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DON’T TAKE SHIT <strong>FROM</strong> YOUR BOSS—<strong>STEAL</strong> IT!Steal something from work! It could be apaper clip, or cash out of the register, orfull-on embezzlement. If you’re a barista,grab a bag of coffee; if you work at a garage,get a wrench set. If you’re unemployed,take something from someoneelse’s workplace! Unemployment worksfor the bosses, too—it forces people totake any job they can, and sends the messageto other workers that they’d bettershut up and knuckle under.Steal something from work! You couldshare it with your friends, or give it to yourfamily—the family you never see becauseof your job. You could use it yourself, todo something you’ve always dreamedof—maybe something making use of allthat potential you would fulfill if only youdidn’t have to work for someone else allthe time.Steal something from work! Break downthe divisions that separate you from yourco-workers. Work together to maximizeyour under-the-table profit-sharing; makesure all of you are safe and getting whatyou need. Don’t let the boss pit youagainst each other—in the end, that onlymakes all of you more vulnerable. Buildup enough trust that you can graduatefrom taking things from work to takingcontrol of your workplace itself!For more information and promotional materials:stealfromworkday@gmail.comwww.stealfromwork.crimethinc.comAPRIL 15 IS<strong>STEAL</strong> <strong>SOMETHING</strong> <strong>FROM</strong> <strong>WORK</strong> <strong>DAY</strong>!Does your boss work less than you but take homea bigger paycheck? Is somebody zipping aroundin a private jet at your expense? If the corporationis making money at the end of the day, that meansthey’re not paying you the full value of your labor—that’s where corporate profit comes from! So if youneed something in your workplace, take it. Youearned it!

BOSSES,LANDLORDS, AND TAXCOLLECTORS <strong>STEAL</strong> <strong>FROM</strong> YOU...Frequently Asked Questions about<strong>STEAL</strong> <strong>SOMETHING</strong> <strong>FROM</strong> <strong>WORK</strong> <strong>DAY</strong>Is Stealing Something From Work immoral?Stealing is immoral, yes. That’s why youremployers should pay you the full valuethey obtain from your labor, rather than afraction of it. If you take something fromthe workplace, you’re not stealing, butsimply taking part of your fair earnings.Does Stealing Something From Work make itharder for employees to get away with stealing?Not significantly. The number one obstacleto employee theft is not bossesor cameras, but misguided coworkers.<strong>STEAL</strong> <strong>SOMETHING</strong> <strong>FROM</strong> <strong>WORK</strong> <strong>DAY</strong>promotes worker solidarity and legitimizesemployee redistribution of wealth.Not everyone has an easy time stealing from theirworkplace. Some demographics are singled out forsurveillance, and many people can’t afford to riskgetting into trouble!That’s true! That’s another reason why, ifyou are not in that situation, you shouldquit being such a wise guy and <strong>STEAL</strong><strong>SOMETHING</strong> <strong>FROM</strong> <strong>WORK</strong> to sharewith those who can’t take it themselves.I’d love to Stealing Something From Work, butI work at a local non-profit foundation providingservices to survivors of domestic violence.If you truly love the place you work,chances are it’s under-funded. That’s becausethe for-profit mega-corporations arehogging all the resources! Time to pay avisit to someone else’s workplace.But my employers give to charitable causes whenthey make a profit! If I Stealing Something FromWork, they’ll have less to donate.Who do you think should choose the mostdeserving charitable cause for your earnings—you,or some corporate bureaucrat?Just because you <strong>STEAL</strong> <strong>SOMETHING</strong><strong>FROM</strong> <strong>WORK</strong> doesn’t mean you have tokeep it all for yourself!What if I Steal Something From Work and mycompany goes out of business? Is this biting thehand that feeds me?Corporations plan workplace “shrinkage”into the budget well in advance. They’repractically counting on you to steal something!If that surplus goes unclaimed, it’ll juststay their coffers as more unearned profits.Will the costs of Stealing Something From Workbe passed on to consumers?Your employers are shrewd businessmen—ifthey were simply trying to distributegoods to the needy as affordablyas possible, they’d be in a different line ofwork. That means if they could be chargingcustomers more, they already would be.I’m retired. Can I participate in Stealing SomethingFrom Work Day?Yes, you can—just go back to your formerplace of employment! If you had towrestle over a pension with them, they’veprobably got it coming. It’s never too lateto <strong>STEAL</strong> <strong>SOMETHING</strong> <strong>FROM</strong> <strong>WORK</strong>!But won’t Stealing Something From Workdestabilize the economy? What if the market crashesagain? Will Stealing Something From Work bringabout the end of the world?Are you kidding? Who does all the workin this society—bosses, or workers? Ifanything, things would go more smoothlywithout them. If every corporation wentout of business tomorrow and we couldget our hands on all the resources they’vehoarded, don’t you think we’d be able todistribute them more sensibly? They’relucky we don’t steal everything!Is Stealing Something From Work illegal?Technically, it may be. Slavery, on the otherhand, was legal until December 1865.Wage slavery still is.Will Stealing Something From Work inhibit real social change? Shouldn’t we beorganizing to address the root of our problems rather than acting individually?Perhaps you’re onto something! But <strong>STEAL</strong>ING <strong>SOMETHING</strong> <strong>FROM</strong><strong>WORK</strong> doesn’t prevent you from organizing collectively. For example,you could coordinate with your coworkers to share what youpocket. Really, what good would it do to get organized together ifyou were still afraid to take what you deserve? On the other hand,imagine if we could go beyond taking things from our workplaces,and take over the workplaces themselves…TURNABOUT IS FAIR PLAY

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