constitution of kenya review commission (ckrc ... - ConstitutionNet

constitution of kenya review commission (ckrc ... - ConstitutionNet constitution of kenya review commission (ckrc ... - ConstitutionNet
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68to give your view. Musakhulu utakuja baada ya huyu. Unasikia? Utakuja sasa hivi kwa hivyo get ready okay?Jafrey Malumasi: Public Service Commission and Judicial Service Commission to appoint others. These and such organs,to serve mainly as advisory. Voting should be done mainly on maturity basis. So, law age limit should remain as it is. Code ofconduct and behaviour is necessary to MPs. Voters should not be allowed to return an MP back home but only on the basis ofdefection. To maintain party loyalty, a defecting MP should re-seek mandate- this is to curtail corruption. MPs are electedbecause of their capabilities as determined by voters. They shoud make decisions through personal judgement but accountableto voters. Voters can also judge him on that accountability basis. Any of existing bodies in any form in consultation withelectorate should determine MPs pay and emoluments. Women should be elected out of their competence and capability notbecause they are women and chances should not be created just for women. Nominated MPs serve certain interest and anyparty interested in having women for special interest should use the nomination opportunity. A government of national unity-Prime Ministers Office should exist in the Constitution as an option. Two thirds majority vote of no confidence in a governmentis enough.The President should not necessarily be an MP. He should be free to choose experts from outside Parliament as Ministers tohelp him run the government. Fundamental rights; pandemics- I am talking about things like AIDS etc. Constitution shouldprovide for preparedness and for urgent action when they strike. Negligence has contributed to wide -spread of HIV Aids. Asat now, institutions or strict control measures is not possible. At initial stages, control by even vetting travellers is possible.Com. Lethome: Don’t read everything, just highlight.Jafrey Malumasi: The law should ensure the children of separated or divorced parents are not denied their fundamentalrights like education, health and clothing. Negligent parents should be punished by law as well as for flauting or breakingestablished rule. Every community should take care of their less fortunate to avoid the growth of numbers of chokoras orbeggars.Com. Lethome: You have just two minutes to wind up.Jafrey Malumasi: Okay, let me leave others. Let me talk about culture. The Constitution should uphold African decencyand dignity. Cultural practices should be upheld and promoted. We are talking about a number of things- when I am talkinglike this, I am talking things like women wearing trousers. African women must stop wearing trousers or any menswearforthwith. Parents should not buy menswear for their daughters.Com. Lethome: Point taken, don’t repeat that one. The last point?

69Jafrey Malumasi: The role of President in implementation for culture; the Constitution should empower ruling President touphold and promote good customs, traditions and cultures maintaining African decency and dignity. When taking correctiveactions, we shoud quickly invoke the constitution provision for example, “I am empowered by the Constitution or I am allowedby the Constitution to uphold our peoples cutoms, traditions that promotes African decency and dignity”.Corruption: let this be a Constitution matter for it is a serious issue. Almost everybody is practicing this without the knowledgeof the President yet the President is being constantly blamed. Serious punitive measures be put in place to hinder those thatthrough corrupt procedures, may cause collapsing of peoples economy. If one causes poor performance of a factory throughcorruption, he should be punished. In some far East countries, punishment include hanging or paying----Interjection. Com. Lethome: What do you recommend?Jafrey Malumasi: Punishment.Com. Lethome: What punishiment? Death?Jafrey Malumasi: Not death, life sentence.Com. Lethome: Life sentence for corrupt officials. Thank you, we will read the document. We musakhulu, Njoo sasa utoeyako hapa hivi, ndio roho itulie kidogo. Halafu Councillor utamfuata huyu. Wacha atoe. Ile yote ilikuwa inakusumbua kwaroho, toa bila wasi wasi. Keti hapo. Sema jina lako halafu uendelee. Hold the mike for him because there is a loose wire.Ngoja wakushikie, unasikia vile unaambiwa?Stanely Natembea: Babana babukusu,Translator: Bukusu childrenCom. Lethome: Jina lako kwanza?Stanely Natembea: Stanely.Com. Lethome: Stanely nani?Stanely: Natembea.

68to give your view. Musakhulu utakuja baada ya huyu. Unasikia? Utakuja sasa hivi kwa hivyo get ready okay?Jafrey Malumasi: Public Service Commission and Judicial Service Commission to appoint others. These and such organs,to serve mainly as advisory. Voting should be done mainly on maturity basis. So, law age limit should remain as it is. Code <strong>of</strong>conduct and behaviour is necessary to MPs. Voters should not be allowed to return an MP back home but only on the basis <strong>of</strong>defection. To maintain party loyalty, a defecting MP should re-seek mandate- this is to curtail corruption. MPs are electedbecause <strong>of</strong> their capabilities as determined by voters. They shoud make decisions through personal judgement but accountableto voters. Voters can also judge him on that accountability basis. Any <strong>of</strong> existing bodies in any form in consultation withelectorate should determine MPs pay and emoluments. Women should be elected out <strong>of</strong> their competence and capability notbecause they are women and chances should not be created just for women. Nominated MPs serve certain interest and anyparty interested in having women for special interest should use the nomination opportunity. A government <strong>of</strong> national unity-Prime Ministers Office should exist in the Constitution as an option. Two thirds majority vote <strong>of</strong> no confidence in a governmentis enough.The President should not necessarily be an MP. He should be free to choose experts from outside Parliament as Ministers tohelp him run the government. Fundamental rights; pandemics- I am talking about things like AIDS etc. Constitution shouldprovide for preparedness and for urgent action when they strike. Negligence has contributed to wide -spread <strong>of</strong> HIV Aids. Asat now, institutions or strict control measures is not possible. At initial stages, control by even vetting travellers is possible.Com. Lethome: Don’t read everything, just highlight.Jafrey Malumasi: The law should ensure the children <strong>of</strong> separated or divorced parents are not denied their fundamentalrights like education, health and clothing. Negligent parents should be punished by law as well as for flauting or breakingestablished rule. Every community should take care <strong>of</strong> their less fortunate to avoid the growth <strong>of</strong> numbers <strong>of</strong> chokoras orbeggars.Com. Lethome: You have just two minutes to wind up.Jafrey Malumasi: Okay, let me leave others. Let me talk about culture. The Constitution should uphold African decencyand dignity. Cultural practices should be upheld and promoted. We are talking about a number <strong>of</strong> things- when I am talkinglike this, I am talking things like women wearing trousers. African women must stop wearing trousers or any menswearforthwith. Parents should not buy menswear for their daughters.Com. Lethome: Point taken, don’t repeat that one. The last point?

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