Part 1 - AL-Tax

Part 1 - AL-Tax Part 1 - AL-Tax
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Chapter 5either or both of the above questions in the positive will lead to recharacterizationof the transfer by a court as a conditional assignment or an assignment byway of security. The originator will, in the latter situation, be taken not to haverelinquished the entire benefit of, and the risks associated with, the assets, andthe relationship between the two entities will not be one of seller and buyer (asin the case of an absolute assignment or true sale) but of mortgagor and mortgagee(as in the case of an assignment by way of security or mortgage).A true sale, in common-law jurisdictions such as Australia, requires, as a minimum,a divestiture in favor of the securitization vehicle of the originator’s entirebeneficial interest in or equitable title to the securitization vehicle. This can beeffected as an absolute assignment either at law (where legal title to the assets ispassed to the securitization vehicle and the entire equitable title to the assets whichhas not been severed from the legal title passes also with the legal title) or in equity(where the entire equitable title is severed from the legal title and passed on to thesecuritization vehicle with legal title being retained by the originator) (Worthington,1996; Ali, 2002). The transfer in its entirety of the equitable title to the assets,whether as part of the legal title to the assets or following its severance from thelegal title, is sufficient to effect a transfer of the entire benefit and risks of the securitizedassets from the originator to the securitization vehicle.However, should the originator retain a right to share in the profits of the securitizedassets or remain liable to make good, either in whole or in part, any lossesincurred by the securitization vehicle on the assets, the originator will be viewedby a court as not having passed the entirety of its beneficial interest in the securitizedassets on to the securitization vehicle (Ali and de Vries Robbe, 2003). Thisretention of a beneficial interest in the securitized receivables means that thetransfer does not have the character of an absolute assignment but will rather becharacterized as an assignment by way of security (Ali, 2002). The use of the proceedsfrom the issue of the securities by the securitization vehicle to acquire thesecuritized assets will be seen not as the payment of the purchase price for thesale of the assets, but, instead, as the extension of a loan by the securitizationvehicle to the originator secured over the securitized assets.The dealing between the two entities is thus in the nature of a mortgage. Thesecuritization vehicle can be treated as having a fixed claim against the originatorfor the payment of an amount equivalent to the quantum of the proceeds exchangedby it for its interest in the securitized assets and, like any other mortgagee, can,should there be a shortfall between the value of the assets and the amountadvanced by it to the originator, claim that shortfall from the originator. In addition,the originator (like any other mortgagor), not the securitization vehicle, will103

International Taxation Handbooktake the benefit of any increase in value of the securitized assets above theamount advanced to the originator.Moreover, the originator’s retention of a beneficial interest in the securitizedassets means that those assets, even though the majority of the beneficial interesthas passed to the securitization vehicle, can still be attached by the originator’screditors, in the event of the originator’s insolvency. That beneficial interest, sinceit constitutes property, will continue to form part of the pool of assets available fordistribution, on insolvency, to the originator’s creditors. Accordingly, the failureof the transfer of assets to satisfy the requirements for a true sale means that,regardless of the fact that the originator does not own or control the securitizationvehicle, the securitization vehicle will not be bankruptcy remote from the originatorand the securitized assets will be pooled with the originator’s assets.The absence of a true sale will also abrogate the very rationale for the securitization.The investors in the securities issued by the securitization vehicle willremain exposed to the credit risk of the originator and, accordingly, will be in nodifferent a position to creditors that have advanced funds directly to the originator.The funds raised by the securitization vehicle (and which are to be passed onto the originator in the form of the purchase price for the securitized assets) willnot be priced on a basis that reflects only the creditworthiness of the securitizedassets, but will also take into account the originator’s creditworthiness. In addition,without a true sale, the originator will not be able to remove the securitizedassets from its balance sheet (and the funds received from the securitization vehiclewill need to be accounted for as a liability rather than an asset on the originator’sbalance sheet). Nor, if the originator is a bank, will it be able to release theregulatory capital held by it against the assets being securitized.The true sale of the securitized assets is thus an integral component of all cashsecuritizations. Care, however, must be taken when structuring the sale to ensurethat not only is the risk of recharacterization avoided or minimized, but also thatthe sale is neutral as regards stamp duty and similar taxation imposts. This is aparticularly onerous matter as regards international securitizations, where thequestions as to the efficacy of the sale and its neutrality must be examined in alljurisdictions in which the securitized assets are located.5.5 True sales and legal assignmentsStamp duty is a document-based impost. Accordingly, while a sale of assets (suchas the assets the subject of a securitization) may constitute a sale of dutiable assets,104

International <strong>Tax</strong>ation Handbooktake the benefit of any increase in value of the securitized assets above theamount advanced to the originator.Moreover, the originator’s retention of a beneficial interest in the securitizedassets means that those assets, even though the majority of the beneficial interesthas passed to the securitization vehicle, can still be attached by the originator’screditors, in the event of the originator’s insolvency. That beneficial interest, sinceit constitutes property, will continue to form part of the pool of assets available fordistribution, on insolvency, to the originator’s creditors. Accordingly, the failureof the transfer of assets to satisfy the requirements for a true sale means that,regardless of the fact that the originator does not own or control the securitizationvehicle, the securitization vehicle will not be bankruptcy remote from the originatorand the securitized assets will be pooled with the originator’s assets.The absence of a true sale will also abrogate the very rationale for the securitization.The investors in the securities issued by the securitization vehicle willremain exposed to the credit risk of the originator and, accordingly, will be in nodifferent a position to creditors that have advanced funds directly to the originator.The funds raised by the securitization vehicle (and which are to be passed onto the originator in the form of the purchase price for the securitized assets) willnot be priced on a basis that reflects only the creditworthiness of the securitizedassets, but will also take into account the originator’s creditworthiness. In addition,without a true sale, the originator will not be able to remove the securitizedassets from its balance sheet (and the funds received from the securitization vehiclewill need to be accounted for as a liability rather than an asset on the originator’sbalance sheet). Nor, if the originator is a bank, will it be able to release theregulatory capital held by it against the assets being securitized.The true sale of the securitized assets is thus an integral component of all cashsecuritizations. Care, however, must be taken when structuring the sale to ensurethat not only is the risk of recharacterization avoided or minimized, but also thatthe sale is neutral as regards stamp duty and similar taxation imposts. This is aparticularly onerous matter as regards international securitizations, where thequestions as to the efficacy of the sale and its neutrality must be examined in alljurisdictions in which the securitized assets are located.5.5 True sales and legal assignmentsStamp duty is a document-based impost. Accordingly, while a sale of assets (suchas the assets the subject of a securitization) may constitute a sale of dutiable assets,104

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