Superb Parrot - Nswfmpa.org

Superb Parrot - Nswfmpa.org

Superb Parrot - Nswfmpa.org


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Animal Care Studies - Western Sydney Institute of TAFE, Richmond5.3 Methods of IdentificationAn important adjunct to systematic record keeping is the ability to be able to readilyidentify individual birds in a collection. Tattoos can be applied to wing webbing usingtattoo pliers. However, because birds have thin skin, many tattoos will fade with time andbirds need to be sedated for this procedure to be completed. The fitting of leg rings onaviary birds is a more common and easily completed practice that facilitatesidentification.There are a large selection of both split and closed plastic and metal rings available. Splitrings can pose a danger to birds by any sharp edges either injuring birds or getting caughton aviary wire or any protruding object. <strong>Parrot</strong>s have been known to and are capable ofremoving split rings. The most appropriate identification method for birds the size of P.swainsonii is closed metal rings, which have the advantage of being engraved withinformation pertaining to an individual bird. The year a bird was breed and perhaps someidentification of origin can be provided engraved on closed metal rings. Theappropriately sized closed metal rings of 7mm internal diameter for P. swainsonii shouldbe placed on the legs of chicks at about day eight after hatching. (Digney 1998)(Macwhirter 1987) (Shephard 1989)5.4 Routine Data CollectionExtra data would need to be collected to assist with compiling and analysing a studbookfor P. swainsonii and towards an Australasian Species Management Program (ASMP). Inparticular studbook data is important for managing captive populations in relation tomeasuring the general demographic and genetic parameters. This type of data can then befurther utilised towards ASMP husbandry, population management and conservationprograms. The ability to generate useful reports i.e. life tables; can only be as good as thefull and accurate data collected as suggested in 5.2 Record Keeping. Further referenceshould be made to the publications ASMP Principles and Procedures; and Managing ZooPopulations: compiling and analysing studbook data. (Lees and Wilcken 2002) (Wilckenand Lees 1998)6 Feeding Requirements6.1 Captive DietP. swainsonii have a tendency towards obesity, which is influenced by diet and thedegree of restriction of flight imposed by their housing. To reduce this excess weightproblem it is advised that a non-oily, low fat seed diet should be provided, by using anyor all of the many varieties of millet seeds. French white millet, after many years ofexperimentation has emerged as the most suitable and preferred millet of the group.Dry seed should only be considered as supplementary to a daily ration of fresh greenfeed,sprouted seed and pulses, vegetables and fruit.Keith Naylor 28/3/2005 Version 3 41

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