Superb Parrot - Nswfmpa.org

Superb Parrot - Nswfmpa.org

Superb Parrot - Nswfmpa.org


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Animal Care Studies - Western Sydney Institute of TAFE, RichmondBody length: 400mmWingspan: 530-570mmWeight: 130-160gThe following details are taken from various Australian museum specimens; (1) Adults(2) Juveniles and birds undergoing post-juvenile moult:MASS (WEIGHTS) (g) AVERAGES, RANGE AND NUMBER OF SPECIMENSMALESFEMALES(1) 153.1 (134-164; 17) 154.3 (144-156; 8)(2) 122.9 (85-148; 11) 142.7 (120-166; 6)BASIC BODY MEASUREMENTS (mm) AVERAGES, RANGE AND NUMBER OFSPECIMENSMALESFEMALESWING (1) 186.8 (178-193; 37) 183.4 (174-188; 16)(2) 178.9 (169-186; 14) 178.6 (170-183; 8)TAIL (1) 234.4 (218-258; 13) 216.8 (189-232; 11)(2) 189.8 (157-223; 6) 199.8 (191-214; 5)BILL (1) 16.3 (14.7-18.7; 36) 15.7 (14.8-16.6; 14)(2) 15.3 (13.9-16.7; 13) 15.7 (14.8-16.7); 9)TARSUS (1) 18.8 (17.5-20.5; 37) 19.0 (18.1-19.8; 16)(2) 18.9 (17.6-20.0; 14) 18.7 (17.8-19.6; 10)(Higgins 1999)3.1.2 Sexual DimorphismThe <strong>Superb</strong> <strong>Parrot</strong>, Polytelis swainsonii, has pronounced sexual dimorphism and was thefirst described species of the totally Australian genus Polytelis. P. swainsonii must beconsidered typical of the three species of long tailed, slender bodied parrots that form thegenus Polytelis.Unlike the other two members of the genus, the Princess <strong>Parrot</strong>, Polytelis alexandrae, andthe Regent <strong>Parrot</strong>, Polytelis anthopeplus, P. swainsonii is predominately bright green incolour. Two races of P. anthopeplus are recognized. The nominate race P. a. anthopeplusfrom the western range in Western Australia tends to be greener in colour than therecently renamed subspecies P. a. monarchoides from the eastern range, centred aroundthe border areas of New South Wales, South Australia and Victoria, which ispredominately yellow. P. alexandrae has soft pastel colours. Sexual dimorphism isKeith Naylor 28/3/2005 Version 3 9

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