Superb Parrot - Nswfmpa.org

Superb Parrot - Nswfmpa.org

Superb Parrot - Nswfmpa.org


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Animal Care Studies - Western Sydney Institute of TAFE, Richmond7.5 ReleaseThe release of P. swainsonii into an enclosure should be completed in the early morning.This gives the maximum active hours for the bird/s to settle and become familiar with theenclosure. P. swainsonii should be released from the carrying bag or transportbox/container in the bird’s own time and preferably on the floor of the enclosure ordirectly on to a perch. Birds may require assistance in finding the opening to a carryingbag. On some occasions a transport box/container may need to be left in an enclosureuntil a bird has found its own way out. A bird should not be forced or tipped out of a bagor box/container this will only add to the stress a bird may already be experiencing. Oncea bird has been released into an enclosure there should be regular post-release monitoringto ensure the bird is safe and healthy. (Taronga Zoo – Bird Dept. Staff, 2004 pers.communication 9 Nov) (Walraven 1994)7.6 Transport RequirementsIf a bird is only being moved a short distance i.e. from one enclosure to another, a securecarrying bag can be used. Transport within a vehicle may be better in a carrying bagplaced in a transport box to prevent any movement or possible escape or injury to a bird.This same transport method could be used to transport birds for periods of 30-40 minutesbut no longer. When a bird/s is to be transported between sites or institutions for a periodof time longer than 30-40 minutes then a specially constructed compartmentalisedbox/container should be used. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) ‘LiveAnimals Regulations’ and the CITES ‘Guidelines for the transport and preparation forshipment of live wild animals and plants’ should be consulted to assist with long distancetransportation of birds. The following points should be considered when transportingbirds:a) Ambient temperatures – extremes of temperature must be avoided. Birds shouldnot be transported in the heat of the day and hot vehicles should be avoided.b) Ventilation – any transport container or vehicle in which birds are to transportedmust be well ventilated.c) Noise – loud noises, voices and the sounds of potential predators i.e. dogs andcats; must be kept to a minimum as these will stress the birds.d) Light – birds are best transported in subdued light or in the dark.e) Transport instructions – instructions should be provided for the care of the birdsi.e. water, food; secured to the outside of the box/container, especially to allow forunforeseen delays during transportation. When birds are to be transportedunaccompanied by air, rail or road, the box/container should be labelled “LIVEBIRDS”, correctly addressed and contact telephone numbers clearly statedf) If wildlife authority permits are required by law for any reason, they must beobtained prior to transportation and copies of the permits attached to thebox/container.(Gibson, J. 2004 pers. communication 9 Nov) (Sindel and Gill 2003) (Vogelnest1994)Keith Naylor 28/3/2005 Version 3 48

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