Superb Parrot - Nswfmpa.org

Superb Parrot - Nswfmpa.org

Superb Parrot - Nswfmpa.org


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Animal Care Studies - Western Sydney Institute of TAFE, RichmondP. swainsonii food plants (refer section 3.4 Diet in the Wild) could be grown as aplantation or as part of the landscaped gardens near enclosures to supplement the captivediet. Possibly only plants that are available to the horticultural industry could be grown.A few mealworms as a source of protein could also be offered weekly, if the birds willaccept them. (Wilson 1990)6.3 Presentation of FoodFood containers should be collected and washed/disinfected daily. For an efficientfeeding routine it is recommended that there should be two sets of food and drinkingwater containers to enable one set to be washed ready for use the following day while oneset is in use.A variety of sprouted seeds, vegetables, pulses, greenfeed and fruit should be fed freshdaily, or when in season, in clean stainless steel containers. A permanent off the ground,feeding tray should be provided undercover and cleaned daily. In breeding coloniesseveral feeding stations may need to be provided to prevent any bullying or squabbling.Figure 24. Stainless steel food preparation area with a cutting bench and display of avariety of vegetables and fruits chopped and diced in various shapes and sizes.Keith Naylor 28/3/2005 Version 3 44

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