constitution of kenya review commission (ckrc ... - ConstitutionNet

constitution of kenya review commission (ckrc ... - ConstitutionNet constitution of kenya review commission (ckrc ... - ConstitutionNet
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58Because when you go to hospitals, you find that Aids patients are put together with TB patients, they are put together withMeasles patients. Why are they doing that? It is because of poverty. So, we should emphasize more on agriculture- weemphasize it more than Aids than Aids will be the thing of the past. So let us stress that one poverty, that one that poverty is theone producing Aids. These are the few poits that I had.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Thank you very much Bartholomew Wanyonyi, those are good points and we please you will give usyour memorandum. John Singelisi? Sylverster you are there? utamfuata. Benson Nasongo? Benson Nasongo? UtafuataSylvester. Na Pius wekesa? Pius wekesa?John Singelisi: Thank you very much for the chance you have given me. My names are John Singelisi and I have got somefew points I wanted to air before you. The first point is the protection of the interests of Kenyans from the foreign investors.Indians are exploiting Kenyans by giving them low pay, working on casual basis instead of permanent job and by harassmentabuse. Secondly, is the introduction of headquarters; these headquarters some are irrelevant according to me. Some(inaudible) so that the government has to spend Kenya’s revenue but that can be used on other things. The other point is thatthe government should exploit the natural resources that it’s got and revive the industries to establize the economy of the countryand creat employment. The security of Kenya is not good, (inaudible) wars. The government should (inaudible) the securitypersonnel by maintaining one Police boss then give them good salary and sophisticated weapons to this instability in the country.The President should not be above the law.In the side of education: the money that is being set aside by Parliament for education should reach every mwananchi, eventhose in the local areas like Nzoia and even Lutungu. The government should offer free education in primary and thegovernment should do cost sharing at secondary level with the parents so that education can be affordable to the parents.Lastly, on the side of management, opposition parties should be directily involved in the government Budget and they shouldmonitor every movement or everything that the government does with the government revenue because this is the money that isused by the common mwananchi. Thank you very much.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Thank you very much John. Can we have Sylvester? You are Sylivester?Sylvester Onyaga: Yes.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Can you go on? Tell us your name?Sylvester Onyaga: My names are Sylvester Onyaga. I would like the new Consitutition to expressly state that the citizen isthe true sourece of the power and legitimacy of State. With respect to nominated MPs, the new Constitution should providethe following; Nominees to come from special interests group a person who has contested in general election and subsequently

59lost should not be nominated, nominatated MPs shoul not be nominated into the cabinet. Wakenya tuko huru lakini hatutakiUhuru. The current Constitution should be changed into a permanent multi-party Constitution with the following provision:• Funding of political parties by the government.• Barring elected leaders who defect in the middle of their term running for parliamentary or civic seats for the rest of theterm.On the rights of persons: the right of persons in lawful detention, prisons, remand or otherwise in State custody, may be lawfullyrestricted but to ensure that there is humane and dignified treatment of prisoners. The new Constitution should guaranteecitizens the right to information by provision of freedom of information Act and removing restrictions on freedom of expressionand independence of mass media. We don’t want KBC for “Kanu Broadcasting Corporation” but Kenya BroadcastingCorporation. The new Constitution should make provision for enactment of legislation to protect workers’ rights and to punisheconomic explointation of part-time and casual workers. The new Constitution should create mechanism to ensure thatleadership at all level is encoded in patriotism, meritocracy and moral uprightness. People say we don’t want dictatorship.When it come to agriculture, the new Constitution should recognize the centrality and locality of agricultural sector in Kenya’seconomy and make provision for preferential taxation, inputs, effective marketing, democratic governance and incomeguarantee in order to enhance sustainable economic grow. The new Constitution should make provision for establishment of taxand policy mechanism to accord preferential treatment to such area of agricural centred economy of Western province. Thenew Constitution should also make provision for enactment of public code of conduct to ensure that leaders account for theirwealth. Inculcate (inaudible) in public administration and penalize leaders found guilty of betraying public trust.To enhance the peoples’ rights to understant their rights and obligations under the Constitution and the corresponding duties ofstate, the Constitution be translated into local languages and be provided free of charge to every citizen. And again, last toPrevent the dumping of Commission reports in the office of the President like like that of Akwiumi report on tribal clashes, theTroon report on Robert Ouko’s murder, I would like the Constitution to create another court that can order the release ofthese reports from the office of the President.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Before you (inaudible). Let me explain to you what will happen. We have to go to all the 210constituencies and now we are finishing our hearings in the whole country with the Western Province. When we go back nextweek, we will prepare to go somewhere for a month to write the constituency report, the national report and to come out with adraft Bill. The report will be brought back to you here to make sure that what we have written, is what you said. Then afterthat, we will be having what we call the National Constitution Conference, made of 639 people. Among them, 3 people fromevery district, 220 members of Parliament, 139 members from Churches and civil society, 40 from every political partyregistered by the year 2000. They will come then and they will taken into a building, they will be given the report the draft bill

58Because when you go to hospitals, you find that Aids patients are put together with TB patients, they are put together withMeasles patients. Why are they doing that? It is because <strong>of</strong> poverty. So, we should emphasize more on agriculture- weemphasize it more than Aids than Aids will be the thing <strong>of</strong> the past. So let us stress that one poverty, that one that poverty is theone producing Aids. These are the few poits that I had.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Thank you very much Bartholomew Wanyonyi, those are good points and we please you will give usyour memorandum. John Singelisi? Sylverster you are there? utamfuata. Benson Nasongo? Benson Nasongo? UtafuataSylvester. Na Pius wekesa? Pius wekesa?John Singelisi: Thank you very much for the chance you have given me. My names are John Singelisi and I have got somefew points I wanted to air before you. The first point is the protection <strong>of</strong> the interests <strong>of</strong> Kenyans from the foreign investors.Indians are exploiting Kenyans by giving them low pay, working on casual basis instead <strong>of</strong> permanent job and by harassmentabuse. Secondly, is the introduction <strong>of</strong> headquarters; these headquarters some are irrelevant according to me. Some(inaudible) so that the government has to spend Kenya’s revenue but that can be used on other things. The other point is thatthe government should exploit the natural resources that it’s got and revive the industries to establize the economy <strong>of</strong> the countryand creat employment. The security <strong>of</strong> Kenya is not good, (inaudible) wars. The government should (inaudible) the securitypersonnel by maintaining one Police boss then give them good salary and sophisticated weapons to this instability in the country.The President should not be above the law.In the side <strong>of</strong> education: the money that is being set aside by Parliament for education should reach every mwananchi, eventhose in the local areas like Nzoia and even Lutungu. The government should <strong>of</strong>fer free education in primary and thegovernment should do cost sharing at secondary level with the parents so that education can be affordable to the parents.Lastly, on the side <strong>of</strong> management, opposition parties should be directily involved in the government Budget and they shouldmonitor every movement or everything that the government does with the government revenue because this is the money that isused by the common mwananchi. Thank you very much.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Thank you very much John. Can we have Sylvester? You are Sylivester?Sylvester Onyaga: Yes.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Can you go on? Tell us your name?Sylvester Onyaga: My names are Sylvester Onyaga. I would like the new Consitutition to expressly state that the citizen isthe true sourece <strong>of</strong> the power and legitimacy <strong>of</strong> State. With respect to nominated MPs, the new Constitution should providethe following; Nominees to come from special interests group a person who has contested in general election and subsequently

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