constitution of kenya review commission (ckrc ... - ConstitutionNet

constitution of kenya review commission (ckrc ... - ConstitutionNet constitution of kenya review commission (ckrc ... - ConstitutionNet
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50number of people who head those institutions. Another thing, to enable the Kenyan people to stay a modern life, I wouldadvocate that roads, telephones, to be in every constituency and every village so that communication can be easy and thisshould be decided at the district level not in the centralized in the city. Parastatal chiefs to be vetted by stakeholders in theindustry because, we don’t want parastatal heads to be imposed on certain institutions because some people are imposed on usare just corrupt agents of the people who have given them this powers. The government should not have a role in managingfactories or industries, they should only have shares, and also people who head those companies should not be appointed, theyshould go through a vigorous interview.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Give us the last point.Bramuel watiti: The last point- I am just about to finish sir. Water to be available to everybody so that irrigation and otherproblems can be eradicated. Education be made free. Chiefs, DCs, DOs even PC’s be elected by the people. Salaries foraskaris be increased so that they cannot be very corrupt. Also electricity be made available so that we can haveindustrialization. We should have also few ministries, non working class to be given assistance, agricultural produce be paid tothe farmer without delay so that people can use their money. Lastly, is that the government which is in power should be basedon the Ten Commandments of God to rule the country and corrupt servants and parastatal heads and even the President shouldbe made to pay for any ills that he has committed while in office. I hope that all views which have been given by everybody willbe taken into consideration and be effected. Thank you very much.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Thank you very much. You have given us very important views. Can we have Geoffrey Were?Charles Masika amezungumza? Hayuko. Martin Kwata, utamfuata.Geofrey Were: My names are Geofrey Njukhilile Were. I come before you Mr. Commissioners sir, to air this proposals thatKenyans must be ensured by KBC and other media of impartial and equal coverage regardless of political parties and so on.Most of Kenyans are now tuning to foreign media coverage like BBC because, they are peope who cannot hide reportingevents which have happened in current Kenyan society.Two, I also reject the concept of one party system but multiparty is welcome but with at least, 3 political parties. I alsopropose that all votes cast must be counted at the same polling station and then the results relayed to a central place. That is toeradicate (inaudible) and other (inaudible) on way during transportation of ballot boxes. Corrupt people; those who haveembezzled public funds and so on, the law should take its course as stated and they must not be allowed to contest any electiveoffice in the land. Ambassadors representing Kenya overseas should have the right to air their views on the political situation inour country just like the ambassadors of other countries here in Kenya do. We should not be suspicious about them.Com. Bishop Njoroge: You think that one can enter into the Constitution?

51Geofrey Watiti: Yeah because this is where---Interjection. Com. Bishop Njoroge: What I am saying is what we are writing is what has to go to the Consitution. Now,you are saying foreigners must be allowed to air their views. That is a statement that can be there, but we cannot write forforeigners their own Constitution?Geofrey Watiti: Not so, partly may I suggest---Com. Bishop Njoroge: Constitution is a very important document so don’t just- because people have been talking; pleasegive us views that we will put in. Those are views, but let us be a little bit serious because this is a serious exercise.Geofrey Watiti: Also on sports, may I comment that coaches be hired from foreign countries to coach our players rather thandepending on people from within. Local people have embezzled sports money and some sportsmen are just elected torepresent us in the international tournaments because of may be bribes. And on athletics, there is no need of hiring foreigncoaches since we are capable and our athletic- men have made our country proud by winning more than any other country.Also in Western province, we should be given freedom or religion for instance dini ya Msambwa as a sect be recognized. Thisis so because the person or the sect leader Msambwa Wanameme Elijah has been forgotten. During public ceremonies theymust be rewarded in one way or the other by may be being given an opportunity even to address or to remember their heroicsensation during the time Elijah was alive. We must also be proud of our black colour and our culture which culture also may inone way be a tourist attraction that may earn us some foreign exchange.Another issue, is that the sitting President must be in office for two terms by the mandate of the Kenyan electorate and that thePresident has not right to anoint or even propose a successor. Instead, the issue be followed as in the party Consitution asregistered under the Act of registered parties. Because Head of State has all the state machinery and he proposes a candidatethat the wishes, he might be making people security to be in a more uncondusive environment. Let him follow the regulations orguidelines of the manifesto and the Constitution ruling the party itself.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Give us your last point.Geofrey Watiti: Women and political participation. In any society like Kenya, women make up to 52% and they aredecision-makings organs yet they are not recognized. I therefore recommend the following Affirmative Action steps to betaken, campaign against early marriages and encourage our parents to invest in girl education, support the legislation thatencourages equality to inheritance with exception on land among the Luhya community- that land cannot be owned by a girl inthe society and that a woman must not be empowered in the house. The man is the head of that home.

51Ge<strong>of</strong>rey Watiti: Yeah because this is where---Interjection. Com. Bishop Njoroge: What I am saying is what we are writing is what has to go to the Consitution. Now,you are saying foreigners must be allowed to air their views. That is a statement that can be there, but we cannot write forforeigners their own Constitution?Ge<strong>of</strong>rey Watiti: Not so, partly may I suggest---Com. Bishop Njoroge: Constitution is a very important document so don’t just- because people have been talking; pleasegive us views that we will put in. Those are views, but let us be a little bit serious because this is a serious exercise.Ge<strong>of</strong>rey Watiti: Also on sports, may I comment that coaches be hired from foreign countries to coach our players rather thandepending on people from within. Local people have embezzled sports money and some sportsmen are just elected torepresent us in the international tournaments because <strong>of</strong> may be bribes. And on athletics, there is no need <strong>of</strong> hiring foreigncoaches since we are capable and our athletic- men have made our country proud by winning more than any other country.Also in Western province, we should be given freedom or religion for instance dini ya Msambwa as a sect be recognized. Thisis so because the person or the sect leader Msambwa Wanameme Elijah has been forgotten. During public ceremonies theymust be rewarded in one way or the other by may be being given an opportunity even to address or to remember their heroicsensation during the time Elijah was alive. We must also be proud <strong>of</strong> our black colour and our culture which culture also may inone way be a tourist attraction that may earn us some foreign exchange.Another issue, is that the sitting President must be in <strong>of</strong>fice for two terms by the mandate <strong>of</strong> the Kenyan electorate and that thePresident has not right to anoint or even propose a successor. Instead, the issue be followed as in the party Consitution asregistered under the Act <strong>of</strong> registered parties. Because Head <strong>of</strong> State has all the state machinery and he proposes a candidatethat the wishes, he might be making people security to be in a more uncondusive environment. Let him follow the regulations orguidelines <strong>of</strong> the manifesto and the Constitution ruling the party itself.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Give us your last point.Ge<strong>of</strong>rey Watiti: Women and political participation. In any society like Kenya, women make up to 52% and they aredecision-makings organs yet they are not recognized. I therefore recommend the following Affirmative Action steps to betaken, campaign against early marriages and encourage our parents to invest in girl education, support the legislation thatencourages equality to inheritance with exception on land among the Luhya community- that land cannot be owned by a girl inthe society and that a woman must not be empowered in the house. The man is the head <strong>of</strong> that home.

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