Superb Parrot - Nswfmpa.org

Superb Parrot - Nswfmpa.org

Superb Parrot - Nswfmpa.org


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Animal Care Studies - Western Sydney Institute of TAFE, Richmondadjusted to seasonal temperatures and photoperiods (day length). It is important duringacclimatisation to avoid exposing young birds to extreme climatic conditions.Stage 3Once acclimatised young P. swainsonii can be placed in a small holding enclosure wherethey can start to develop their flying skills and generally exercise to gain a higher level offitness and condition. Perches at various heights and different thicknesses will assist withthis process. Providing food in a way that increases activity levels such as spiking foodon perches or branches around the enclosure and having several feeding stations willencourage the young birds to move around the enclosure. Having several young P.swainsonii together or at least different species of young parrots that are compatible withP. swainsonii together will stimulate competition for food and at the same time increaseactivity.Stage 4All of the rehabilitation procedures should be leading to the most important stage forhand-reared parrots, which is normal or natural behaviour and socialising with their ownspecies. This can be achieved by housing the young birds with non-breeding adult P.swainsonii to enable them to learn to interact with their own species. Human contactshould be reduced except for regular feeding and cleaning practices. Housing young P.swainsonii in an outdoor enclosure with their own species will also help to develop traitsor skills relating to predator avoidance, how to manipulate food items, social structureand moving confidently around an enclosure. Behavioural enrichment should be utilisedto encourage natural behaviour. (Digney 1998) (Walraven 1994)Keith Naylor 28/3/2005 Version 3 74

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