1996 Buick Century Owner's Manual

1996 Buick Century Owner's Manual 1996 Buick Century Owner's Manual

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eeway Driving-Mile for mile, freeways (also called thruways, parkways,expressways, turnpikes or superhighways) are the safestof all roads. But they have their own special rules.The most important advice on freeway driving is: Keepup with traffic and keep to the right. Drive at the samespeed most of the other drivers are driving. Too-fast ortoo-slow driving breaks a smooth traffic flow. Treat theleft lane on a freeway as a passing lane.At the entrance, there is usually a ramp that leads to thefreeway. If you have a clear view of the freeway as youdrive along the entrance ramp, you should begin tocheck traffic. Try to determine where you expect toblend with the flow. Try to merge into the gap at close tothe prevailing speed. Switch on your turn signal, checkyour mirrors and glance over your shoulder as often asnecessary. Try to blend smoothly with the traffic flow.Once you are on the freeway, adjust your speed to theposted limit or to the prevailing rate if it’s slower. Stayin the right lane unless you want to pass.Before changing lanes, check your mirrors. Then useyour turn signal.Just before you leave the lane, glance quickly over yourshoulder to make sure there isn’t another vehicle in your“blind” spot.4-20

Once you are moving on the freeway, make certain youallow a reasonable following distance. Expect to moveslightly slower at night.When you want to leave the freeway, move to the properlane well in advance. If you miss your exit, do not,under any circumstances, stop and back up. Drive on tothe next exit.The exit ramp can be curved, sometimes quite sharply.The exit speed is usually posted.Reduce your speed according to your speedometer, notto your sense of motion. After driving for any distanceat higher speeds, you may tend to think you are goings1owe.r than you actually are.Before Leaving on a Long TripMake sure you’re ready. Try to be well rested. If youmust start when you’re not fresh -- such as after a day’swork -- don’t plan to make too many miles that first partof the journey. Wear comfortable clothing and shoes youcan easily drive in.Is your vehicle ready for a long trip? If you keep itserviced and maintained, it’s ready to go. If it needsservice, have it done before starting out. Of course,you’ll find experienced and able service experts inBuick dealerships all across North America. They’ll beready and willing to help if you need it.Here are some things you can check before a trip:0 Windshield Wclsher Fluid: Is the reservoir full? Areall windows clean inside and outside?0 Wiper Blades: Are they in good shape?0 Fuel, Engine Oil, Other Fluids: Have you checkedall levels?0 Larnps: Are they all working? Are the lenses clean?0 Tires: They are vitally important to a safe,trouble-free trip. Is the tread good enough forlong-distance driving? Are the tires all inflated to therecommended pressure?0 Weather Forecasts: What’s the weather outlookalong your route? Should you delay your trip a shorttime to avoid a major storm system?0 Maps: Do you have up-to-date maps?4-21

eeway Driving-Mile for mile, freeways (also called thruways, parkways,expressways, turnpikes or superhighways) are the safestof all roads. But they have their own special rules.The most important advice on freeway driving is: Keepup with traffic and keep to the right. Drive at the samespeed most of the other drivers are driving. Too-fast ortoo-slow driving breaks a smooth traffic flow. Treat theleft lane on a freeway as a passing lane.At the entrance, there is usually a ramp that leads to thefreeway. If you have a clear view of the freeway as youdrive along the entrance ramp, you should begin tocheck traffic. Try to determine where you expect toblend with the flow. Try to merge into the gap at close tothe prevailing speed. Switch on your turn signal, checkyour mirrors and glance over your shoulder as often asnecessary. Try to blend smoothly with the traffic flow.Once you are on the freeway, adjust your speed to theposted limit or to the prevailing rate if it’s slower. Stayin the right lane unless you want to pass.Before changing lanes, check your mirrors. Then useyour turn signal.Just before you leave the lane, glance quickly over yourshoulder to make sure there isn’t another vehicle in your“blind” spot.4-20

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