System-of-Systems Engineering - Liophant Simulation

System-of-Systems Engineering - Liophant Simulation System-of-Systems Engineering - Liophant Simulation


Physical vs. Computational ExperimentsPhysical Experiments• Often a limited number offactors• Data collection must often bedone in “one shot” (forexample, one growing season)• Types of Error– Human Error: Experimentermakes a mistake– Systemic Error: Flaw inphilosophy of the experimentadds a consistent bias to result– Random Error: Measurementinaccuracies due to theinstruments being usedComputational Experiments•Often have a larger number offactors than real worldexperiments•Data collection is sequential innature•Types of Error– Human Error: Bugs in the code,incorrectly entered boundaryconditions, etc– Systemic Error: Consistenterrors due to approximations inthe code– Random Error: Does not exist incomputational experimentsDeveloping Methods and Techniques for System of Systems EngineeringDr. Dimitri Mavris, dimitri.mavris@ae.gatech.edu30

Design of Computer Simulation• Computer simulation is a numerical technique forconducting experiments on certain types ofmathematical and logical models describing thebehavior of a system (or some componentthereof) on a digital computer over extendedperiods of real time. (Burdick & Naylor, 1966)• Design of Computer Simulation (DoCS) is gearedtoward developing sound experimental designpractices foe experiments performed oncomputational simulationsDeveloping Methods and Techniques for System of Systems EngineeringDr. Dimitri Mavris, dimitri.mavris@ae.gatech.edu31

Physical vs. Computational ExperimentsPhysical Experiments• Often a limited number <strong>of</strong>factors• Data collection must <strong>of</strong>ten bedone in “one shot” (forexample, one growing season)• Types <strong>of</strong> Error– Human Error: Experimentermakes a mistake– <strong>System</strong>ic Error: Flaw inphilosophy <strong>of</strong> the experimentadds a consistent bias to result– Random Error: Measurementinaccuracies due to theinstruments being usedComputational Experiments•Often have a larger number <strong>of</strong>factors than real worldexperiments•Data collection is sequential innature•Types <strong>of</strong> Error– Human Error: Bugs in the code,incorrectly entered boundaryconditions, etc– <strong>System</strong>ic Error: Consistenterrors due to approximations inthe code– Random Error: Does not exist incomputational experimentsDeveloping Methods and Techniques for <strong>System</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>System</strong>s <strong>Engineering</strong>Dr. Dimitri Mavris, dimitri.mavris@ae.gatech.edu30

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