Data Collection Report - Flood Control District of Maricopa County

Data Collection Report - Flood Control District of Maricopa County Data Collection Report - Flood Control District of Maricopa County
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Existing Landscape Character UnitsApproximately 90-95% of the Durango area represents a landscapewhich has been modified by operations of man. Other than the rivers,there are generally no distinguishing existing natural features, landforms,or vegetation. Distinguishing characteristics which differentiate onecharacter unit from another in this study area are therefore typicallyrelated to the various land uses and related man made elements such asthe type, size, density, layout, and scale of buildings and other pavementsand structures. The Existing Landscape Character map (Figure IV-2)generally delineates the Landscape Character Units within the DurangoStudy area.Approximately two thirds of the existing study area is agricultural. Theother primary land uses are residential, and industrial. There is also asmall amount of commercial, schools, and parks.Agricultural Character UnitDescriptionThe Agricultural Character Unit is characterized by large scale wideopen spaces, with generally flat topography and a very low density ofbuildings and structures. Few vertical obstructions allow for verydramatic relatively close up views of the Estrella Mountains and SouthMountains to the south and White Tank Mountains to the northwest.The land is geometrically patterned and plots are defined by a gridsystem of roadways and irrigation canals. Trees are sparse and aretypically concentrated around the existing homesteads. The Agriculturalcharacter unit includes both areas with cultivated crops and areas withfarms which specialize in raising livestock (Dairy farms, horse farms andchicken ranches). The areas are similar however the farms whichspecialize in raising livestock typically include hay/feed storage and arecharacterized by more structures, fencing, and railings.Scenic QualityThe existing scenic quality of the Agricultural Character Unit is mediumto high due primarily to the relatively open feeling of these lands and theopportunities it presents to observe the dramatic mountain views. Asdevelopment rapidly encroaches and more physical obstructions areintroduced, viewing opportunities will decrease. Open space is a valuablecommunity resource which contributes to the quality of life. The openfeel of these lands is unique and should be preserved. There are howeveropportunities to improve the scenic quality. Visual elements/featureswithin this character unit reflect a minimal amount of variety or visualinterest and may be perceived as monotonous. Preservation of largesetbacks and open areas as well as the selective placement of features orlandscaping which increases variety will improve the scenic quality.Visual IntegrityVisual integrity of the Agricultural Character Unit is medium. Generallythe character unit is composed of elements which are consistent andharmonious however there are major discordant features consisting ofthe various overhead power lines which are quite abundant throughoutthe area as well as some deteriorated irrigation ditches.AgriculturalCharacter UnitDIBBLE & ASSOCIATES 23 DURANGO ADMPDATA COLLECTION REPORT

Residential Character UnitThe Residential Character Unit consists of three subunits designated asRural Residential, Residential, and Residential Planned AreaDevelopment (P.A.D.).Rural Residential Character UnitDescriptionThe Rural Residential Character Unit is indicative of low densityresidential developments within the agricultural lands of the study area.These residences are typically positioned on large relatively spaciousflood irrigated lots with adjacent fenced areas containing shadestructures or shelters and a variety of livestock and small farm animals.The streetscapes are defined by various styles of fencing and rails, someclusters of vegetation, irrigation ditches and mailboxes. Existingenclosures consist of medium height wood or metal rails or fences. Thehomes are primarily single story ranch style dwellings of various sizes,styles, and materials - wood frame, block, brick, and stucco. Lotlandscaping is also varied and mixed and but often includes turfed areasand trees.Rural ResidentialScenic QualityScenic quality for the Rural Residential Character Unit is rated asmedium. In general, form, line, color, texture, and scale of elementsrepresent an average level of variety however the characteristics of thisunit are not particularly unique.Visual IntegrityVisual integrity for the Rural Residential Character Unit is rated asmedium. The visual elements/features represent an average level ofharmony amongst the parts. Some discordant elements include overheadpower lines, chain link fencing in some locations, outdoor unenclosedstorage of equipment, materials, and other debris, and other elementsresulting from lack of property maintenance.Residential Character UnitDescriptionThe Residential Character Unit describes the older residentialneighborhoods within the study area. Oldest neighborhoods occur eastof 43rd Avenue and north of Buckeye. There are also concentrationsaround 67th Avenue and at 91st Avenue in Tolleson. In many areas,adjacent noncompatible commercial and industrial land uses haveintruded upon and negatively impacted these older residentialdevelopments. Neighborhoods are typically characterized by a relativelyhigh density of small single family detached WWII era block and woodframe tract homes. There are also trailer parks and manufactured homesin some areas as well. Tract homes and other visual elements withinthese neighborhoods feature a very plain, simple functional design withlittle or no architectural detail. The fact that yards are small and thereis very little community recreational open space within theseneighborhoods has resulted in much of the regular outdoor activityappearing oriented to the street. In an effort to create a sense of securityand separation from the street, many lots feature low wall enclosures orchain link fences. Lack of property maintenance has also detracted fromthe neighborhood image. Landscaping is sparse to medium. There is noconsistent streetscape or landscape theme. Visual elements are mixed.There is no consistency in materials or colors.ResidentialScenic QualityScenic quality for the Residential Character Unit is rated as low tomedium. The combination of form, line, color and scale of visualelements represents a low level of visual interest. Architectural elements,landscape elements, and streetscape elements do not create a strongneighborhood character.Visual IntegrityVisual integrity for the Residential Character Unit is also rated as low tomedium. Neighborhoods lack a strong unifying element. Features suchas chain link fencing lend an institutional feel. Other discordant visualelements have resulted from lack of property maintenance and lack ofenclosed storage areas for vehicles and other equipment.DIBBLE & ASSOCIATES 24 DURANGO ADMPDATA COLLECTION REPORT

Existing Landscape Character UnitsApproximately 90-95% <strong>of</strong> the Durango area represents a landscapewhich has been modified by operations <strong>of</strong> man. Other than the rivers,there are generally no distinguishing existing natural features, landforms,or vegetation. Distinguishing characteristics which differentiate onecharacter unit from another in this study area are therefore typicallyrelated to the various land uses and related man made elements such asthe type, size, density, layout, and scale <strong>of</strong> buildings and other pavementsand structures. The Existing Landscape Character map (Figure IV-2)generally delineates the Landscape Character Units within the DurangoStudy area.Approximately two thirds <strong>of</strong> the existing study area is agricultural. Theother primary land uses are residential, and industrial. There is also asmall amount <strong>of</strong> commercial, schools, and parks.Agricultural Character UnitDescriptionThe Agricultural Character Unit is characterized by large scale wideopen spaces, with generally flat topography and a very low density <strong>of</strong>buildings and structures. Few vertical obstructions allow for verydramatic relatively close up views <strong>of</strong> the Estrella Mountains and SouthMountains to the south and White Tank Mountains to the northwest.The land is geometrically patterned and plots are defined by a gridsystem <strong>of</strong> roadways and irrigation canals. Trees are sparse and aretypically concentrated around the existing homesteads. The Agriculturalcharacter unit includes both areas with cultivated crops and areas withfarms which specialize in raising livestock (Dairy farms, horse farms andchicken ranches). The areas are similar however the farms whichspecialize in raising livestock typically include hay/feed storage and arecharacterized by more structures, fencing, and railings.Scenic QualityThe existing scenic quality <strong>of</strong> the Agricultural Character Unit is mediumto high due primarily to the relatively open feeling <strong>of</strong> these lands and theopportunities it presents to observe the dramatic mountain views. Asdevelopment rapidly encroaches and more physical obstructions areintroduced, viewing opportunities will decrease. Open space is a valuablecommunity resource which contributes to the quality <strong>of</strong> life. The openfeel <strong>of</strong> these lands is unique and should be preserved. There are howeveropportunities to improve the scenic quality. Visual elements/featureswithin this character unit reflect a minimal amount <strong>of</strong> variety or visualinterest and may be perceived as monotonous. Preservation <strong>of</strong> largesetbacks and open areas as well as the selective placement <strong>of</strong> features orlandscaping which increases variety will improve the scenic quality.Visual IntegrityVisual integrity <strong>of</strong> the Agricultural Character Unit is medium. Generallythe character unit is composed <strong>of</strong> elements which are consistent andharmonious however there are major discordant features consisting <strong>of</strong>the various overhead power lines which are quite abundant throughoutthe area as well as some deteriorated irrigation ditches.AgriculturalCharacter UnitDIBBLE & ASSOCIATES 23 DURANGO ADMPDATA COLLECTION REPORT

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