Part 1 - AL-Tax

Part 1 - AL-Tax Part 1 - AL-Tax
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Table 9.3 Tax treatment of company distributions in EU-15 countries (2005)Classical system (unmodified – modified) Imputation system Participation exemption(partial – full)Austria Individuals and portfolio corporate shareholders: Substantial corporateA final withholding tax is imposed on the gross shareholders: 100%.distribution.Belgium Individuals: Dividends are taxable in the name of the Corporate shareholders: 95%.individual shareholders.Denmark Resident portfolio shareholders and individual Resident substantial corporateshareholders on dividends: Reduced income tax rates. shareholders: 100%.Finland Individuals: If a listed company distributes dividends, Corporate shareholders: 100%.70% (57% in 2005) of the total amount of thedividend is considered as capital income, while the restis tax exempt.Nonlisted companies may distribute tax-exemptdividends in an amount corresponding to 9% annualyield on the net worth of the company.225France Individuals: Dividends paid to resident individuals from Parent companies with at least1 January 2005 (and assessed to tax in 2006) no 5% shareholdings: 95%.longer carry an imputation credit. Instead, the dividendsare assessed to income tax, but only for 50% of theiramount.Minority shareholders with generally under5% shareholdings: Pure classical system.(Continued)

226Table 9.3(Continued)Classical system (unmodified – modified) Imputation system Participation exemption(partial – full)Germany Individuals: Taxed 50% of the dividend received. Corporate shareholders: 95%.Greece All kinds of shareholders: 100%.Ireland Individuals: Dividends are generally liable to income tax Corporate shareholders: the individual’s marginal income tax rate; Credit isgiven for the dividend withholding tax paid on thesedividends and a refund of the withholding will be madeto the extent it exceeds the income tax liability thereon.Italy Qualified individuals and individuals who hold the Corporate shareholders: 95%.participation in a business capacity: 60% exemption.Other individuals: Final withholding tax at a rateof 12.5%.Luxembourg Individuals and minority shareholders: 50% of Majority corporate shareholders:dividends and other profit distributions are exempt. 100%.Netherlands Individual substantial shareholding: Flat rate of 25%. Substantial corporateIndividuals who hold the participation in a business shareholders: 100%.capacity and portfolio corporate shareholders: Taxed atprogressive rates up to 52%.Other individuals: Annual fixed yield of 4% of theaverage economic value of the investment. This fixedyield is taxed at a flat rate of 30%.

226Table 9.3(Continued)Classical system (unmodified – modified) Imputation system <strong>Part</strong>icipation exemption(partial – full)Germany Individuals: <strong>Tax</strong>ed 50% of the dividend received. Corporate shareholders: 95%.Greece All kinds of shareholders: 100%.Ireland Individuals: Dividends are generally liable to income tax Corporate shareholders: the individual’s marginal income tax rate; Credit isgiven for the dividend withholding tax paid on thesedividends and a refund of the withholding will be madeto the extent it exceeds the income tax liability thereon.Italy Qualified individuals and individuals who hold the Corporate shareholders: 95%.participation in a business capacity: 60% exemption.Other individuals: Final withholding tax at a rateof 12.5%.Luxembourg Individuals and minority shareholders: 50% of Majority corporate shareholders:dividends and other profit distributions are exempt. 100%.Netherlands Individual substantial shareholding: Flat rate of 25%. Substantial corporateIndividuals who hold the participation in a business shareholders: 100%.capacity and portfolio corporate shareholders: <strong>Tax</strong>ed atprogressive rates up to 52%.Other individuals: Annual fixed yield of 4% of theaverage economic value of the investment. This fixedyield is taxed at a flat rate of 30%.

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