constitution of kenya review commission (ckrc ... - ConstitutionNet

constitution of kenya review commission (ckrc ... - ConstitutionNet

constitution of kenya review commission (ckrc ... - ConstitutionNet


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26Jambo lingine kuhusu tena ardhi tu, mtu awe na title deed ambacho ni kibali cha kumpa yeye uwezo wa kuirithi hiyo ardhindiposa aitwe mumilikaji asili. Jambo lingine, tumekuwa na watu ambao wanalalamika kuhusu serikali kunyakua mashamba yawatu wengine huku ikidai kwamba inafanyia pale maendeleo- ndio maendeleo kumsaidia mwanadamu, lakini huyu, kulingana nauwezo wa serikali hana la kusema. Hapa, ningependa serikali iwapo inachukua ardhi ya mtu binafsi, imulipe marudufu kwamaana maendeleo yake mahali pale yatakuwa yamesimamishwa. Apewe mali ya kutosha ili kuenda kujiendeleshea mahalianakoenda.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Tumepata hiyo point, kwenda kwa nyingine?Mathew Wekesa: Jambo lingine, M<strong>kenya</strong> kununua shamba na kuishi mahali popote nchini Kenya, ana uhuru. Mradi tu, awehana hatia zinazomfuata nyuma yake kutoka mahali anapotoka. Hapa, kuna watu ambao mtu anaweza kutoka Central provinceau Nyanza au mahali pengine, anakuja mahala kama hapa Bungoma, huko anakotoka watu wanamh<strong>of</strong>ia yeye ni kama muuaji naanakuja kujificha mahali kama hapa, sisi hatumjui. Ananunua shamba kwa sababu anatumia pesa zake huku akikaa kati kati yahawa watu, yeye ndiye tena anazalisha maovu yale ambayo ametoka nayo huko anayaleta mahala pengine.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Jambo la mwisho?Mathew Wekesa: Jambo la mwisho, ni vile ambavyo wenzangu wamezungumzia kiwango cha kurithi ardhi kama M<strong>kenya</strong>.Kiwango cha juu zaidi na cha chini zaidi iwe hekari hamsini hadi hekari mia moja. Tusiwe na mtu mmoja wa kumiliki maelfu yahekari ya mashamba hapa nchini ilihali watu wengi hata watu zaidi ya mia, wanamiminia katika hekari moja na wote ni raia waKenya. Asanteni ni hayo tu.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Asante sana Mathew. Anestes Wafula?Wafula Wekesa: Distinguished Commissioners, my names are Anastes Wafula Wekesa. These are my suggestions to theConstitutional Review. That this Constitution is written by Kenyans and it can only be overhauled by the same people. Let itbe a fundamental understanding that the time is money and has to be managed strictly by all and our motto I would add, shouldbe peace, justice and unity.Executive that is the presidency should be university graduate. The President shall work within the law established and inbreach <strong>of</strong> it, be impeached. It should not be the President’s authority to create districts or provinces. If there is need, it isParliament that should create them, making sure that there is funds to build the headquarters and remunerate personnel there<strong>of</strong>.These districts shall be for better administration. There shall be control to limit Presidential visit outside to be within the country’s financial limitations. Otherwise Ministers can represent the government if need be. The size <strong>of</strong> the cabinet should be such that

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