1996 Buick Century Owner's Manual

1996 Buick Century Owner's Manual 1996 Buick Century Owner's Manual

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AdcJ Washer 1NOTICE:The windshield washer reservoir is located on thepassenger’s side of the engine compartment.The wagon rear washer fluid comes from the windshieldwasher reservoir.Open the cap labeled WASHER FLUID ONLY. Addwasher fluid until the tank is full.0000When using concentrated washer fluid,follow the manufacturer’s instructions foradding water.Don’t mix water with ready-to-use washerfluid. Water can cause the solution to freezeand damage your washer fluid tank andother parts of the washer system. Also,water doesn’t clean as well as washer fluid.Fill your washer fluid tank onlythree-quarters full when it’s very cold. Thisallows for expansion, which could damagethe tank if it is completely full.Don’t use radiator antifreeze in yourwindshield washer. It can damage yourwasher system and paint.6-28

BrakesBragoes back up. The other reason is that fluid is leaking outof the brake system. If it is, you should have your brakesystem fixed, since a leak means that sooner or later yourbrakes won’t work well, or won’t work at all.So, it isn’t a good idea to “top off’ your brake fluid.Adding brake fluid won’t correct a leak. If you add fluidwhen your linings are worn, then you’ll have too muchfluid when you get new brake linings. You should add(or remove) brake fluid, as necessary, only when work isdone on the brake hydraulic system.Your brake master cylinder reservoir is here. It is filledwith DOT-3 brake fluid.There are only two reasons why the brake fluid level in thereservoir might go down. The first is that the brake fluidgoes down to an acceptable level during normal brakelining wear. When new linings are put in, the fluid levelIf you have too much brake fluid, it can spill on theengine. The fluid will burn if the engine is hotenough. You or others could be burned, and yourvehicle could be damaged. Add brake fluid onlywhen work is done on the brake hydraulic system.When your brake fluid falls to a low level, your brakewarning light will come on. See “Brake System WarningLight” in the Index.

BrakesBragoes back up. The other reason is that fluid is leaking outof the brake system. If it is, you should have your brakesystem fixed, since a leak means that sooner or later yourbrakes won’t work well, or won’t work at all.So, it isn’t a good idea to “top off’ your brake fluid.Adding brake fluid won’t correct a leak. If you add fluidwhen your linings are worn, then you’ll have too muchfluid when you get new brake linings. You should add(or remove) brake fluid, as necessary, only when work isdone on the brake hydraulic system.Your brake master cylinder reservoir is here. It is filledwith DOT-3 brake fluid.There are only two reasons why the brake fluid level in thereservoir might go down. The first is that the brake fluidgoes down to an acceptable level during normal brakelining wear. When new linings are put in, the fluid levelIf you have too much brake fluid, it can spill on theengine. The fluid will burn if the engine is hotenough. You or others could be burned, and yourvehicle could be damaged. Add brake fluid onlywhen work is done on the brake hydraulic system.When your brake fluid falls to a low level, your brakewarning light will come on. See “Brake System WarningLight” in the Index.

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