1996 Buick Century Owner's Manual

1996 Buick Century Owner's Manual 1996 Buick Century Owner's Manual

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Driving in Rain and on Wet RoadsRain and wet roads can mean driving trouble. On a wetroad, you can’t stop, accelerate or turn as well becauseyour tire-to-road traction isn’t as good as on dry roads.And, if your tires don’t have much tread left, you’ll geteven less traction. It’s always wise to go slower and becautious if rain starts to fall while you are driving. Thesurface may get wet suddenly when your reflexes aretuned for driving on dry pavement.The heavier the rain, the harder it is to see. Even if yourwindshield wiper blades are in good shape, a heavy raincan make it harder to see road signs and traffic signals,pavement markings, the edge of the road and evenpeople walking.It’s wise to keep your windshield wiping equipment ingood shape and keep your windshield washer tank filledwith washer fluid. Replace your windshield wiperinserts when they show signs of streaking or missingareas on the windshield, or when strips of rubber start toseparate from the inserts.4-16

Wet brakes can cause accidents. They won’t workwell in a quick stop and may cause pulling to oneside. You could lose control of the vehicle.After driving through a large puddle of water ora car wash, apply your brake pedal lightly untilyour brakes work normally.Driving too fast through large water puddles or evengoing through some car washes can cause problems, too.The water may affect your brakes. Try to avoid puddles.But if you can’t, try to slow down before you hit them.HydroplaningHydroplaning is dangerous. So much water can build upunder your tires that they can actually ride on the water.This can happen if the road is wet enough and you’regoing f at enough. When your vehicle is hydroplaning,it has little or no contact with the road.Hydroplaning doesn’t happen often. But it can if yourtires haven’t much tread or if the pressure in one ormore is low. It can happen if a lot of water is standing onthe road. If you can see reflections from trees, telephonepoles or other vehicles, and raindrops “dimple” thewater’s surface, there could be hydroplaning.4-17

Wet brakes can cause accidents. They won’t workwell in a quick stop and may cause pulling to oneside. You could lose control of the vehicle.After driving through a large puddle of water ora car wash, apply your brake pedal lightly untilyour brakes work normally.Driving too fast through large water puddles or evengoing through some car washes can cause problems, too.The water may affect your brakes. Try to avoid puddles.But if you can’t, try to slow down before you hit them.HydroplaningHydroplaning is dangerous. So much water can build upunder your tires that they can actually ride on the water.This can happen if the road is wet enough and you’regoing f at enough. When your vehicle is hydroplaning,it has little or no contact with the road.Hydroplaning doesn’t happen often. But it can if yourtires haven’t much tread or if the pressure in one ormore is low. It can happen if a lot of water is standing onthe road. If you can see reflections from trees, telephonepoles or other vehicles, and raindrops “dimple” thewater’s surface, there could be hydroplaning.4-17

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