Part 1 - AL-Tax

Part 1 - AL-Tax Part 1 - AL-Tax
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Indexdeindustrialization changes, 51–2productivity, 77–8redistribution of wealth, 78–80, 88,175–8, 182–3, 185, 276tax happiness, 8, 269, 274–87see also SalariesLabor mobility, 5–6, 8–9, 45–7, 73–94,181–2, 215, 344Lagrangian multipliers, 79–80, 91–3Latin America, 341–53see also BrazilLatvia, 184–91, 212–33, 255Least-squares estimation, capital-taxcompetition, 6, 45–68Left governments, 45, 47–8, 63–7Legal assignments, securitized assets,103–6, 108–9Legal principles, Advance PricingAgreements (APAs), 133–41Leisure, capital-tax competition theoreticalmodel, 50–3Leontief production function, 33Leviathan models, tax competition, 182,183, 197Liechtenstein, 254–6Ligthart, Jenny E., 8, 239–65Lithuania, 184–91, 212–33, 255Lopes, Alexsandro Broedel, 9, 339–54Loss relief, EU, 190–2, 198, 222–4, 231–3Luxembourg, 184–91, 212–33, 242,251–62, 270–86Maastricht Stability and Growth Pact, 216McGee, Robert W., 8, 9, 267–87, 291–310McKenzie, K., 28, 31–3Macro AETR, 29–30Makris, M., 242, 246Malaysia, 270–86Malta, 184–91, 212–33, 255Margin analysis, arm’s length principle(ALP), 149–52, 157, 160–9Marginal ETRs (METRs)average ETRs (AETRs), 22–4, 36concepts, 6, 13–14, 17–24, 29–34, 36,189–92definition, 17, 33technological progress, 6, 13–14, 20–2, 29Marginal rate of return (MRR), 16–17Marginal rate of technical substitution,32–3Market knowledge, intangible assets, 163Market risk, 28Marks & Spencer, 190–1Marx, K., 270Matrix notation, 54–5Maximum likelihood (ML), 57–67Mendoza, E., 30, 35, 60–1Mercosur experiment, Brazil, 342–50Mergers and acquisitions, 217–34METRs see Marginal ETRsMexico, 119, 259, 294, 347, 349Micro AETR, 29Micro data, 29, 269–87ML see Maximum likelihoodMNCs see Multinational corporationsModel Tax Convention group, OECD, 7,149–52Monaco, 254–6Money laundering, 9, 311–22bearer securities, 319credit cards, 315, 320–1definition, 313–14hot/gray/dirty money, 313–15‘John Doe’ orders, 320–1methods, 316–19paper trails, 315–22reportable thresholds, 318–20service providers, 314–15sources, 313steps, 316–17trusts, 317–19wire transfers, 315–22363

IndexMonte Carlo simulations, 46, 58–60Montserrat, 255Mortgages, 103–4MRR see Marginal rate of returnMultinational corporations (MNCs), 5, 7–8,9, 20, 40–1, 47–68, 113–43, 147–69,192–4, 211–12, 232–3, 323–36Advance Pricing Agreements (APAs), 7,113–43asymmetric information, 130–2Brazil, 9, 323–36company types, 152–6, 159–63Home State Taxation (HST), 211–12,232–4siting decisions, 192–4, 198structures, 114–43transfer pricing, 7–8, 113–43, 147–69,192–6, 198–9, 218, 221–4, 228–32,328–9trends, 114valuations, 9, 323–36see also GlobalizationMutual Assistance Directive, 244–5, 251NAFTA see North American Free TradeAgreementNasadyuk, Irina, 9, 291–310Nash equilibrium, 81, 86, 249National accounts, macro data, 30Neoliberal minimalism, 45–6, 47–9, 66Net present values (NPVs), 22–9, 34–5Netherlands, 184–91, 198, 212–33, 254–8,270–86, 320Neutrality of treatment, 128–9, 231Nickell bias, 67Nicodème, Gaëtan, 7–8, 171–208, 249Niyama, Jorge Katsumi, 9, 323–37Noncapital taxes, effective tax rates(ETRs), 31–6Nonroutine functions, arm’s lengthprinciple (ALP), 7, 149–69Nontariff barriers (NTFs), 343, 351North American Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA), 347Norway, 259NPVs see Net present valuesOE-CPE see Open economy–comparativepolitical economy approachOECD see Organization for EconomicCooperation and DevelopmentOmitted-variable bias, 56–7, 59Open economy–comparative politicaleconomy approach (OE-CPE), 52–3,56–7, 59(open economy) comparative andinternational political economymodels (C&IPE), 52–60Opportunism, 126, 129–30, 162Opportunity costs, 325–36Optimal investment paths, 14–17, 36Optimal tax policies, 6–7, 76, 79–89Organization for Economic Cooperationand Development (OECD), 7, 30,113–14, 117–20, 137–40, 149–52,164, 185, 193, 228–30, 242, 244–5,247–50, 259–61Orphan entities, securitization, 99–110Outsourcing, call-centers, 6Overesch, M., 214–15Panama, 258–60Panel-corrected standard errors (PCSEs),59, 61–2Panteghini, Paolo M., 8, 209–38Paper trails, money laundering, 315–22Pareto analysis, 248Participation exemption models,distributions, 221–34Partisanship measures, political costs,61–2Patents, 117, 122, 163364

Indexdeindustrialization changes, 51–2productivity, 77–8redistribution of wealth, 78–80, 88,175–8, 182–3, 185, 276tax happiness, 8, 269, 274–87see also SalariesLabor mobility, 5–6, 8–9, 45–7, 73–94,181–2, 215, 344Lagrangian multipliers, 79–80, 91–3Latin America, 341–53see also BrazilLatvia, 184–91, 212–33, 255Least-squares estimation, capital-taxcompetition, 6, 45–68Left governments, 45, 47–8, 63–7Legal assignments, securitized assets,103–6, 108–9Legal principles, Advance PricingAgreements (APAs), 133–41Leisure, capital-tax competition theoreticalmodel, 50–3Leontief production function, 33Leviathan models, tax competition, 182,183, 197Liechtenstein, 254–6Ligthart, Jenny E., 8, 239–65Lithuania, 184–91, 212–33, 255Lopes, Alexsandro Broedel, 9, 339–54Loss relief, EU, 190–2, 198, 222–4, 231–3Luxembourg, 184–91, 212–33, 242,251–62, 270–86Maastricht Stability and Growth Pact, 216McGee, Robert W., 8, 9, 267–87, 291–310McKenzie, K., 28, 31–3Macro AETR, 29–30Makris, M., 242, 246Malaysia, 270–86Malta, 184–91, 212–33, 255Margin analysis, arm’s length principle(<strong>AL</strong>P), 149–52, 157, 160–9Marginal ETRs (METRs)average ETRs (AETRs), 22–4, 36concepts, 6, 13–14, 17–24, 29–34, 36,189–92definition, 17, 33technological progress, 6, 13–14, 20–2, 29Marginal rate of return (MRR), 16–17Marginal rate of technical substitution,32–3Market knowledge, intangible assets, 163Market risk, 28Marks & Spencer, 190–1Marx, K., 270Matrix notation, 54–5Maximum likelihood (ML), 57–67Mendoza, E., 30, 35, 60–1Mercosur experiment, Brazil, 342–50Mergers and acquisitions, 217–34METRs see Marginal ETRsMexico, 119, 259, 294, 347, 349Micro AETR, 29Micro data, 29, 269–87ML see Maximum likelihoodMNCs see Multinational corporationsModel <strong>Tax</strong> Convention group, OECD, 7,149–52Monaco, 254–6Money laundering, 9, 311–22bearer securities, 319credit cards, 315, 320–1definition, 313–14hot/gray/dirty money, 313–15‘John Doe’ orders, 320–1methods, 316–19paper trails, 315–22reportable thresholds, 318–20service providers, 314–15sources, 313steps, 316–17trusts, 317–19wire transfers, 315–22363

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