Nov 2011 –Jan 2012 - Preview

Nov 2011 –Jan 2012 - Preview

Nov 2011 –Jan 2012 - Preview

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painted by Toni over 30 years, hispersonal letters to Yukiko Onley (all ofwhich include beautiful and poignantdrawings); Jan 19-Feb 11 Alan Fulle,“Illuminated Village”, series of smallermulti-coloured resin towers andselect works from Fulle’s Gem Boxseries and iconic Dots and SuperStripes sculptures/paintings.English Bay Gallery101-1551 Johnston St, Granville Island✆604-688-3006www.EnglishBayGallery.comdaily 10am-6pm. Ongoing YoshiYamamoto, photography; Bill Frampton,painting and photo collage.Equinox Gallery2321 Granville St ✆604-736-2405www.equinoxgallery.comtues-sat 10am-5pm. <strong>Nov</strong> 5-30 GathieFalk: Presence and Absence;Dec 2-24 Sonny Assu: Silenced.Firehall Arts Centre Gallery280 E Cordova St ✆604-689-0691www.firehallartscentre.cawed-sat 1-5pm and before eveningperformances. Thru <strong>Nov</strong> 19 Peace atWar: Service & Sacrifice, photography,images hinting at behind-thescenesstories and the lives of Vancouveritesduring wartime; <strong>Nov</strong> 23-Dec 17 Chris Randle, “response. inProcess: Amber Funk Barton &Dancers”, photography series depictsthe choreographic process by AmberFunk Barton and dancers as they createa new work; Jan-Mar 3 LeonardCohen: Drawings, collection of selfportraitsand other illustrations byCanadian troubadour Leonard Cohen.Framagraphic Framing Gallery1116 W Broadway ✆604-738-0017www.framagraphic.common-fri 9:30am-6pm sat 10am-5pm. Specializing in contemporaryCanadian and international limitededition prints and posters. Worksavailable by Alvar, Boulanger,Clarke, Delacroix, Dojer, Forsythe,Harrison, Hiscock, Isaac, Klar,Lively, McKnight, Munoz, Otsuka,Pradzynski, Michael Robinson,Sugiura, Tickner and Barb Wood.Gallery at Hycroft, UniversityWomen’s Club of Vancouver1489 McRae Ave ✆604-731-4661www.uwcvancouver.caOpening receptions: See GalleryOpenings + Events, public welcome,phone for gallery viewing. <strong>Nov</strong> 3-30Hycroft Members, group show;Nicky de la Roche, jewellery; Dec 1-Jan 4 Tessa Wils and SusannaVitalis; Bonnie Plowman, Silpadajewellery; Jan TBA.Gallery Gachet88 E Cordova St ✆604-687-2468www.gachet.orgwed-sun 12-6pm. Thru <strong>Nov</strong> 13 AtOur Kitchen Table: The 4th AnnualOppenheimer Park Community ArtShow, artists from the communitywith the theme of ‘food’; <strong>Nov</strong> 17-23(opens <strong>Nov</strong> 17 8-10pm) AnimalInfluence: Off-Site, nationally andinternationally recognized mediaartists’ work influenced by the growingwealth of knowledge on animalagency cognition, creativity and consciousness,presented with EmilyCarr University of Art and Design;EMILY CARR UNIVERSITY, 1399 JOHNSTONST <strong>Nov</strong> 17-19 (opens <strong>Nov</strong> 17 6-8pm)Interactive Futures (IF) <strong>2011</strong>,“IF’11: Animal Influence”, exhibitions(Concourse + Gallery Gachet), conferenceperformances and screenings,visit www.interactivefutures.cafor information; Dec 1-Jan 22 GalleryGachet Collective and VolunteerMembers, “Dissolve/Thrive”, artworkthat celebrates and highlights the joyof connection, this project requestsartists to focus on the moments oftheir everyday existence where theyexperience a sublime sentient connectionto the world around them.Gallery Jones1725 W 3rd Ave ✆604-714-2216www.galleryjones.comtues-fri 11am-6pm sat 12-5pm andby appt. <strong>Nov</strong> 5-26 Richard Storms,“New Paintings”, oil and wax on canvaspaintings with the pervasivenessof media-related imagery; Dec 1-Jan21 “International Names”, paintings,sculptures and prints by internationalnames including Bernard Cathelin,Vasarely, Marcus Schaller, MalcolmLiepke, Volti, Henry Moore,Sorel Etrog and Yvaral.Gallery of B.C. Ceramics1359 Cartwright St, Granville Island✆604-669-3606www.galleryofbcceramics.comdaily 10am-6pm. <strong>Nov</strong> 8-Dec 1 WideOpen, travelling exhibition with variousartists showcase experimental48 PREVIEW ■ NOVEMBER/DECEMBER/JANUARY <strong>2011</strong>/12

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