constitution of kenya review commission (ckrc ... - ConstitutionNet

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64yuko? Yuko pale? Alagalo Okinyi? Utamfuata huyo. David Balia, utamfuata huyo. Jafrey Kalumasi? Utamfuata yule. NaCouncillor Mwala, na wewe utafuata.Moses Wanyonyi: Mimi naitwa Bwana Moses Wanyonyi na nina haya machache nataka kuongea. La kwanza, nitaongeaabout corruption. Ninapendelea ya kwamba, kwa corruption tuwe na mobile magistrates. Wawe wakitembea mahali tendolimefanyika kuliko ati mtu anaenda huko, inapaoteza muda tena hilo jambo halitoki vizuri.Halafu jambo lingine is about land. There is a lot of corruption on land. Ninapendekeza ya kwamba, land ikiwa divided mostlyin urban areas, pastors wawe involved to avoid corruption. On education, tuna watoto wale wako very bright na kupata hizonafasi, hizo nafasi zinanyakuliwa na wale wakubwa. Napendekeza ya kwamba kuwe na test ya kuchukua wale watoto wakovery bright na ianzie kwa sublocation ili wale watoto wawe wakichukuliwa to expand our knowledge and to expand theeconomy of our country. Halafu tena jambo lingine is about street children. Siku hizi unakuta ya kwamba in every townunapata watoto wanatembea tembea kwa streets. Tuwe na ile commission ile ya kuchukua hawa watoto na tuwe na camp yahao watoto. Then, these children should be disciplined when they live there and this will reduce wale watu huwa wanachukuawatoto wanatupa kwa town au ita-reduce wale watoto wanatembea kwa town.Jambo lingine ni employment. Tuwe na Act ambayo nimesema kama ya mobile magistrates wanakuwa- tuwe na Act ionyeshekuwa mkubwa asiandike mdogo tu barua ya kumfuta bila yeye mwenyewe kuwa huko kujitetea. Anafuta mtu na yeye anakaatu kwa sababu anamfuta na anatuma tu mtu wa kuenda kumtetea na yeye mwenye anakosa kufika huko ili huyo mtu akijiteteahakuna yule anamtetea. So that Act should be there. nilikuwa tu na hayo.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Thank you very much Mr. Wanyonyi, we appreciate your very good presentation. Can we haveLewis Alumasi. Lewis ni wewe? Karibu.Lewis Alumasi: Thank you Mr. Chairman, first of all, my names are Lewis Alumasi and not forgetting one thing, I am saved, Iam a Christian. Point number one Mr. Chairman, I am disturbed with this idea- the characters of our politicians in Parliament.So, I will ask or appeal for the Constitution to allow the public views first, before the Parliament passes any Bill because, wehave realized that the politicians are doing it in the interest of their own gain. Secondly, I think we should also have a ministry ofEconomic Engineering headed by non-politicians to allow for initiation of sources of income. Example; one company can giveback to another related firm in the same area to avoid rapid rural urban migration. Third, is in agriculture. The Constitutionshould implement a system where a farmer gains equally with the miller and not the miller overdoing the farmer who is the mainraw material supplier.Lastly, as a concerned Kenyan, I support majimbo system of government with all political parties involved. Thank you verymuch.

65Com. Bishop Njoroge: Thank you very much Lewis. Tupate Angila Okinyi? OkidingiAngila Okiding’: Asante sana Bwana Chairman. Jina langu ni Anjela Okiding’. Kwanza naongea juu ya wabunge. Wabungewanatakikana wawekewe sheria. Wakati wanachaguliwa warudi nyumbani kila mwezi mahali walichaguliwa waje wachukuemashauri kwa raia halafu wapeleke bunge wazungumzie huko. Halafu, elimu ningeomba warudishe ule utaratibu ulikuwakozamani. Na hicho kidato cha tano na sita kirudishwe, iwe kwa line. Tena, kama President amechaguliwa, ningependekezamaneno ya kubadilisha pesa tena ili waweke picha ya kichwa cha kiongozi mpya, hiyo inasababisha kurudisha uchumi chini kwasababu gharama inakuwa kubwa- kubadilisha pesa kwa wakati mfupi mfupi.Com. Lethome: Picha ya nani iwekwe kwa pesa?Okiding’: Inatakikana tuchangie wananchi wote, kitu kile kinatakikana kuwekwa.Com. Lethome: Wewe unapendekeza kitu gani iwekwe hapo?Okiding’: Tunaweza kuchagua kama Mt. Kenya.Com. Lethome: Mt. Kenya, eheOkiding’: Au kitu kingine.Com. Lethome: Kama miwa hivi?Okiding’: Ndio sababu hiyo mimi nasema tuchangie. Wananchi wachangie kile kitu kinatakikana kuwekwa hapo. Kwaupande wa kujilinda; bado kunatakikana kuwekwe sheria zile za kushawishi vile vitu vinakatazwa kunyiwa kama pombe.Wanakubali tena pombe ile ya kigeni na wanakataza ile ya kienyeji. Sasa hiyo, wananchi hawasikii vizuri.Com. Lethome: Wewe unapendekeza nini kuhusu hizo pombe za kienyeji?Okiding: Pombe za kienyezi zingepatiwa tu namna ya kuzitumia; kwa masaa. Halafu, kwa ofisi ikatazwe. Ukikuja kamaumelewa, hautafanya kazi. Ukirudia mara mbili, basi kazi iishe. Mtu atapata nafasi ya kujichunga yeye mwenyewe kulikokushikwa na kupelekwa huko na hawa askari nao wanarudi kuweka ushuru wao.Com. Lethome: Hiyo tumepata. Ingine?

64yuko? Yuko pale? Alagalo Okinyi? Utamfuata huyo. David Balia, utamfuata huyo. Jafrey Kalumasi? Utamfuata yule. NaCouncillor Mwala, na wewe utafuata.Moses Wanyonyi: Mimi naitwa Bwana Moses Wanyonyi na nina haya machache nataka kuongea. La kwanza, nitaongeaabout corruption. Ninapendelea ya kwamba, kwa corruption tuwe na mobile magistrates. Wawe wakitembea mahali tendolimefanyika kuliko ati mtu anaenda huko, inapaoteza muda tena hilo jambo halitoki vizuri.Halafu jambo lingine is about land. There is a lot <strong>of</strong> corruption on land. Ninapendekeza ya kwamba, land ikiwa divided mostlyin urban areas, pastors wawe involved to avoid corruption. On education, tuna watoto wale wako very bright na kupata hizonafasi, hizo nafasi zinanyakuliwa na wale wakubwa. Napendekeza ya kwamba kuwe na test ya kuchukua wale watoto wakovery bright na ianzie kwa sublocation ili wale watoto wawe wakichukuliwa to expand our knowledge and to expand theeconomy <strong>of</strong> our country. Halafu tena jambo lingine is about street children. Siku hizi unakuta ya kwamba in every townunapata watoto wanatembea tembea kwa streets. Tuwe na ile <strong>commission</strong> ile ya kuchukua hawa watoto na tuwe na camp yahao watoto. Then, these children should be disciplined when they live there and this will reduce wale watu huwa wanachukuawatoto wanatupa kwa town au ita-reduce wale watoto wanatembea kwa town.Jambo lingine ni employment. Tuwe na Act ambayo nimesema kama ya mobile magistrates wanakuwa- tuwe na Act ionyeshekuwa mkubwa asiandike mdogo tu barua ya kumfuta bila yeye mwenyewe kuwa huko kujitetea. Anafuta mtu na yeye anakaatu kwa sababu anamfuta na anatuma tu mtu wa kuenda kumtetea na yeye mwenye anakosa kufika huko ili huyo mtu akijiteteahakuna yule anamtetea. So that Act should be there. nilikuwa tu na hayo.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Thank you very much Mr. Wanyonyi, we appreciate your very good presentation. Can we haveLewis Alumasi. Lewis ni wewe? Karibu.Lewis Alumasi: Thank you Mr. Chairman, first <strong>of</strong> all, my names are Lewis Alumasi and not forgetting one thing, I am saved, Iam a Christian. Point number one Mr. Chairman, I am disturbed with this idea- the characters <strong>of</strong> our politicians in Parliament.So, I will ask or appeal for the Constitution to allow the public views first, before the Parliament passes any Bill because, wehave realized that the politicians are doing it in the interest <strong>of</strong> their own gain. Secondly, I think we should also have a ministry <strong>of</strong>Economic Engineering headed by non-politicians to allow for initiation <strong>of</strong> sources <strong>of</strong> income. Example; one company can giveback to another related firm in the same area to avoid rapid rural urban migration. Third, is in agriculture. The Constitutionshould implement a system where a farmer gains equally with the miller and not the miller overdoing the farmer who is the mainraw material supplier.Lastly, as a concerned Kenyan, I support majimbo system <strong>of</strong> government with all political parties involved. Thank you verymuch.

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