Data Collection Report - Flood Control District of Maricopa County

Data Collection Report - Flood Control District of Maricopa County Data Collection Report - Flood Control District of Maricopa County
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1993 The Promotion of Phoenix. In Phoenix in the Twentieth Century:Essays in Community History, G. Wesley Johnson, Jr., editor.University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.Rogge, A.E., D. Lorne McWatters, Melissa Keane, and Richard P.Emanuel1995 Raising Arizona’s Dams: Daily Life, Danger, andDiscrimination in the Dam Construction Camps of CentralArizona, 1890-1940s. The University of Arizona Press, Tucson.Sargent, Charles, editor1988 Metro Arizona. Biffington Books, Phoenix, Arizona.Sheridan, Thomas E.1995 Arizona: A History. The University of Arizona Press, Tucson.Smith, Karen L.1986 The Magnificent Experiment: Building the Salt RiverReclamation Project, 1890-1917. The University of ArizonaPress, Tucson.State Engineer1926 Seventh Biennial Report of the State Engineer to the Governorof the State of Arizona for the Period July 1, 1924 to June 30,1926. On file at Hayden Libraries, Arizona State University,Tempe.Wagoner, Jay J.1970 Arizona Territory 1863-1912: A Political History. TheUniversity of Arizona Press, Tucson.Walker, Henry P., and Don Bufkin1986 Historical Atlas of Arizona. University of Oklahoma Press,Norman.Zarbin, Earl1986 Salt River Project: Four Steps Forward 1902-1910. Salt RiverProject, Phoenix, Arizona.1997 Two Sides of the River: Salt River Valley Canals, 1867-1902.Salt River Project, Phoenix, Arizona.AGFD (Arizona Game and Fish Department)1999 Snowy egret (Egretta thula). Arizona Game and FishDepartment Nongame Field Notes from website,Arizona Game and Fish Department, Phoenix, Arizona.2 pp.1998a Leptonycteris curasorae yerbabuena. Unpublishedabstract compiled and edited by the Heritage DataManagement System, Arizona Game and FishDepartment, Phoenix, Arizona. 6 pp.1998b Coccyzus americanus occidentalis. Unpublished abstractcompiled and edited by the Heritage Data ManagementSystem, Arizona Game and Fish Department, Phoenix,Arizona. 3 pp.1998c Strix occidentalis lucida. Unpublished abstract compiledand edited by the Heritage Data Management System,Arizona Game and Fish Department, Phoenix, Arizona.4 pp.1998d Glaucidium brasilianum cactorum. Unpublishedabstract compiled and edited by the Heritage DataManagement System, Arizona Game and FishDepartment, Phoenix, Arizona. 4 pp.1997a Rallus longirostris yumaensis. Unpublished abstractcompiled and edited by the Heritage Data ManagementSystem, Arizona Game and Fish Department, Phoenix,Arizona. 7 pp.1997b Gopherus agassizii. Unpublished abstract compiled andedited by the Heritage Data Management System,Arizona Game and Fish Department, Phoenix, Arizona.4 pp.1997c Echinocereus triglochidiatus var. arizonicus.Unpublished abstract compiled and edited by theHeritage Data Management System, Arizona Game andFish Department, Phoenix, Arizona. 4 pp.1997d Haliaeetus leucocephalus. Unpublished abstractcompiled and edited by the Heritage Data ManagementSystem, Arizona Game and Fish Department, Phoenix,Arizona. 7 pp.1997e Empidonax trailii extimus. Unpublished abstractcompiled and edited by the Heritage Data ManagementDIBBLE & ASSOCIATES 71 DURANGO ADMPDATA COLLECTION REPORT

System, Arizona Game and Fish Department, Phoenix,Arizona. 4 pp.1996 Wildlife of special concern in Arizona (public reviewdraft). Arizona Game and Fish Department Publication.Phoenix, Arizona.1995a Xyrauchen texanus. Unpublished abstract compiled andedited by the Heritage Data Management System,Arizona Game and Fish Department, Phoenix, Arizona.4 pp.1995b Poeciliopsis occidentalis occidentalis. Unpublishedabstract compiled and edited by the Heritage DataManagement System, Arizona Game and FishDepartment, Phoenix, Arizona. 5 pp.1994 Cyprinodon macularis. Unpublished abstract compiledand edited by the Heritage Data Management System,Arizona Game and Fish Department, Phoenix, Arizona.3 pp.1988 Threatened native wildlife in Arizona. Arizona Gameand Fish Department Publication. Phoenix, Arizona.Arizona Partners in Flight1996 Protocol changes and criteria for assessing suitablesurvey habitat for the southwestern willow flycatcher.Unpublished memo.BISON-M (Biota Information System of New Mexico).1998 New Mexico species list. New Mexico Department ofGame and Fish, Albuquerque.Brown, D.E. (Ed.)1994 Biotic Communities: Southwestern United States andNorthwestern Mexico. University of Utah Press.DeGraaf, R.M. and J.H. Rappole1995 Neotropical migratory birds: natural history, distribution,and population change. Cornell University Press, Ithaca,New York.FWS (U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service)1998a Threatened and Endangered Species of Arizona.Arizona Ecological Services Field Office, Phoenix.1992 Handbook of Arizona’s Endangered, Threatened, andCandidate Plants. Arizona Ecological Services FieldOffice, Phoenix.Hoffmeister, D.A.1986 Mammals of Arizona. University of Arizona Press,Tucson, Arizona.Johnson, R.R., L.T. Haight, and J.M. Simpson1987 Endangered habitats vs. Endangered species: amanagement perspective. Western Birds 18:89-96.Kearney, T.H. and R.H. Peebles1960 Arizona Flora. University of California Press, Berkely,California.Minckley, W.L.1991 Native fishes of arid lands: a dwindling resource of thedesert southwest. USDA Forest Service GeneralTechnical Report RM-206.Philips, A., J. Marshall, and G. Monson1964 The birds of Arizona. University of Arizona Press,Tucson.Rogge, A.E., M. Keane, and D.L. McWatters1994 The historical archaeology of dam construction camps incentral Arizona, Volume 1: Synthesis. Dames & MooreIntermountain Cultural Resource Services ResearchPaper No. 10. Prepared for U.S. Bureau of Reclamation,Phoenix, Arizona.Unitt, P.1987 Empidonax traillii extimus: an endangered subspecies.Western Birds 18 (3):137-162.Weedman, D.A. and K.L. Young1997 Status of the Gila topminnow and desert pupfish inArizona. Nongame and Endangered Wildlife ProgramTechnical Report 118. Arizona Game and FishDepartment, Phoenix.Arizona State Museum (various editors)DIBBLE & ASSOCIATES 72 DURANGO ADMPDATA COLLECTION REPORT

System, Arizona Game and Fish Department, Phoenix,Arizona. 4 pp.1996 Wildlife <strong>of</strong> special concern in Arizona (public reviewdraft). Arizona Game and Fish Department Publication.Phoenix, Arizona.1995a Xyrauchen texanus. Unpublished abstract compiled andedited by the Heritage <strong>Data</strong> Management System,Arizona Game and Fish Department, Phoenix, Arizona.4 pp.1995b Poeciliopsis occidentalis occidentalis. Unpublishedabstract compiled and edited by the Heritage <strong>Data</strong>Management System, Arizona Game and FishDepartment, Phoenix, Arizona. 5 pp.1994 Cyprinodon macularis. Unpublished abstract compiledand edited by the Heritage <strong>Data</strong> Management System,Arizona Game and Fish Department, Phoenix, Arizona.3 pp.1988 Threatened native wildlife in Arizona. Arizona Gameand Fish Department Publication. Phoenix, Arizona.Arizona Partners in Flight1996 Protocol changes and criteria for assessing suitablesurvey habitat for the southwestern willow flycatcher.Unpublished memo.BISON-M (Biota Information System <strong>of</strong> New Mexico).1998 New Mexico species list. New Mexico Department <strong>of</strong>Game and Fish, Albuquerque.Brown, D.E. (Ed.)1994 Biotic Communities: Southwestern United States andNorthwestern Mexico. University <strong>of</strong> Utah Press.DeGraaf, R.M. and J.H. Rappole1995 Neotropical migratory birds: natural history, distribution,and population change. Cornell University Press, Ithaca,New York.FWS (U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service)1998a Threatened and Endangered Species <strong>of</strong> Arizona.Arizona Ecological Services Field Office, Phoenix.1992 Handbook <strong>of</strong> Arizona’s Endangered, Threatened, andCandidate Plants. Arizona Ecological Services FieldOffice, Phoenix.H<strong>of</strong>fmeister, D.A.1986 Mammals <strong>of</strong> Arizona. University <strong>of</strong> Arizona Press,Tucson, Arizona.Johnson, R.R., L.T. Haight, and J.M. Simpson1987 Endangered habitats vs. Endangered species: amanagement perspective. Western Birds 18:89-96.Kearney, T.H. and R.H. Peebles1960 Arizona Flora. University <strong>of</strong> California Press, Berkely,California.Minckley, W.L.1991 Native fishes <strong>of</strong> arid lands: a dwindling resource <strong>of</strong> thedesert southwest. USDA Forest Service GeneralTechnical <strong>Report</strong> RM-206.Philips, A., J. Marshall, and G. Monson1964 The birds <strong>of</strong> Arizona. University <strong>of</strong> Arizona Press,Tucson.Rogge, A.E., M. Keane, and D.L. McWatters1994 The historical archaeology <strong>of</strong> dam construction camps incentral Arizona, Volume 1: Synthesis. Dames & MooreIntermountain Cultural Resource Services ResearchPaper No. 10. Prepared for U.S. Bureau <strong>of</strong> Reclamation,Phoenix, Arizona.Unitt, P.1987 Empidonax traillii extimus: an endangered subspecies.Western Birds 18 (3):137-162.Weedman, D.A. and K.L. Young1997 Status <strong>of</strong> the Gila topminnow and desert pupfish inArizona. Nongame and Endangered Wildlife ProgramTechnical <strong>Report</strong> 118. Arizona Game and FishDepartment, Phoenix.Arizona State Museum (various editors)DIBBLE & ASSOCIATES 72 DURANGO ADMPDATA COLLECTION REPORT

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