constitution of kenya review commission (ckrc ... - ConstitutionNet

constitution of kenya review commission (ckrc ... - ConstitutionNet

constitution of kenya review commission (ckrc ... - ConstitutionNet


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41Antony Adera: Yes. My last point is about the Budget <strong>of</strong> Kenya which is done in Parliament. I would like to put it like this;by the time the budget is being drawn, the specific class <strong>of</strong> people- they are always basing their point <strong>of</strong> argument on- forgettingthe majority <strong>of</strong> Kenyan citizens which I have already said, are suffering most. I would like to put it clear that, during suchoccasions let us try to base our point <strong>of</strong> argument on people with no (inaudible) which dominated the most population in Kenyahere. By so doing, we shall be able to come out with a better means on how we can eradicate poverty because, you can seethe system or the style <strong>of</strong> living in Kenya is very high forgetting the majority <strong>of</strong> the population <strong>of</strong> Kenya here. By the time theBudget is being read there, there is a very big percentage which is being left out. Therefore we should be much moreconsiderate, let us try to take our time, collect the statistics, and views, on common men before we come out with appropriateresolution pertaining to that particular aspect. I believe with these few remarks, let us be much more considerate to see that were having a better Kenya.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Thank you very much. You are suggesting that the Budget must take into account the level <strong>of</strong> povertyin every province. Okay thank you. Come and register yourself.Antony Adera: Thank you.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Lets have Charles Mwingi. Charles Mwingi? Jared Wanyonyi? Afuatwe na Charles masika.Jafred Wanyonyi: Jina langu ni Jafred Wanyonyi na nina mapendekezo yafuatayo. Kwanza kabisa, ningependa kupendekezaya kwamba baada ya kiongozi wa nchi kuteua Cabinet yake, ile Cabinet ikaweze kuthibitishwa na Bunge yaani kila mmoja waMawaziri au assistant minister, awe anapigigwa kura katika Bunge, na kama hataweza kupata idadi kubwa ya Wabunge ambaowanamuunga mkono, yeye jina lake litaondolewa na kiongozi wa nchi ataweza tena kuchagua mtu mwingine.Pendekezo langu la pili ni kuhusu Bunge. Napendekeza ya kwamba, kwa sababu tuko na shida ya fedha katika nchi yetu ikiwani nchi maskini, sioni haja kabisa mtu yeyote aweze kupata mshahara na yeye hafanyi chochote. Kwa hivyo napendekeza yakwamba Mbunge maalum asikuweko katika bunge letu kwa maana yeye hana sehemu yake ya uakilishi kwa hivyo mshaharawake ni kama unaenda bure. Napendekeza tena ya kwamba kiongozi wa nchi akaweze kujiuzuru miezi mitatu kabla yauchaguzi ili asiwe na influence yeyote wakati wa uchaguzi ili tusiweze kupata mtu ambaye hakuwa anahitajika. Kwa hivyo,kiongozi wa nchi aweze kujiuzuru na Chief Justice au Speaker wa National Assembly akaweze kusimamia nafasi hiyo hadiuchaguzi utakapoweza kuwa umemalizika.Kwa sababu tumekuwa na shida ya chama kimoja, tulioma matatizo ambayo yalikuweko na tena tunaona vyama vingi vinaletahali ya mugawanyiko kulingana na makabila, ukabila na mambo kama hayo. Ninapendekeza ya kwamba, tusiwe na chamachochote cha kisiasa katika nchi yetu na mtu akaweze kujitokeza tu kibinafsi, asimame halafu ataweza kupigiwa kura bila

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