Superb Parrot - Nswfmpa.org

Superb Parrot - Nswfmpa.org

Superb Parrot - Nswfmpa.org


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Animal Care Studies - Western Sydney Institute of TAFE, Richmond9.4 BathingP. swainsonii can be regular bathers so a minimum size water container of approximately18cm in diameter and 5cm deep should be provided for each pair. Larger containers arelikely to be fouled and can be dangerous for newly fledged young. Water containersshould be checked and replenished daily, twice daily during hot weather. (Sindel and Gill2003)9.5 Behavioural ProblemsNo stereotypic or unwanted behaviour has been recorded for P. swainsonii.9.6 Signs of StressIn captivity P. swainsonii is not regarded as a bird that becomes stressed. Like allPolytelis species P. swainsonii has a pleasing, docile and inoffensive nature. It has beenindicated that it takes remarkably little time for newly acquired adult birds to build agreat deal of adoration for their keeper. (Sindel, S. 2004 pers. communication 17 Aug)(Wilson 1990)9.7 Behavioural EnrichmentBehavioural enrichment and suggested methods for displaying P. swainsonii have beenoutlined in sections 4.1 Exhibit/Enclosure Design, 4.9 Enclosure Furnishings and 6.3Presentation of Food.9.8 Introductions and RemovalsP. swainsonii is not generally regarded as an aggressive species. However, theintroduction and removal of individuals or groups should be monitored and changesmade, when necessary, to resolve any problems. Quarantine requirements should beadhered to at all times. (Sindel and Gill 2003)9.9 Intraspecific CompatibilityAggression between pairs, families and groups of P. swainsonii is uncommon.Compatibility of pairs is usually desirable but not always essential. Selected pairs shouldbe placed together in an enclosure (aviary) on their own, prior to the breeding season andare generally bonded within a month or two. Therefore it is good practice to always placenewly formed pairs or groups together a few months before the normal commencementof the breeding season to check their overall compatibility.Keith Naylor 28/3/2005 Version 3 59

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