constitution of kenya review commission (ckrc ... - ConstitutionNet

constitution of kenya review commission (ckrc ... - ConstitutionNet

constitution of kenya review commission (ckrc ... - ConstitutionNet


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57up to 1968, where bright children were never left out because education was cheap. So that is why I declare that food andeducation should be declare human rights and not basic rights. So, a child has a right to food, has a right to education. In thisway, we can eradicate poverty because the whole theme talks about education. If we don’t educate somebody- in fact we areliving out scientists. Today if a child is not educated, we might leave a genious and just take the children <strong>of</strong> rich people to goabroad and become drug peddlers or drug addicts-but a poor child will learn.A President should be impeached if he violates the Consitution. Just like American Consitution, nobody should be above thelaw. We should have something like Truth Commission like the South African one because our government actually, has got inmany problems and crimes committed by government <strong>of</strong>ficials. We didn’t see only this during government Nyayo era, no, evenduring Kenyatta’s government. These crimes are too many. If we go into them, we will not manage. So, let us have a TruthCommission so that people can be asked repentance and they can be forgiven. People should volunteer that. But people whodo crime in the <strong>of</strong>fice they should be brought to court and their property should be taken over. They should pay what theystole. So, if you steal, you have to pay- not to be transferred to another place, no.Freedom <strong>of</strong> the press: today, the radio is the only media <strong>of</strong> the common man in Kenya. Because many people don’t readnewspapers because they are expensive but the radio is the only media and is controlled by the government and one party.That is why I suggest that the radio- any individual, any society, any organization, any religious body should be free to start aradio station all over the country. Not just around the big towns. For example, Christians should be heard on radio all overKenya but we find these stations only around Nairobi and Mombasa. They shoud be all over Kenya.Members <strong>of</strong> Parliament: Most <strong>of</strong> them never visit their constituencies. Therefore, we should borrow from Uganda whereelectorates should be allowed to call a by-election before the end <strong>of</strong> Parliament so that the election can recall their MP and electnew ones.Agriculture: agriculture has been neglected. We should follow Kenyatta’s system- actually I liked the system <strong>of</strong> loans to farmers.There were cheap loans like credit schemes there. Kenya actually led in research institutions in the Whole <strong>of</strong> Africa. But theyhave collapsed because land has been grabbed like in the Kenya seed KARI KEMRI- they have bee grabbed. But these arethe research institutes, which can help us to produce because agriculture is the basis <strong>of</strong> our economy. Now if we don’t haveresearch we shall hunger. That is why I say that we should restore- actually as the Kenyatta system <strong>of</strong> diversification <strong>of</strong>agriculture with research institutions and so on. Because we don’t have oil or gold, we emphasize agriculture in nation planningand in the budget.Medical care: scientific research shows the connection between this disease called Aids and poverty. But now, we areemphasizing only on Aids- everywhere we say Aids and so on. No. if you don’t have medical care you are likely to suffer fromAids. There is a present doctor in South Africa who said that- although they opposed him, but researchers have shown that.

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