General Index - National Roofing Contractors Association

General Index - National Roofing Contractors Association

General Index - National Roofing Contractors Association


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Information on Section 4: Roof Cements and Coatings<strong>General</strong> InformationSection 4: Roof Cements and Coatings in the 2000edition of NRCA’s Low-Slope <strong>Roofing</strong> MaterialsGuide provides a comprehensive listing of cementsand coatings used in low-slope roofing. In addition, itprovides information on cold-applied roof systemsthat employ coating products or cements as theprimary weatherproofing medium and, in someinstances, adhesive and stabilizing properties.An index of the manufacturers included in Section 4:Roof Cements and Coatings and locations of theirspecific products within this section immediatelyfollows this Roof Cements and Coatings sections.Roof Cement and Coating ProductsInformation on roof cements and coatings ispresented in the guide in two parts: Part 1: <strong>General</strong>Information and Part 2: Technical Data.Specific listing information included in Part 1: <strong>General</strong>Information is as follows:1. Company name2. Product name3. Product description4. Uses5. Application methods6. Roof system description7. Country of manufacture and year of firstcommercial use8. Sales and technical information contactsIn Part 2: Test Results, specific information includedis as follows:1. Company name2. Product name3. Fire ratings4. Complies with ASTM standardsWarranty information for cold-applied membrane roofsystems is provided in Section 5: Roof MembraneWarranties.Users of the guide who are interested in additionalinformation regarding roof cements and coatings areencouraged to refer to The NRCA <strong>Roofing</strong> andWaterproofing Manual, Fourth Edition.479

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