constitution of kenya review commission (ckrc ... - ConstitutionNet

constitution of kenya review commission (ckrc ... - ConstitutionNet constitution of kenya review commission (ckrc ... - ConstitutionNet
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32Com. Lethome: Finally, finalize now.Sylvester: Finally as we said we need some freedom here. We need to abolish the administration who are the DC, PC wefind that this administration has been used as a means by which the President rules and yet the Cabinet is there. The Provincialadministration has been used to pass rules instead of Parliament doing that.Interjection. Com. Lethome: Okay we abolish the Provincial administration.Com. Lethome: We place them by elected members.Com. Lethome: Okay thank you.Sylvester: Thank you very much.Com. Lethome: If this is a lady, then can she come here. Concepta Masika? Is that a lady? Concepta? Tumempatiapreference because she is the only lady here. Najua wazee Wabukusu mnazuia akina mama wasije kuzungumza. Kwa sababumumetetemesha hao sana.Concepta Masika: My names are Concepta Masika. First and foremost, I will talk about the role and powers of theJudiciary. The Judiciary department should be responsible for the general administration of justice and interpretation of theConstitution and other laws in the country. Any judgment or decision to be taken at any time in relation to legal matters, musthave a law reference. The political influence, those who have- must not interfere judiciary department as they are observed inour daily operations. Misuse of power by the Judiciary department for example, such issues like a file missing in the court oflaw, should be penalized accordingly. This will limit or control forces of corruption in law courts. Public finance; public fundsfor national projects expenditure be approved by the Parliament. An independent audit team be established and audit theabove funds without any influence from any direction for example, from the political side. And disciplinary action to be takenagainst the same officers- not just terminating without paying him.Something on natural resources: it should be a responsibility of everybody to cater for natural resources for example land andforests. Land adjudication and registration for public or individual land should be carefully done. For the effectiveness of theabove to occur, the so-called land control board should have, three or four members appointed. Also, a full land control boardmembers need to assess and give consent of land approval. District land registrars should strictly follow the right procedure inissuing land certificate. This will avoid cases of issuing two land certificates for separately in one single plot. The land registrarwho go astray leading to last bid their (inaudible) coin should receive heavy penalty for if left, corruption will be high. Thankyou.

33Com. Lethome: Just one question on land; should girls inherit land from their parents whether married or not married?Concepta Masika: Yes, they should.Com. Lethome: So they can inherit from both the husband and from the parents.Concepta Masika: Yes.Com. Lethome: Asante mama. Antony Mukanda? Walter Okoth- utamfuata huyo.Antony Mukanda: Yes, thank you Commissioners to have given me this chance. I am Antony Mukanda, I represent someorganization in the community. The President should not have all powers e.g he should leave some powers to the Parliamentfor example, when it comes to the nomination of Minister and Assistant ministers. Job opportunities; I propose that Civilservants and parastatal employees should only work for ten years and quit office and leave office for school leavers andgraduate leavers. The government should finance school leavers to start small businesses regardless to political affiliations ordifferences. The government should only register two political parties so as to control government resources when it comes toelection. Citizens of Kenya should be allowed to use government resources e.g government vehicles whenever need arises.For example, when you need a government vehicle to take you to the market, it should be ready. The government should beready to give you the vehicle instead of denying you.Com. Lethome: To take you to the market?Antony Mukanda: Yes. Because it is a government resources. That is all I have for now.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Do you visit the market frequently?Antony Mukanda: When I need to--- inaudibleWalter Odhiambo: Thank you bwana Commissioner and the audience. Mine bwana Commissioner- my names are WalterOdhiambo Okoth. There is this law called law of trespass. This law has given the police a lot of power to arrest innocentpeople and this law, I don’t think it is doing any better for the republic of Kenya. So, it should either be strengthened or someparts be removed so that- for example I can be in my house and police may come and arrest me. If I had visitors they claim thatI was either taking chang’aa or something else. So this law I think, should be revived.

32Com. Lethome: Finally, finalize now.Sylvester: Finally as we said we need some freedom here. We need to abolish the administration who are the DC, PC wefind that this administration has been used as a means by which the President rules and yet the Cabinet is there. The Provincialadministration has been used to pass rules instead <strong>of</strong> Parliament doing that.Interjection. Com. Lethome: Okay we abolish the Provincial administration.Com. Lethome: We place them by elected members.Com. Lethome: Okay thank you.Sylvester: Thank you very much.Com. Lethome: If this is a lady, then can she come here. Concepta Masika? Is that a lady? Concepta? Tumempatiapreference because she is the only lady here. Najua wazee Wabukusu mnazuia akina mama wasije kuzungumza. Kwa sababumumetetemesha hao sana.Concepta Masika: My names are Concepta Masika. First and foremost, I will talk about the role and powers <strong>of</strong> theJudiciary. The Judiciary department should be responsible for the general administration <strong>of</strong> justice and interpretation <strong>of</strong> theConstitution and other laws in the country. Any judgment or decision to be taken at any time in relation to legal matters, musthave a law reference. The political influence, those who have- must not interfere judiciary department as they are observed inour daily operations. Misuse <strong>of</strong> power by the Judiciary department for example, such issues like a file missing in the court <strong>of</strong>law, should be penalized accordingly. This will limit or control forces <strong>of</strong> corruption in law courts. Public finance; public fundsfor national projects expenditure be approved by the Parliament. An independent audit team be established and audit theabove funds without any influence from any direction for example, from the political side. And disciplinary action to be takenagainst the same <strong>of</strong>ficers- not just terminating without paying him.Something on natural resources: it should be a responsibility <strong>of</strong> everybody to cater for natural resources for example land andforests. Land adjudication and registration for public or individual land should be carefully done. For the effectiveness <strong>of</strong> theabove to occur, the so-called land control board should have, three or four members appointed. Also, a full land control boardmembers need to assess and give consent <strong>of</strong> land approval. District land registrars should strictly follow the right procedure inissuing land certificate. This will avoid cases <strong>of</strong> issuing two land certificates for separately in one single plot. The land registrarwho go astray leading to last bid their (inaudible) coin should receive heavy penalty for if left, corruption will be high. Thankyou.

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