCAbelieves that the manufacturer’s response is potentiallyinconsistent with the wind exclusions stated in thewarranty or creates an ambiguity, the manufacturer’sresponse is included in brackets. If the warrantydocument does not address the subject of wind, theinformation is based exclusively upon the manufacturer’sresponses to the NRCA wind questions. If themanufacturer does not respond to the wind questions butthe warranty addresses the subject of wind, theinformation is based exclusively on an examination of thewarranty document. If the category remains blank, thewarranty does not address the wind issue and themanufacturer did not respond to the wind questions.For example, a warranty may indicate that repairs,alterations, or additions without the prior approval of themanufacturer make the warranty null and void; this differsfrom the statement that a leak resulting from a repair oralteration not previously approved by the manufacturer isexcluded, or not covered, under the warranty. Analphabetic code is used in this category to referencespecific conditions to make warranty ineffective or nulland void; a key for which follows. The list of specificconditions is a compilation of conditions that appear inroof warranties submitted to NRCA; the languageappearing in the various conditions is not necessarily theexact language appearing in a specific warrantydocument.562

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