Superb Parrot - Nswfmpa.org

Superb Parrot - Nswfmpa.org

Superb Parrot - Nswfmpa.org


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Animal Care Studies - Western Sydney Institute of TAFE, Richmondpronounced in both subspecies of P. anthopeplus, but less conspicuous in P. alexandrae.( Forshaw 2002) (Sindel and Gill 2003)3.1.3 Distinguishing FeaturesAdult maleGeneral plumage colouration, both above and below, rich green, slightly paler and moreyellowish on underparts; hindcrown to nape washed with blue, forehead to forecrown,chin, throat and cheeks bright yellow, sometimes tinged with orange on centre offorehead; a wide crescent of scarlet-bright red across foreneck immediately below yellowthroat; bend of wing, outer most secondaries and outer webs of primaries dull blue, lasttwo forming indistinct thin blue leading edge to folding wing; tall above dark greenwashed with deep blue toward tip, below greyish-black with dull yellowish-white at tipsof lateral feathers; bill pale coral-brownish red; iris, yellow-orange red, orbital ring, grey;legs and feet, gray. (refer Figure 1.)Adult femaleDuller than male; differs by: face, dull bluish green (not yellow), grading to greyish greenon upper throat, and usually with varying dull-pink wash on lower throat; rest of head andneck, bright green with no blue wash on crown or nape; underbody duller, yellow-green;thighs, pink red; undertail the same as male, except for conspicuous rose-pink edges toouter feathers merging to cream at tip, under wing same as male, except coverts dullergreen; bill, duller brownish-red; iris yellow-crimson. (refer Figure 2.)Keith Naylor 28/3/2005 Version 3 10

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