Before You Hire A Motorcoach - American Bus Association

Before You Hire A Motorcoach - American Bus Association

Before You Hire A Motorcoach - American Bus Association

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Know <strong>You</strong>r Facts<strong>Motorcoach</strong> Companies❚ Must be registered with the U.S.Department of Transportation (DOT).❚ Must maintain their vehicles and inspect themannually.❚ Must have a minimum of $5 millionliability insurance coverage.❚ Must comply with all other federal and statesafety requirements.<strong>Motorcoach</strong> DriversDrivers may not drive:❚ More than 10 hours without at least 8consecutive hours off❚ After having been on duty 15 hours(including driving) without at least8 consecutive hours off❚ After having been on duty:• 60 hours in 7 days, or• 70 hours in 8 days❚ Without a valid Commercial Driver’s License(CDL) with a Passenger Endorsement and avalid medical certificate on their person.<strong>You</strong>r Risks and Exposures —Actual “Worst Case Scenarios”❚ Jury awards $132 million settlementin bus crash lawsuit.❚ Settlement over Hurricane Rita busfire brings closure ($80 million).❚ Lawsuit targets tour operatorin Utah bus crash.❚ Chartering parties may be held liablefor negligent selection of bus operator.“It takes 20 years to build areputation and five minutes toruin it. If you think about thatyou’ll do things differently.”—Warren BuffetA presentation that furtheraddresses these important safetyissues is available from ABA.Where to Get Help<strong>Before</strong> <strong>You</strong> <strong>Hire</strong> a<strong>Motorcoach</strong> CompanyWhat <strong>You</strong> Need to KnowNot all motorcoach companies arethe same, and price should neverbe the only consideration whenhiring a motorcoach operator totransport your group.<strong>American</strong> <strong>Bus</strong> <strong>Association</strong>Phone: 202-842-1645Web: www.buses.orgFederal Motor CarrierSafety AdministrationPhone: 1-800-832-5660Web: www.fmcsa.dot.govSponsored by

An All Too Common Occurrence —Don’t Get Caught in This Trap!Three bus companies indicated the need to adda relief driver on the first and fourth day of anextended trip due to driver hours of serviceregulations. The tour operator ultimatelycontracted with a less reputable bus companythat followed the original itinerary without reliefdrivers. The tour operator only considered cost.What do you think the tour operator’s liabilitywould be if an accident occurred?444444Tour Operator/Group LeaderResponsibilities—Be Sure toUse This Safety Checklist!Know the trip plan and final itinerary,and make sure it is in compliance with thedriver’s “hours of service regulations.”Know the motorcoach company and drivers.Effectively communicate with themotorcoach company and driver.Review the trip itinerary and resolve anyissues before the trip begins.Demand sufficient time for thedriver and group leader to review theitinerary and resolve any concerns.Discuss any itinerary changes with themotorcoach company during the trip.4444444How to Choose and Work witha Safe <strong>Motorcoach</strong> Company —Safety ChecklistObtain their USDOT number andcheck their FMCSA safety ratingat www.fmcsa.dot.gov.Ask to review their pre-trip safetybriefing information.Check if the company has someoneaccessible 24/7 for handlingcontingencies and emergencies.Ask for a copy of their form MCS-90insurance document. (The FMCSArequires all for-hire carriers of passengersto maintain this document.)Visit and inspect the prospectivemotorcoach company’s office and maintenancefacilities. Meet the management.Ask if the company has a driver drug andalcohol testing program which complieswith U.S. Department of Transportation(DOT) regulations.Ask if the company subcontracts with othersfor equipment and or drivers. If so, be sure toknow who those companies are and if theyare in compliance with DOT regulations.In the event of an accident, the tour operator, in addition to thebus company, could be held both civilly and criminally negligent.

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