Spring Poison Prevention Safety Tips (pdf) - UW Health

Spring Poison Prevention Safety Tips (pdf) - UW Health

Spring Poison Prevention Safety Tips (pdf) - UW Health

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Treat Allergies SafelyAvoid Medication MisuseMany people suffer from seasonal allergies.During spring, when pollen and mold begin tofill the air and cause allergic reactions, peopleuse medicines to help control allergies moreoften. These products, called antihistamines,may result in potentially harmful effects ifmisused.Common side effects associated withantihistamines include:• Dizziness • Drowsiness• Dry mouth • Dilated pupils• A racing heartAn overdose may cause seizures, heart beatirregularities, and hallucinations.<strong>Safety</strong> <strong>Tips</strong>• Read the label every time,and follow the directions.• Always use the measuring devicethat comes with the medicine.• Do not take or give medicine in the dark,or when sleepy.• Never take someone else’s prescribedmedicine.• Speak with your physician for moreinformation about seasonal allergies.Use Care When <strong>Spring</strong> CleaningSpend a few minutes tosafeguard against potentialpoisoning hazards in yourhome.Cleaning ProductsProducts such as bleach, disinfectants,floor and tile cleaners, automatic dishwasherdetergent and glass cleaners can be toxic.<strong>Safety</strong> <strong>Tips</strong>• Store cleaning products uphigh and out of children’sreach.• Keep all cleaning productsin their original containerswith original labels.• Always read the product label first and usethe product according to the directions.• Never leave a cleaning product open andunattended.Mixing ChemicalsMixing certain cleaning chemicals can createtoxic gases. Breathing in these fumes cancause coughing, burning of the eyes, noseand throat, and difficulty breathing.<strong>Safety</strong> <strong>Tips</strong>• Do not mix cleaning products.• Work in well-ventilated areas when usingcleaning products.Product DisposalEmptying householdchemicals into drainsor throwing them outwith the regular trashcan pollute the environment. The poisoncenter can suggest ways to help you disposeof these products safely.<strong>Safety</strong> Tip• Dispose of cleaning products according tothe instructions on the label.Lawn Care and Pesticide <strong>Safety</strong>Fertilizers can irritate the skin and stomach.After using fertilizer, make sure everyonestays off the lawn for two days or until it rains.Pesticides are alsodangerous poisoning hazards,and are likely to be moretoxic than lawn fertilizers.<strong>Safety</strong> <strong>Tips</strong>• Wear protective clothing(gloves, glasses, long sleeves, and pants).• Do not apply on a windy day.• Keep children and pets away duringapplication and until the product dries, oras directed on the label.• Always store lawn chemicals in the originalcontainer, complete with labels that listingredients, directions for use and first-aidsteps in case of an accidental poisoning.© Illinois <strong>Poison</strong> Center

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