constitution of kenya review commission (ckrc ... - ConstitutionNet

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86Com. Lethome: Mzee akipiga mama afanywe nini?Joash Were: Mzee akipiga mama afungwe zaidi ya miaka mitano kwa sababu wamama ndio wanalinda boma; wakati huuhata ukienda nyumbani wazee wengi wako sokoni. Mama ndio anashughulika kupika, kulinda watoto, na kutuangalia.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Sawa, we have gotten the point.Joash Were: AsanteCom. Bishop Njoroge: Thank you very much. We appreciate your views. Alfred? Msifanye kelele tafadhalini. AfredAgesa? Charles Juma yuko wapi? Charles Juma yuko? Njoo hapa mbele. Na Ismael Magabo? Na Chris Lukwetu uko?Okay.Alfred Agesa: Asante sana nimekuja hapa kwa hii Commission na napiga asante, jina langu Alfred Agesa. Nimekuja kwa hiiCommission kutoa maoni yangu. Maoni yangu ya kwanza kwa hii Commission, nitaongea hivi; kuna wale watu wanajiitacandidates katika nchi hii. Ningependa hao candidates wakati ule wanakuja kwa wananchi, wale ambao wanataka wawapigekura kitu cha kwanza, tungetunga sheria voters wenyewe wawe waki-interview hao watu kwa platform kabla ya kuchaguliwa.Kwa sababu mtu anakuja tu na anaanza kuongea zake na sisi voters hatuongei juu ya yeye na anaenda bila sisi kukagua yeyekumjua yeye ni mtu aina gani. Lakini kama tungekuwa tunaruhusiwa sisi voters tuongee juu ya mtu kama huyo, nafikiriamembers wangekuwa na lengo la kujua huyo mtu ni mzuri au mbaya. Hilo ni la kwanza.La pili ni kazi ya doctors in the country. Nafikiria kwa maoni yangu, government inge-reverse that system- all doctorswangekuwa waki-sign kwa kufanya kazi badala ya kuandikwa na serikali permanent ndio unaona mambo ya corruptioninaendelea. Lakini kama mtu atakuwa aki-sign contract kwa muda wa miaka fulani, nafikiri hapo wangekuwa very careful.Hawangekuwa wanaendelea na hayo maneno.Ya tatu, ningependa sheria inaundwa katika nchi na hiyo sheria inakuwa ni ya watu. Haiundwi kwa mtu ati huyu mtu ni Chief,huyu mtu ni Minister, huyu ni nani. Tunataka sheria ikiundwa, iundwe kwa kila mtu equally. We are all human beings and weare all Kenyans. Iwe equal kwa kila mtu. Asante na sitaendelea sana.Com. Bishop. Njoroge: Charles Juma?Charles Juma: Well, I will be very brief. My names are Charles Juma. On the issue of corruption, this issue should beaddressed to each and every mwananchi and particularly, any learned person should be taught on how to alleviate poverty- not

87only the government individuals. Another issue is on ignorance and poverty: there should be free education up to class eight.From form one up to the tertiary level, the parents and the government should take care of that thereafter. There should beemployment of qualified personnel to relevant science and social institutions, industries and whatever. to alleviate Aids, thereshould be education on youth and others alike.Secondly, on Aids eradication, the youth should be taught through engagement of their peers in sports activities not only infootball and athletics but it should enable them participate also in games like hockey, volleyball and even martial artLastly, this issue of Muslims in the country; I feel that the Chief Kadhi should be elected by the Muslims themselves in thecountry. He should not be elected by the government officials- instead, by the Muslims countrywide. Hand in hand with that,the Chief Khadhi should be given other privileges a part from issues like marriage, divorce and inheritance. Thank you.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Thank you very much. Ismael yuko wapi? kuna watu wengine wangetaka kuzungumza na wako hukojuu. Wale hawajazungumza na wanasikia wanataka kuzungumza? Haya. Wacha nitangaze tena. Kuna mtu ambaye angependakuzungumza na hajazungumza. Ungependa? Njoo hapa hapa mbele. Kaa hapo. Kwa hivyo Ismael yuko pale, Chris Luswetini nani? Njoo hapa mbele. Kwa hivyo tutaanza na Chris na kwenda kwako, na kwako na kwako, na kwako. Weweumezungumza. Okay tutafuatana hivyo.Ismael Nangawa: Asante sana Mwenyekiti, kwa majina ninaitwa Ismael Nangawa. Nitaongea tu machache, maneno mawilimatatu hivi. Ya kwanza itakuwa presidency. Kwa mapendekezo yangu mimi ninaonelea kama tungelikuwa uhuru zaidi, hiiPresidency iwe spread all over eight provinces. Kwa vile imekuwa Central, ndio hiyo imekuja Rift Valley, sasa ingelikuwa borazaidi ije Western au iende Nyanza.La pili, tumeongea sana juu ya ugonjwa hatari wa Ukimwi. Mimi ninaonelea ingetenezwa sheria sisi wote wamama, wazeeturudi ndani ya makanisa. Kama wewe ni Muislamu urudi kwa sheria ya uislamu. Nafikiria mambo ya Aids itakwisha. Kamawewe ni Mkristo urudi katika sheria ya Kikristo na mambo ya ukimwi yataisha.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Sawa hiyo tumepata.Ismael Nagawa: Kwa hivyo ni hayo tu machache nilikuwa nayo.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Chris? Ismael njoo ujiandikishe.Chris Lusweti: Kwa majina mimi naitwa Chris Lusweti; kwanza, pendekezo langu ni kwamba, some of the radio adverts arevery discouraging in the sense that, you find wanasema ati “Trust” kwa upande wa Aids wanasema tutumie “Trust” ilhali watu

87only the government individuals. Another issue is on ignorance and poverty: there should be free education up to class eight.From form one up to the tertiary level, the parents and the government should take care <strong>of</strong> that thereafter. There should beemployment <strong>of</strong> qualified personnel to relevant science and social institutions, industries and whatever. to alleviate Aids, thereshould be education on youth and others alike.Secondly, on Aids eradication, the youth should be taught through engagement <strong>of</strong> their peers in sports activities not only infootball and athletics but it should enable them participate also in games like hockey, volleyball and even martial artLastly, this issue <strong>of</strong> Muslims in the country; I feel that the Chief Kadhi should be elected by the Muslims themselves in thecountry. He should not be elected by the government <strong>of</strong>ficials- instead, by the Muslims countrywide. Hand in hand with that,the Chief Khadhi should be given other privileges a part from issues like marriage, divorce and inheritance. Thank you.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Thank you very much. Ismael yuko wapi? kuna watu wengine wangetaka kuzungumza na wako hukojuu. Wale hawajazungumza na wanasikia wanataka kuzungumza? Haya. Wacha nitangaze tena. Kuna mtu ambaye angependakuzungumza na hajazungumza. Ungependa? Njoo hapa hapa mbele. Kaa hapo. Kwa hivyo Ismael yuko pale, Chris Luswetini nani? Njoo hapa mbele. Kwa hivyo tutaanza na Chris na kwenda kwako, na kwako na kwako, na kwako. Weweumezungumza. Okay tutafuatana hivyo.Ismael Nangawa: Asante sana Mwenyekiti, kwa majina ninaitwa Ismael Nangawa. Nitaongea tu machache, maneno mawilimatatu hivi. Ya kwanza itakuwa presidency. Kwa mapendekezo yangu mimi ninaonelea kama tungelikuwa uhuru zaidi, hiiPresidency iwe spread all over eight provinces. Kwa vile imekuwa Central, ndio hiyo imekuja Rift Valley, sasa ingelikuwa borazaidi ije Western au iende Nyanza.La pili, tumeongea sana juu ya ugonjwa hatari wa Ukimwi. Mimi ninaonelea ingetenezwa sheria sisi wote wamama, wazeeturudi ndani ya makanisa. Kama wewe ni Muislamu urudi kwa sheria ya uislamu. Nafikiria mambo ya Aids itakwisha. Kamawewe ni Mkristo urudi katika sheria ya Kikristo na mambo ya ukimwi yataisha.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Sawa hiyo tumepata.Ismael Nagawa: Kwa hivyo ni hayo tu machache nilikuwa nayo.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Chris? Ismael njoo ujiandikishe.Chris Lusweti: Kwa majina mimi naitwa Chris Lusweti; kwanza, pendekezo langu ni kwamba, some <strong>of</strong> the radio adverts arevery discouraging in the sense that, you find wanasema ati “Trust” kwa upande wa Aids wanasema tutumie “Trust” ilhali watu

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